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Have you ever wanted to be in charge of something to make it run right


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This really is just a rant as nothing can fix the situation. I have a child with significant speech issues who has one hour of speech therapy in nearly two months, because of crazy issues with the provider.


We missed a week back in September. The next week, the scheduler called to cancel that day's appointment since the therapist had called in sick. 


The next week we went to therapy only to find out the therapist wasn't there, and they forgot to call us. The exact same thing happened the next week. The scheduler suggested trying a different day/therapist since that therapist obviously had an issue with the time. I agreed, but there was only one time available that I could make work. 


The next week we went at the new time, and the therapist was nearly 30 minutes late to a one hour appointment. So, the therapist only worked with my child for 30 minutes. The scheduler said the therapist would like to meet with my child for twice a week for 30 minutes each time. This is an older child, so there is no tiring issue. I said no. The next week the therapist was late again, so the appointment was short. It turns out the therapist cannot get there at the start time my child was given. 


When I tried to schedule the next week's appointment, the scheduler told me they were moving the next week and would call to schedule the week after once they were in the new building.


That week came and went, so I called to schedule for this week. I was told the move was taking longer than expected and that they don't have the schedule ready. They are expanding the practice. 


I just don't get it.

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I joined 4-H Council for our county, and will probably eventually end up on at the state level in order to straighten out some problems, and I'm not the only leader/superintendent that did this year. There were some issues that the long standing council had dragged its collective on for far too long, negatively affecting the program and the kids.


I am not happy with the work load and have no intention of doing this for more than three year. When my youngest graduates high school, we will run a limited club and mostly do superintendent stuff...definitely I will drop council. But, for now, I endure in order to make things better.

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Your title made me laugh....it is the story of over-committing in my life....I get so frustrated with something I take it on just so it can be done properly.  I now have a magnet that says,  "Sorry, Darling!  I've resigned as general manager of the universe!"


Sorry for your issues!



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Who is in charge of the practice? It's not the scheduler. It's definitely time to go above his or her head. Or just quit that practice. We haven't had that many snafus in 3 years of SLP services. You have every reason to be pissed off.

I agree. Do you have another practice available to you? Even if its one slightly farther away, being able to actually see a therapist that takes his job seriously and shows up to his appointments would make it worth it. How frustrating for you (and your ds)! I'm sorry

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I am sorry for the hassles you are going through. I hope you can get things ironed out.


Your title made me laugh, too. I often want to run things but I confess it isn't because that would be the RIGHT way....it would simply make it MY way!


As someone who used to consult on organizational structure issues and set up administration processes, I find it a challenge to not be frustrated by inefficiency and not want to step in and "fix" things.

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I prefer taking over in almost all situations.


I don't actually tend to play well with others if they're in charge and will often take my dolls and go home rather than putting up with it.


I play very well with peers - just not with others in charge.  A good team is ideal.


I would NOT make a good prison inmate... nor would I have survived (literally) in countries (or families) where girls/women can't do much.

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