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What's for dinner?


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Why does this thread always catch me on Waffle House Wednesday, aka our weekly breakfast for dinner night? Least healthy night of the week.


Caramel apple bread pudding (modified a bit to make it breakfast and not dessert), apple nachos, bacon. My son and mother went to an apple-themed cooking class together a few weeks ago and the bread pudding and apple "nachos" were part of their menu.

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I have a baseball game at 5pm and a soccer game at 6pm.

Two different cities, roughly 30 minutes apart during rush hour.

Two boys going to the baseball game, two going to the soccer fields.

I'm not sure who my daughter will choose to go with and watch.

Probably baseball. It has the concession stand. Priorities ;).


I'm making up deli plates for the kids to eat, wherever they end up:

Cold sandwiches to order, raw veggies, some fruit and breadsticks.

I hate deli plates so I'll be treating myself to a drive-thru.

Dinner of Champions.


High chance of it being Starbucks LOL.

I really like their mozzarella and tomato panini.

And I can totally do caffeine before bed, so there's that, too.

Oh! And the new apple muffin, warmed up. Nice dessert, maybe.

Gosh I better skip lunch to make room for all those calories!

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Roasted kabocha squash, soup of pureed greens (spinach and purple kale), chicken baked with various herbs and salt. Dessert is Granny Smith apple slices with buckwheat honey. The apples are particularly tart and crisp and make a particularly perfect foil for the dense, musky buckwheat honey :drool5: 

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My kids have colds and wanted chicken soup. I used my pressure cooker and went from raw, bone-in chicken to soup in about 45 minutes. I let the stock go for 10 minutes in the pressure cooker while I got carrots, onions, and celery chopped and sautéed in another pot. I opened the pressure cooker and pulled the meat from the bones. I tossed the bones and skin back in and let it cook for about 15 more minutes. I strained the stock (God forbid they know a mushroom was involved) and added it to the other pot along with the cooked chicken and noodles. Ten more minutes an we were eating the good stuff. I expected applause, but got none.

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Tonight I had blueberries and pot stickers.  DH and the kids went to his folks' house (I stayed behind for some quiet time to sooth a headache) and ate lasagna.


Tomorrow I plan to make soup ("Scratchy Soup" is what my DD13 dubbed it, lots of meat and veggies) for lunch.  If we want something else for supper it will be baked tilapia.


Whenever I am stuck I usually resort to leftovers, soup (if I have the time), or baked fish with a salad and/or veggies.  If trying to stretch out some leftovers I put them on beds of lettuce for salads.

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Hmm, it's Thursday morning so I'm super late to this thread, but it got me smiling this morning.


Hubby had his wisdom teeth out on Tuesday so is/was still on "mush" food last night.  He made instant mashed potatoes.  


I had a Klondike bar (Krunch) followed by an apple and a pear, then some potato sticks for dessert.


What a meal!  It either reminds me of our college days or emphasizes that we are, indeed, empty nesting!  


(In our college days we never ate Klondike bars, so the latter matches better.)

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