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I need some fashion advice


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I would. It is a bit hard to tell from the pic how long they are though. Depends on skirt and boot style. If you have biggish legs and a just above knee straight skirt the knee showing can be pretty unflattering. But I have seen similar style boots with a fullish knee length skirt look great.


Edited because autocorrect made it all make no sense at all.

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Yeah, I just get the home page for Payless when I click on the link on my iPad.


Edited to say I just tried it again and it worked! ?????


They're cute, but they look more like something you'd wear with skinny pants to me. But I'm no fashion maven.


One of the reviewers says she wears them with skirts and dresses.

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the skirt is a pencil skirt....and there is a little knee showing (but she will wear tights).  My dd is small, petite girl....the boots are a little bunchy on top, but we couldn't find any (under $70) boots that were tighter on top.   here is the link to the top she is wearing with the black skirt and boots...http://www.shopko.com/product/entity/72759.uts


what do you all think??

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I always try to wear skirts with boots, with a little calf and knee showing and feel like I look ridiculous and change--


BUT everyone else is doing it :) and I"m kind of tall and leery of anything that makes me look like my clothes are too short.


On a petite young lady, it will probably look cute.  Unless the boots are too bunchy--that's my only concern.  They are a little bulky around the top, and if they don't fit right, it might look a little off--



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