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Earobics vs. Sound Reading Solutions...

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You are very lucky to have a copy of the Sound Reading Solutions CD, as the company is no longer selling these individually (as far as I could tell from my most recent foray into their website, anyway). They are now included in a $400 package!


Earobics and the SR CD are quite different. Earobics works on more fundamental skills. For example, Earobics has an exercise in which the child has to determine whether a given sound is the first sound, the middle sound, or the last sound in a 3-sound word. The SR CD assumes there is no problem with this skill.


Since you already have the SR CD, I would suggest using it and see what happens. If your child runs into trouble with it pretty quickly, I would purchase Earobics and use that before attempting the SR CD again.


From what I have observed, and from the comments of others, any level of Earobics is incredibly boring to a child 10yo or older. It is best used as a preschool program, although it can be helpful for an older child who has significant auditory processing challenges (if the child is sufficiently compliant to stick with it).

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Oh WOW! So they won't let you buy it alone anymore, huh? I bought it when you recommended it last Fall.


I haven't made my ds do this in quite awhile because he fought me on it so much. He found the graphics "babyish". He is also currently using 3 different computer programs (1 each day) for vision therapy which adds to his "things to do list before I can go play".

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You know, I just went back to check their website and they've changed their website again! They used to list only the packages with a price tag of $400+ for a set, but now I see they mention that you can buy either the one-on-one package or the software. However, they don't have online ordering capabilities and they don't list prices anymore. You have to call them for pricing information. Maybe they still sell the software by itself.

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I haven't made my ds do this in quite awhile because he fought me on it so much. He found the graphics "babyish".


Did you get the Primary version, or the Reading Intervention version of the CD? If the Reading Intervention one is the same as mine (they renamed everything after I bought my CD), many of the graphics are removed to make it less babyish.

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Mine says "Primary Grades Software"....copyright 2003.


Yes, that's the younger version with all the graphics. The Intervention version has the same material in it, but with many of the graphic rewards removed (that's assuming it's the "teen version" that I have, and I'm pretty sure the company just renamed it to Intervention).

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