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Accountability Thread Nov 2-9th

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Trying to muster the rest of my enthusiasm to finish this term strong. Finally today I'm feeling better, thank goodness. I plan on making some copies for the the rest of BA today and deciding what chapters to read aloud for history, we took a bit of a detour to look at slavery more so I need to decide what I want to cover. Perhaps if I get that done today I'll post my revised goals to update. I've already changed my sig as I'm tentatively working on our plans for our next term. I am hoping to start our nature studies this week and am planning on doing some printing today to get our books ready. 

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Note to self:  Your about to turn 12 year old is not a college student.  She does not have the same 20+ years of adult learning and knowledge that you do.  Therefor, you cannot expect her to learn from (and be excited about) the same learning resources that your are.  Write a lesson plan for a 12 year old, not for yourself, already!!!


So, I will spend this week revamping science plans.  I realize that the TC lectures and some of the adult trade books I had chosen are just going to go right over Shannon's head.  And not be nearly as interesting to her now as they might be in a couple of years . . . so I'm writing a study guide for Dr. Art's Guide to Science, and we'll try to keep things on her level, building up knowledge so that some day soon she *can* appreciate all the cool stuff that I really wish we were studying!   Sigh. 


Other than that, I'm kind of having an anti-accountability week, at least in the way I tend to interpret the term.  Tomorrow is her birthday, so no school, and then on Wednesday we are going to do a workday at a local nature preserve that we visit frequently.  And play rehearsal starts this week.  So not much "school" will happen, but it should be a good week!  This weekend we are going to Stanford Splash which should be a lot of fun.  Elvish writing? Dragon Taming? Maybe this will give me ideas of how to make school a little bit more fun.

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Chrysalis Academy- Sounds like a good week to give yourself a reboot. Hope you have fun.


mama27- LOL, hope it goes well, perhaps this will be just the right time.


We started extra early here as we have a robotics meeting here in 10 min. We busted butt and got through everything on my list except 1 chapter of science, which we could have done except we would have gave up cleaning up or taking a break and since we busted it all out without breaks I was inclined to let it go :)


Ds has been doing awesome with BA and really tearing through pages. I told him that my goal was to finish 4B this week and then any extra math time would be just math games (as I have scheduled 1 hr a day at least although we've been doing at least 1.5 lately). It is looking like we will finish it tomorrow at the rate we are going. I don't know if it is good or bad to realize that he is better at me at the logic games. I don't know if it is just the way his brain is wired differently or my lack of patience or both but when we were doing the starred problems today he mentioned how I might have to help him and he figured it out before me. I love finding those things he does well at, thus why we're doing so much lately. More logic at my house!


I decided to go back to TC for writing. We enjoy Narrative 2 but I think he could use more work in TC . We went through 2 lessons quite easily though, so it is still looking like we'll get through all of TC and N2 this year.


Dd had an easy day for math and had a great attitude, well after we got over our morning grumpiness. We are all enjoying our Scientist in the Field books, they are making great group read alouds and it is so nice to have something for them all together. 


I decided to just have ds finish up his William Penn book for history and we'll start back at the revolution, we got a bit out of sync but that's ok. 


Sigh, need to get off here I have company due any minute but I'm sure enjoying a bit of quiet, probably all I'm going to get today!!!

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Hey, I finally have internet again! We'll see for how long. 


Today is day 5 of integrated language arts, and boy is it fun! And a lot of work. The boys were determined to Hate today's lesson on plot, on the principle of it being Monday when all things must be hated, but it ended up being a good lesson, and I think it got them thinking about story writing and in the broader sense, why life and fiction are very different things. My very creative writer really bucked and snorted when asked to answer the five plot questions. He is going to be a character driven writer, who finds that his first draft really goes all over the place. 

But it is going well. They are enjoying being able to pick their own spelling words, they are having to do the work when it comes to vocabulary (they don't like that one bit, but it's good for them!), it's good for me to have to illustrate grammar lessons with sentences from their work and from the selection I choose weekly. I love being able to pick a writing topic and have to find things to illustrate that point. It's about as far from open and go as you can get and I like it. 

