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In emergency room for concussion for ds


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Just did the ct and he did great. He stayed so still. I feel really horrible that I just now brought him in. We were at a bounce house and he was running and fell. Just on the floor. He didn't bounce on to the floor or anything. I didn't see it happen. He was laying on the floor crying when I found him (he was playing with other kids and I was following ds2). He said he fell asleep and he didn't know what happened. He has a small mark on his head where he says it hurts. It really seems like nothing and I hate that he had to have the scan. On the other hand, he doesn't remember it at all, his head hurts, and he has thrown up a few times. But really, my kids have had much more spectacular falls and head bumps.

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Just did the ct and he did great. He stayed so still. I feel really horrible that I just now brought him in. We were at a bounce house and he was running and fell. Just on the floor. He didn't bounce on to the floor or anything. I didn't see it happen. He was laying on the floor crying when I found him (he was playing with other kids and I was following ds2). He said he fell asleep and he didn't know what happened. He has a small mark on his head where he says it hurts. It really seems like nothing and I hate that he had to have the scan. On the other hand, he doesn't remember it at all, his head hurts, and he has thrown up a few times. But really, my kids have had much more spectacular falls and head bumps.

Sounds more like he may have passed out and fell down. Scary.....keep us posted.

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Gosh, I am sorry! :grouphug:


If they don't give specific instructions on brain rest, then we can give more information. Basically no screens, tv, that sort of thing, but you don't need to worry about it tonight.

I am worried about that. Brain rest, while I know it is important, sounds terrible.

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I am worried about that. Brain rest, while I know it is important, sounds terrible.


Follow the instructions to the letter. Otherwise, the recovery is longer and sometimes there are personality changes, processing deficits, and short term memory loss. Concussions have been found to be ore serious than the previously thought.

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Hope you are getting answers! So sorry he was hurt.



Bit of advice based upon past experience.....Either before you leave the hospital tonight, or in the next few days, get a copy of the Ct scan or any test performed because you never know if you will need it one day and the hospital only keeps them on file so long. It is just safer to have it in your possession.



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My understanding is that a CT scan is one thing used in diagnosing a seizure disorder as well.  So if they don't see signs of a concussion with the CT scan, they could potentially see something that could indicate a seizure occurred.  

 A CT can pick up an underlying structural issue that may cause a seizure- a tumor or a lesion, ect. Most people with seizures have clear CT scans. An EEG would be more appropriate to help examine seizure disorder possibilities. 

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I'm so sorry he was injured - but please don't blame yourself for not rushing him straight to the ER. Once you realized there was a problem, you knew what to do and you took him right in.


I hope he feels better soon -- and I agree with Zoobie that it would be helpful to see if there was video surveillance, because although he probably just slipped and fell, it would be best to know for sure. Did any of the other kids see it happen?

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We got home. Everything looked good on the scan. They just said he likely had a concussion/post concussion syndrome. It is just so weird because I don't even see how he hit his head that hard or see a bump. It seemed a little bit like the dr didn't really believe the story. But, I don't know if he thought we were lying or if he just thought no one really knows what happened because no one saw it.


I went from feeling guilty it took me so long to take him in, to now thinking I probably didn't need to take him. However, there is no way I would have slept tonight after he threw up.


Thanks for all the help. Hopefully I will be able to keep him resting tomorrow.

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You did the right thing. Monitor him. Follow their instructions. Is it possible that he fainted and has a stomach virus?

I feel like anything is possible, since no one saw what happened and he still says he doesn't remember it. At this point I am not that worried about him. He probably has a concussion. I am just surprised that a fall from running could cause one. The paperwork the hospital gave did list the most common causes of concussions and "normal daily activities" was one. I guess running counts.

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I feel terrible, but I really don't know. I didn't see it and he says he has no idea what happened. He has never had a seizure before.


:grouphug: Don't feel terrible. You weren't there to see! I didn't see my son's concussion fall either. He lost consciousness after the fall, and couldn't remember it at all. He kept saying "what happened to me? and why can't I see right? My eyes aren't working." His brother was with him at the time, but didn't know for sure what happened either, other than he fell while they were playing. In our living room! I think he might have tripped, and maybe he hit his head on the edge of the couch.  He still doesn't remember a thing. He definitely had a concussion


My son also got a head CT because of continued vomiting. I took him to the pediatrician. They took him to the ER from their office. I think you did the right thing in bringing him in.


The brain rest was hard. After the first day he was bored and wanted to "do".  I just did the best I could to keep him subdued, especially mentally. We didn't do any academics until he had no symptoms. Recurring headaches was the last thing to resolve. :grouphug:

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Don't let ER doctors who think that everyone's story is suspect make you second guess yourself.  You did the right thing.  Just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen just like he said. Why else would he be throwing up?


We had a kid in our co-op fall and bang the back of his head and only one monitor saw it.  He himself didn't even remember that it happened.  Luckily the monitor told the mom.  Later that afternoon he started having problems and they took him to the ER where they diagnosed concussion.  


We all know now that concussion are worse than we thought.  So take it seriously - like you are - and make sure you follow up with his doctor tomorrow in case they want to see him.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


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Ohhh, I am so over bumps to the head!!! Been through so many with my dc. They freak me out! I think I have developed a phobia after my ds had a real bad one at the age of two and stopped breathing.....I felt his life draining away.... turned blue etc..... Just horrible!



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No real advice here other than I survived a concussion when I was nine back when they didn't really suggest much to overcome it.  If I have personality issues, feel free to blame it on that.  ;)


I'm glad your guy seems ok at this point.  It's really scary when something happens to our kids and we're never really sure if we're making the correct decisions or not.  I, personally, think you did.  I dismissed my youngest's first two seizures (at 16) thinking they were nothing except nerves or tiredness or aspie related.  Yeah, that was a wrong decision.  I only discovered that when I, personally, saw his third one when he was in the school nurse's office...  His first one occurred when he was on a class trip in Paris.  Looking back, my first CLUE should have been when his teacher called me late at night from overseas... asking what I wanted her to do for him.  I've since apologized to her more than once!  I like to think I've learned a little bit since then, but honestly?  Every situation is different and it's difficult to know "on the spot" especially when you haven't seen what went on.


May his recovery go well!

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