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Logos Latin


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I haven't used Logos, but if Prima bores your 8 year old I agree that you could jump up to Latina Christiana as it moves at a faster pace. However, it is the same layout as Prima so if your son didn't like the layout of Prima he may not like LC. I have one child who loves the format of MP Latin and another who hates it!

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Thanks - I'll check out LC again. He doesn't hate the PL format but he kind of hates the wkbk activities (which aren't so bad imo - straightforward vocab most of the time.) I also think the problem may be sharing w/ younger dd who moves slower. I think he needs his own program. LOGOS just looks so fun. I wonder why nobody uses it? I couldn't even find 1 used listing on HS classifieds or any old threads here where people really talk about it. huh.

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I found it on Christian Book and then researched it here - all I could find were a couple of old threads where people said "we use it and like it" - with no other details. It has all the same components as MP Latin (video, cards, wkbk etc...) It seems rigorous and the exercises looked (slightly) less tedious? I don't really know. I checked out Latin for Children, Lively and some others too and this looked the best to me.... but nobody is using it. Weird. Here's the link to the Logos Press page with the sample video.... I do admit that those kids look like they should maybe get out a bit more :) but otherwise it seems like an efficient, in depth lesson. Definitely more meat than PL.... How does it compare to LC??





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