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Board / card game ideas


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My 10 yos feel like they've outgrown Sleeping Queens. It was fun for a long time, but I guess I don't think it would be a great gift for a 9 yo.


Seconding Fluxx.


How about Timeline? We like that a lot. Or Set? Or Quiddler? Or Slamwich? Slamwich is very fast paced.


If you don't have Uno, it is a bit of a classic.

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Our current family favorite is Monopoly Deal (original version)-- it is a card game full of twists and turns... we play with 2 or more players.  Most rounds take under 15 minutes.


Our favorite non card/board game is 'Train' and we use double 15 dominoes... I know without a doubt our older girls will demand to play it Christmas Day when they come to visit!

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How about the latest HedBanz game?  I think it's called Act Up and like charades rather than just guessing based off of asking questions.  My 8yo has it on his Christmas list!


I also second Telestrations.


Forbidden Island is still a huge hit with our youngest.

Labyrinth (Used to be called The aMAZEing Labyrinth) by Ravensburger is a favorite of MINE for this age.  lol

King of Tokyo is fun and different.  Our ds could play it at age 7.

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Here's one my DC are getting for Christmas Morphology ($7.00) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003AJBD2M/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1

From the reviews it's a lot harder then you would imagine so you could get the kids version ($4.00)  http://www.amazon.com/Morphology-Games-Junior/dp/B008BSOUG8/ref=pd_bxgy_t_text_y

I plan to add my own bits and bobs to the "stuff" you create with.  May not be as fast paced as you want though.


We'll also be getting one of the Fluxx games (not sure which.... leaning toward Cthulhu or Zombie.  For a more sensitive or younger child there's also Eco-Fluxx  http://www.amazon.com/Looney-Labs-042LOO-Fluxx-EcoFluxx/dp/1929780567/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418483526&sr=8-1&keywords=eco+fluxx


Munchkin is a great game, costs a bit more but worth it IMO.  It's also fast paced.  What we like is that you can help each other out or work against the other players.  DS is never very helpful so we tend to gang up on him.... he still seems to win most the time.  We got the Munchkin Deluxe that comes with the board but it is not necessary. There are a ton of expansion packs (which we will also be getting a few of for Christmas.)


Since she likes physical games have you thought about Jenga?  Or maybe one of the cranium games?


ETA:  One of my favorite games when I was around that age was Connect 4.  I know simple right?  But I loved it, I'd even play against myself.  

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Bohnanza is a great game. Even my non-gaming sister and (then) 7 year old niece love it. One great thing about it is that you have something to do in every turn, even if it's not your turn. 


Other possibilities: 

Incan Gold

Chateau Rocquefort


The Adventurers


For Sale

Momma Mia


One of the specialty Fluxx (pirate, Monty Python, etc.) can be fun with this age too. My 11 year old loves the randomness of Fluxx and things are always changing, but the games can run long...kind of like War or Crazy 8s...because there is a luck factor in who wins. Also, pick a lighter-hearted Fluxx before doing something like Zombie Fluxx because it's actually harder to win with Creepers in the deck (look or ask to see if the deck includes Creepers before buying).


Party games like Faces (basically Apples to Apples with pictures), Faux-cabulary, Balderdash, Crappy Birthday, or even Dixit (9 is on the edge for being able to play Dixit effectively but it's a fun time when they're developing the ability to verbalize abstract thought and it's cool to watch them) are really fun with this age too.  

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pic wits (from mindware) is a great game too.  It's like Apples to Apples with a bunch of really silly pictures.  (we did remove a few pictures that were sort of questionable, but noting REALLY bad....we just figured with the huge amount a pictures, a few missing wouldn't be that big of a deal.)


Oh, another one we really like is the cooporative game called Forbidden Island.

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Sleeping Queens is wonderful , but I agree that it may be outgrown at 9. We played it heavily between ages 5 and 8 or so and it was a huge family favourite, maybe we just wore it out.


Of the many Gamewright games we own, we thought Moose in the House was quite fun but rather pointless and it hasn't been brought out a lot. Zeus on the Loose has had more staying power and would be fun for a 9yo I think.


Agree also with Forbidden Island, lots of suspense and beautiful artwork. It is my 9yo son's favourite game, along with King of Tokyo. Both of these have a certain amount of rules to learn at first, but are actually quite easy to play once you've learned them. 


But for a 9yo girl, I simply HAVE to recommend Love Letter! http://www.amazon.com/Alderac-Entertainment-Group-5104AEG-Letter/dp/B00AGJ4HC2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418514544&sr=8-1&keywords=love+letter. Very cheap, small, quick, easy and fun bluffing/deduction game, my 6yo daughter loves it as do I. And my 9yo son will happily play it too, although he prefers slightly more complex games.

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Not at all only a girl game, possibly the packaging at first glance, but not the actual game play. There are 8 characters (guard, priest, baron, handmaid, prince, king, countess, princess) and they each have different powers which means that you need different tactics depending on which 2 cards you have to choose from and which cards you think that your opponents might have. 


I think that the reason my dd loves it while my ds likes it is that she is actually slightly better at it. She is more of an intuitive/tactical/bluffing/push your luck type "gamer", whereas he is more of a strategic thinker which isn't necessarily rewarded in this game. So it's a personality thing I would say. But that said, he does enjoy it too.

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Our current family favorite is Monopoly Deal (original version)-- it is a card game full of twists and turns... we play with 2 or more players. Most rounds take under 15 minutes.


Our favorite non card/board game is 'Train' and we use double 15 dominoes... I know without a doubt our older girls will demand to play it Christmas Day when they come to visit!

Monopoly deal is totally our favorite game too! Not sure a 9 yo would love it though. We play with adults. Teens would enjoy it as well, but there are no teens in our family.

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