Everything else is going pretty well this week, and finished well last week too. We've sort of hit our stride with the basic history and science format that works for us, and I'm planning on how to augment that with more discussion once they get used to the idea. Right now they are still kind of baby bird like in the accumulation of facts, and I'm gradually trying to move them in the direction of more thinking and less regurgitation. It's slow going.

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Pretty good day for us. I had planned to spend two days on Plot, but the boys seemed to have the grasp of the concept, so we went to setting today. I was exactly planning on it, but it turned out I'd chosen a good book to play with setting, so we dug out the setting for this particular selection, and I actually got a "this is fun, Mom!" after they whined about taking notes on story components.  :laugh:

Latin goes well, Math went pretty well, but improper fractions are going to be a little bit of a pain. Spelling is really going very well since I have been letting the boys pick their own words. They continue to pick things that are challenging and interesting, which is helping take care of vocabulary study. Grammar is a little challenging right now, but they seem to be getting the idea of transitive and intransitive verbs, and we move into the familiar territory of predicate adjectives and nominatives tomorrow after wallowing around in active/passive voice and complements/incomplete and complete predictions. 

Last thing today is to cover today will be history and science. Right now I'm kind of in a holding pattern of having them take the text, and find five important or interesting things. That has seemed to go over pretty well for the time being.

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Rough day....allergy central.  Rain, pollen and mold.  UGH.  Took a NyQuil/Zyrtec in prep for the allergy onslaught last night and fought the NyQuil fuzzies ALL DAY LONG since NyQuil seems to affect me for up to 14 hours.  We got through the basics only....spelling, grammar/writing, math.  Tomorrow is an early day.....but baby is still awake.......nice, maybe we'll skip his daycare and sleep in some.



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Well all my best laid plans for the week were thrown out the window yesterday when my younger started feeling quite sick.  When I asked him what was wrong, he fessed up that he had basically only eaten 1 piece of toast and half a hamburger during the entire day.  The rest of his calories?  Candy!  No fruit, no vegis, no milk, no nuts, no anything healthy.  Nada.  Ah... Halloween how I love you.


Today, we started on a nutrition unit that will run until the end of the week. 




Ruth in NZ

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lewelma- LOL- well at least its nothing serious.


Stefanie- hope you're better soon, Nyquil knocks me out!


Ok day yesterday. Today is going to be weird b/c I have to run some errands at lunch time, which where I live is going to knock at least an hour out of the day but the timing cannot be helped. Then tomorrow afternoon we've got to go do our presentation, which was supposed to be a robotics free day. We're almost done, almost done, 2 more days of schooling and then when we come back from break we'll be done (unless by a fluke we advance and theoretically I'll be so happy that having more craziness won't bother me!). 


I went ahead and ordered the next level of BA. I'm finally feeling settled with math, its funny how sometimes I just need a re-frame in attitude. I'm feeling much better with BA especially as the production schedule is supposed to be increasing (and I'm optimistic), it looks like we will be able to use it through until pre/Algebra. This next session our primary math will be Time Travel Math, which is another book that has them work on math through a story. I read through it this weekend and I think he will find it enjoyable and it his upon some things we've not done yet.


 I'm anxious to finish this week so I can finalize my upcoming plans (and get through all this busyness). Although, I'm frustrated that the next level of LoE is STILL not out. Dd is finishing up her second go round of Level C, now she needed the practice but we're both ready to move on to something new. We're going to be doing some astronomy and I'm been looking forward to it, I've had Cosmos in my queue ds and I love Neil DeGrasse Tyson! I need to give ds more of a challenge with grammar but I haven't had time to think about that much yet. Now that ds' brain is working again he has flown through the TC lessons. It is a bit on the easy side but good practice for someone who needs help with organization.


Oh, I got in an iPad today(used) It is a group Christmas present for the kids and I'm stoked about all the education stuff I can do with it. 

