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Would you drop CC?


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We started CC a few weeks ago and DD is in with her age appropriate group, but it is not a good fit for her. She is PG, very mature, very outspoken. She has memorized everything before everyone else has even been told what is in the board. I feel like I spend the whole time asking her to hold back or wait for others to try and it's just not great for our relationship. I feel very stressed the entire time. She enjoys the "recess" part after and likes the kids, but I not sure if continuing is in our best interest together. Thoughts?

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Can you just start a weekly park play date with other kids in the area to replace the recess she likes? Or will the same kids be at a park on a different weekday? If there aren't any homeschool parents available for organized park "recess" play dates, take her to the same park after the other school kids get out once or twice a week or on Saturday afternoons. I don't know much about CC, but I wouldn't pay top dollar just to keep her in the recess or social aspect of the program if the academic part isn't suiting her.

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I've pretty much given up on any sort of age-grouped academic class for my PG ID'd DD. It just plain never works no matter what they promise. She gets her time with other kids her age in physical activities where her motor skills are a bit behind her age (but her focus and concentration lets her keep up in most cases), but for academic stuff, if she can't be placed at her academic level, we do it at home. CC is outright opposed to acceleration at all, to the point that they wouldn't even accept my DD's previous acceleration in PS and her official registered grade as valid, so I can't see it working well.







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CC at its best, is School Light with friends for mom.


There's a reason people homeschool. If you have a child that doesn't "fit in the box" then any school situation is going to be difficult for you and for her.


However, if you live in a town that has nothing else for homeschoolers, then you may need to stay with it and not burn bridges because community is very important.


Here we have homeschool classes, enrichments, sports, a very active support group as well as opportunities for friends, classes etc in our community and our church. We can definitely do without CC.

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Yes, we had to drop CC after a year because of a lack of fit and we weren't even dealing with that level of giftedness. I agree that it will only get worse, and as dmmetler said, there are zero options for acceleration. They are now enforcing rigid birthdate cutoffs for the middle and high school Challenge programs. Yes I would say that they oppose acceleration in principle. They like to offer advice about "beefing up" the Foundations program, which I'm sure works fine for the bright/motivated/high achieving students, but you can't "beef up" something that isn't a good fit. 



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If you decide to withdrawal, I believe the very least amount of initial effort to be made, but an appropriate attempt, would be a personal phone call to the director. I'd avoid emailing and texting until after you've had an opportunity to connect. Emails rarely convey feelings or emotions and can be easily misconstrued. I would only use an email or text as follow-up for documentation purposes.

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If you choose to drop CC, (and I did after 8 weeks into the second semester, one in Ch A and another in F/E) write an email and drop it.  Be advised, no refund will be offered and they will outright deny any right for a refund for any reason...if you go that route, PM me.  I'm a previous upper level manager and might be able to assist you as we did receive a refund.

Drop it.  Our daughters are not 'gifted' by any definition of the word...but they work at a different rate and speed in the classical ed model...CC has no room for such a thing.

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I will only add that your decision very much depends upon what you hope to get out of CC.  My DS, 8, continues in the Foundations program for reasons beyond content.  I started when he was young, and I felt just like you -- stressed out by his interruptions... heck, I STILL feel that way about my DS in CC sometimes, half cringing.  Only now that we've been at it for some time, I know that at least 2 other parents in the class are feeling the same way.  And no one thinks my DS is as disruptive as I do.    


As mom to an only, my reasons for sticking with CC have more to do with staying connected to friends and community, working with different types of people, learning to honor the needs of others in our pursuit of learning (you can't just override people because you have something to share -- my DS is good at that), and for me to keep some touch on reality -- I tend to push push push.  


I can tell you that my son's bff at CC is PG, and both he and my son know the material backward and forward.  But bff loves CC, and his mom sees value to the program beyond the material, similar to the things I've already shared.  


I hesitate to share all this because I know there is a great deal of variability between campuses.  At our current campus, we have ongoing open discussions about how to deepen the CC experience both on campus and at home.  And we have very open conversations about parental anxiety.  ;)  I know that isn't the case everywhere, but if you haven't asked about how to make this fit better for your family -- and want to try to make CC work better for you -- it's worth an email/phone convo to the director.



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It looks like we will be dropping CC also..we have only been a couple times, and while my kids enjoyed it, it's difficult because my youngest daughter JUST turned 3 and is pretty advanced..she is NOT ok with not being able to participate (there is no childcare at our CC..and I would need to get a babysitter every week if I choose to not bring my youngest..). My oldest just got accepted into a private school, and my 1st grader LOVES CC. She is ok with not going though. I think we over scheduled this year, and CC is the thing we are going to have to drop.. I love the idea of it, but it's difficult to dedicate the time when you have other things going on and it all kind of feels like things you could do at home..CC is great for the community aspect.

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