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I'm so excited! The Dr. says there's something wrong with me!

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And no, it isn't something wrong with my head! I have been going to Drs. for years trying to get more of a diagnosis than fibromyalgia. Something treatable. Finally I gave up and have been treating myself - with the help of the hive. I've put myself on Omega 3's and noticed an improvement in my hair. I've put myself on iron and noticed an improvement in my cycle and energy level. I've put myself on a Vitamin B complex and noticed an improvement in my brain function. But then I've been at an impasse - able to function better than last fall when my health was really, really bad but not really seeing how we could do school full-time this year when my body seems to poop out after about an hour of work. So I broke down and went to another doctor - a naturopath this time that my neighbor (who recommended her) insisted wouldn't try to heal me with crystals and powdered bat-wing. Woo-hoo! She called this morning. My blood tests show a thyroid problem (my previous doctor would only do a cursory thyroid test- the naturopath did 3 different thyroid tests) - my thyroid levels are too low. And I have a vitamin D deficiency. Not all my test results are in. But I'm ecstatic - now we finally have something to treat! If you have any advice for someone with hypothyroidism and a vitamin D deficiency I'm open to it. I have to wait until Sept. 9 to go in and talk about treatment.

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Oh Jean! I am so happy to hear of progress! I have a couple of very close friends that have fibromyalgia. It is so hard to watch them be so miserable and the doctors always unable to help.


I hope that this is the beginning of much healthier, energized, pain-free days for you.


Rejoicing with you!!!!

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So, I have a question about your thyroid testing. Did she do more testing than the average thyroid testing? I've heard there is "the thyroid test" and then there are more specific ones that most doctors won't do. I'm guessing that's what she did?


I have fibromyalgia as well, but like you, I always wonder "what else" is wrong and could it be treated. I have a friend who just went through the whole thyroid thing as well and found out when she had further testing she did have a problem.


What specific tests did the naturopath run? What will you be taking for it?


I'm glad you were able to find something! I am thinking more and more of going the naturopath route as well.

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So, I have a question about your thyroid testing. Did she do more testing than the average thyroid testing? I've heard there is "the thyroid test" and then there are more specific ones that most doctors won't do. I'm guessing that's what she did?


T-3 and T-4 levels have to be specifically asked for. When they did my tests for hyperT they took 3 vials for testing.


Jean, I'm glad you finally found something to work with. I've got hyperT instead of hypoT so I've got pretty much the exact opposite. I do have some experience with the other end of the spectrum because before my meds were regulated they would throw me over into hypo territory. It wasn't fun. No energy.


Once you get meds and the dosage regulated things should brighten up for you rather quickly.

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Jean, I have a friend, my best friend since high school, actually, who had a condition they thought was fibromyalgia, wasn't, they tested for two years, couldn't figure it out, gave up. She finally went to a naturopath who did the same thing--the reg doc wouldn't even test on her thyroid--the naturopath did, and found she had Hashimoto's, and she is on the path to recovery.


I hope this works out for you! Best of luck!

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I KNOW how you feel. :grouphug: I was just diagnosed hypothyroid yesterday. I've been feeling rotten for months and thought it was allergy related. In July an ENT discovered my thyroid was enlarged. My doctor did blood work and found out I was hypothyroid. It is a relief to know there is a reason for how bad you feel and hope that you can get better. I'm very happy for you.:)

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That really is wonderful news! I know exactly what you mean! People couldn't understand why I was ecstatic to find out I had diabetes -- but after feeling horrible for 15 years, while being told everything was fine, it was great to finally figure out what was wrong and learn what to do about it!


Good luck and I hope the new information, and your new program, help make you feel much, much better!!

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Same here. They kept saying it was depression and "lot's of happy pills for you" was the line I received. I finally went to see a doc (MD who specializes in natural approaches to endocrine problems.) He did a full panel thyroid test (TSH, T3, T4, antibodies) and found out I have Hashimoto's. I have probably had it for years, but since my TSH came out as "normal" nobody looked further (even though I had a goiter - go figure.) But, the years of suffering undiagnosed did a number on my adrenals. That takes longer to deal with. I look forward to the day when I can wake up and be consistently clear headed and organized.

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That's great that you've found the problem. Usually fibromyalgia is a sign of hypothyrodism. The term didn't even come into existence for some time because there are just some doctors out there that don't test for the proper things , that don't read the levels right , and sometimes hypothyroidism can be underlying in the pituitary gland and can hide there. So hence the term fibromyalgia was born which is a term for " uhh, I don't know nothing's showing up in the blood work."

There is alot to learn and your going to find out that there aren't alot of doctors out there that know how to help patients regulate their thyroid either. You need to find a REALLY good endocrinologist now . Most doctors will go by what the labs say but one number can be great for one person and another number can be horrible for another. A good endocrinologist will listen to you and go by your symtoms and not just your blood work.

The best medication out there that I've been reading about is Armour Natural Thyroid Medication( I think that's what its called). This gives your thyroid all of stuff it really needs. Synthroid and the other artifical thyroid medicines only target T3 and T4. And you can start out great on the stuff but then go hypo again very quickly.


I know I've been taking synthryoid for years and I know I'm hypo again even though my blood work isn't showing it. I've gained tons of weight again my face is round, constipation again you name it. Yet my doctors keep going with what my blood work show.


I don't want to sound like a Negative Nan. Be happy that you've found the problem but you really have a long road ahead of you still. There needs to be more studies, more research done and more qualified doctors out there that can properly treat hypothyrodism. They need to go by symptoms and not blood work.

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There is alot to learn and your going to find out that there aren't alot of doctors out there that know how to help patients regulate their thyroid either. You need to find a REALLY good endocrinologist now . Most doctors will go by what the labs say but one number can be great for one person and another number can be horrible for another. A good endocrinologist will listen to you and go by your symtoms and not just your blood work.


:iagree: I walked out of an endo's office last year after listening to an hour of, "most people..." Every time I opened my mouth to tell him about how I felt on the inside (symptoms) he cut me off and started with the, "Most people..." He actually had the nerve to tell me that most people like the way they feel when they are hyper.


I couldn't believe that one. Because when I'm off my meds for more than a week I can't eat enough to keep my blood sugar up enough to get from the couch to the bathroom.

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Thank you for the information on hypothyroidism. My appointment on Sept 9 will hopefully be more informative. I have really liked this doctor (the one time I saw her!) because she really, really listened to me. And then she ordered sensible tests based on what I had actually said. So I'm hoping that her treatment style will be similar. Ethel - I'm waiting to get back my adrenal tests. Actually there are a number of tests that I'm still waiting for results from but I think the Dr. should have those in by the time my appointment rolls around. TracyR, I don't mind hearing the "real scoop" on treatment for hypothyroidism. I'd rather go into this with a realistic expectation of needing time to tweak things etc. than to expect to take one pill when I go in and be all better! But since I've been dealing with these symptoms for 15 years I'm just excited to have something to treat. Can you believe that this is my 6th time getting my thyroid tested but the first time a Dr. would agree to test T3 and T4?!

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