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Thanks Soror, I did actually feel better today.  Its usually the first 24 hours before rain that kills me and then once it starts things die down.  But, I was exhausted today, so again we only did basics:  spelling, grammar/writing, math.   I was yawning through most of math, so we just focused on facts.


The up side, baby is tired so he should go to bed early tonight....so I'll be in bed early too.



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Well, I am flat wore out tonight. I just finished typing all sixteen pages of one of my son's stories so that he can share it with those of us who can't quite decode his writing at times. It's called The Terrifying Hex Monsters, so I will leave it up to ya'll to decide whether that's exactly high quality stuff to spend an evening typing. :rolleyes: But he's all grins from ear to ear over how neat and pretty the typing looks on the clean page "A real book, Mom!" so it's worth it. Now to go ice my elbows.

I'm shaking in my boots over the next one by the other son. It's longer, and it's called Vampire at the Laurensens so I get to do this again! Whee! Maybe if I steal his notebook at night and do five pages a night..

Well, they come by it honestly. I'm a ten to twelve pager a day myself.


The rest of the day went pretty well. Had some whining, a good bit of it today about Latin, Math and Grammar. We've had a full two days of rain, and rain heavy and cold enough to not be inviting in any way. I'm hoping for a bit of sunshine tomorrow and some time for the boys to get out and get some running and biking in. They have a camping trip this weekend, so that's something to look forward to.


The language arts integration is going pretty well for us. The boys are still detesting the fact that I make them use the dictionary, but both are getting much better at it, and have their own distinct preferences in the way of dictionaries. Today we briefly covered theme in fiction writing, and I was pleased to see that in The Terrifying Hex Monsters the ideas of character, plot, setting and theme were carefully adhered to. Even if punctuation, capitalization and spelling sort of took a back seat. :D

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Looks like they are following in your footsteps with their writing. I don't think ds has wrote that much in his life, he's pretty averse to writing.  


 Despite our whacky schedule due to FLL ds has finished his math and writing for the week and dd has done her phonics lessons, dd is working on her math right now and just has reading to do after that. Today ds has a history book to finish reading, spelling and grammar. Otherwise I will be doing read-alouds and we'll be watching The Lion, the Witch and Wardrobe to wrap up our study of it. Oh, and I've had a stack of art projects that I'm wanting to get to.


I'm so ready for a break, our schedule is only due to get more wonky this last week. Our team presented for the first time last night to a group of public school teachers and administrators, and they did a great job. It is so neat to see them do so well. I'm so proud  :thumbup1: It has been an awesome experience.



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Ugh....today is already off track with extra chores to fix something.  I have to spend the whole morning airing out the baby's room and fixing the laundry.  I'll probably have to completely toss his bedding too because it all reeks of that E-cigarette stuff and it is setting off my allergies bad.  Thanks "guests" who lied and blamed my cat.


Grocery shopping is going to cut into school time today....





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Ugh....today is already off track with extra chores to fix something. I have to spend the whole morning airing out the baby's room and fixing the laundry. I'll probably have to completely toss his bedding too because it all reeks of that E-cigarette stuff and it is setting off my allergies bad. Thanks "guests" who lied and blamed my cat.


Grocery shopping is going to cut into school time today....



Stefanie, I'm so sorry about your allergies and that your guest was so incredibly rude.

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I've got to get some shopping done today as well. It's pretty unusual for me to go during the week, but the boys are camping this weekend and will need a few things for their trip. One picked up poison ivy the last time we were out there, so yeah...

But the school day is going pretty well. Good scores on the Latin quiz, math isn't inciting riots, spelling will be a test, grammar review and it's free writing day. So I'll have time to get my list made, and for the right price (s'more fixings :D ) I don't think I'll even get complaints about heading to the store after library time. Nothing like a camping trip to improve the end of the week mood for us.

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Stefanie, I'm so sorry about your allergies and that your guest was so incredibly rude.


