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So there's a smartwatch that can predict seizures!!


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Guys, this is so cool and exciting. My daughter (DD2, 7 years old) has epilepsy and it's not under control with medications. This is so neat and looks like it would provide a ton of peace of mind!


I know that there are other seizures moms on the boards, so check this out!



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That looks amazing. Do you know how it detects the seizures? Is it just the movement? I'm just wondering how it would detect an absence seizure? My nephew has epilepsy. I passed this info onto my sister. I hope it can help her and all of you seizure moms! My prayers are with all of you!

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Super interesting.  I wonder how soon in advance of a seizure it can detect it coming.  And if it picks up other brain anomalies too.  We have epilepsy and epilepsy-related stuff in our family.


A couple minutes before my sister has a seizure, she gets a strong metallic taste in her mouth.  I wonder if it picks up on things like that.

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I can't wait to see what they pull together. :)


https://amiigo.com/ is interesting because they integrate a pulse oximeter. It would be so useful where I work to have one that stays on the wrist instead of being awkward and in the way on a finger.


I want something that tracks heart rate because I tend towards asymptomatic bradycardia and am curious to know how bad it actually is.

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OOooh, I do love the addition of the pulseox!! It looks like they're working on making the Embrace monitor pulse, I wonder if they're working on pulse ox, too? For us the biggest thing is catching seizures when a parent isn't right there. :)


I am SO GLAD that tech is starting to come up with things to help keep people safe!

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I am also really intrigued by this, "Also, separately, there are articles showing that biofeedback using skin conductance is cutting seizure frequency almost in half for many people. This is another way to use Embrace that may help people who have complex partial or other nonconvulsive seizures."

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