I could handle the rudeness of them "smoking" in my home.....I can't handle the lie.  I know it was a lie, because the lie just isn't possible/believable (the cat was not in his room at all yesterday), but because I was tired last night I didn't investigate the lie more thoroughly and everything, even the baby this morning, reeked.  At least my husband agrees with me that the smell isn't cat and it isn't mildew from the washer, which is huge, because he maligns my cat a lot.  I'm really hoping a vinegar soak will take the smell out so I don't have to buy new bedding today.  And I'm equally furious that my husband doesn't intend to say anything, just sweep it under the rug by cleaning/replacing the bedding.



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I could handle the rudeness of them "smoking" in my home.....I can't handle the lie. I know it was a lie, because the lie just isn't possible/believable (the cat was not in his room at all yesterday), but because I was tired last night I didn't investigate the lie more thoroughly and everything, even the baby this morning, reeked. At least my husband agrees with me that the smell isn't cat and it isn't mildew from the washer, which is huge, because he maligns my cat a lot. I'm really hoping a vinegar soak will take the smell out so I don't have to buy new bedding today. And I'm equally furious that my husband doesn't intend to say anything, just sweep it under the rug by cleaning/replacing the bedding.



Stefanie if at all possible hang the bedding out for a bit and that should help get the smell out. I don't know if that would aggrivate your allergies more though.

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Stefanie if at all possible hang the bedding out for a bit and that should help get the smell out. I don't know if that would aggrivate your allergies more though.


Its not....cold, generally damp from rain yesterday and fairly cloudy.  It needs to be completely rewashed at a minimum.  I threw it in the drier last night because the blanket was wet and it came out smelling stronger.  Again, I was tired and didn't connect the dots, but I think they spilled the liquid nicotine on it.  I smells just like the vapor that comes off of their e-cigarette.



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Stefanie- I'd be livid about that, ick, allergies or not.


mama25- hopefully next week it all comes easier :) before too much grief!


critterfixer- have fun on the campout! We're done with ours here until spring, well family ones anyway, ds has some with Scouts coming up.


The day is finished, it wasn't the best attitude wise (mine I mean). I'm grumpy today, stupid hormones. Now to get off my butt to get to ds' FLL presentation. I've been enjoying some free time musing about schedules and reading old threads on here, so much inspiration.

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No school today.  Its now 5 am and I still haven't gotten to sleep....not for lack of trying.  Baby has essentially been awake and crying since 11 pm.  I'm really just kind of hacked off at him right now.  Since I've decided to just give up on sleeping and have come out into the living room and opened his door so he can come out he's decided he's going to stop crying and watch the tv in his room that I've left on the last 4 hours....but as soon as I turn the lights off and try to lie down he's back to screaming.


It isn't night terrors and I tried feeding him 3 hours ago and he refused that too.


And now my 6 year old is up, and she slept all night, so I'm not getting any sleep for another 8 hours...



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Going in for nap 2.  This morning I finally got the baby calm and almost asleep.....and he started vomiting.  Poor thing was so tired he didn't even try to move out of it.  Warm bath and he went right out.....and I went down with him and just let the 6 year old watch tv and destroy the house.  Up again at 10 with more crying and vomiting....and back down again.  Now DH is taking the kids out for errands while I take another nap.  The baby isn't crying, seems to be happy and cheerful, but he hasn't exactly eaten anything since yesterday evening. 



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Well, shoot. I feel kind of bad for having a good day! It's a usually a work day for me, but I took off to take the boys up to Deer Camp for a weekend of male bonding and probably way too much bacon and candy. 

On the way up (beautiful cool day with lots of sunshine and fall colors) we had the most awesome discussion on how to build characters in a story, and how characteristics can both enhance enjoyment of the story and provide the stuff that plot is made of. So much for me swearing to leave education out of today! (Read-we forgot the audio-books)

Anyway, I'm back, because I have to go to work in the morning. I've got a weekend of work, cooking, writing and probably listening to REM cranked way up. Great day here! 


Stefanie, hope your little one gets to feeling better. At least you now know why he wasn't hungry or sleepy last night!

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