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Even More Newer Update! Like to read romance? Shameless self promotion


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I'm just about done writing my first ever novel, and have entered the first chapter in a contest sponsored by Harlequin Books. I'd love to have some feedback from you all! Remember, this is category romance, not classic literature, so please, don't hold me to those standards, lol!


But if you like romance (this is sweet, not steamy), please give it a read and leave a comment. I'm super nervous about having my work "out there", but I'm trying to be brave.





UPDATE! I made the semi finals!!!!  I'm in the top 25! Now, to edit like crazy to submit the full manuscript!


Newer More Better Update! Made the Finals! Now I need you to vote for my manuscript! Winner gets a 2 book contract! You can vote once a day, every day. http://www.soyouthinkyoucanwrite.com/paradise-found/

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Oh, Katie! How awesome!


I don't have time to read it now but I'm so happy for you!




No worries, just leave a comment...something about how it's the best thing you have ever read, and you hope they give me a zillion book contract. For all the money. Ever. and a limo. I'd like a limo. (so I can ride up front with the driver, and my crazy kids can be behind that soundproof glass). 


no, seriously, thank you for the little party. I love that you get it .

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Thanks to everyone, especially those that commented, I super duper appreciate it!


The dog is a compilation of a few of my own. I have a very sweet border collie myself, but unlike Murphy he's not very bright. He was found on the side of the road, that's how I got him, but he had brain damage from some kind of accident or poison, we don't know for sure. So..kind of what COULD have happened to Murphy. I've also had an escape artist dog in the past, a weimaraner that could unlock and open windows. 

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No worries, just leave a comment...something about how it's the best thing you have ever read, and you hope they give me a zillion book contract. For all the money. Ever. and a limo. I'd like a limo. (so I can ride up front with the driver, and my crazy kids can be behind that soundproof glass).


no, seriously, thank you for the little party. I love that you get it .

I'll tell them they should also give you a personal chef and laundry service, too. Because that's what I'd ask for!


JK of course, but I will definitely help you out with a nice comment after reading.

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I'll tell them they should also give you a personal chef and laundry service, too. Because that's what I'd ask for!


JK of course, but I will definitely help you out with a nice comment after reading.


I actually don't mind cooking, but a scullery maid, to do the dishes, would be excellent :)

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I hate to say it, but I could see it working out with Cassie, too! Single mom; he already looks after stray animals, why not a cute little girl with bouncing curls?!


Seriously, though, I really enjoyed it and would live to read the rest!


Lol, don't worry, cassie gets her own book. She will get to fall in love with a police officer, one with a search and rescue dog or K-9 or some such thing. 

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OK, I'm back.


HOLY COW!!! I had no idea you could write like that! :hurray: I would never have believed an unpublished writer wrote that chapter. It is absolutely professional in every way.


I posted a comment, too. :)


I would love to read the rest of the book, but I'll be more than willing to wait for a chance to buy it. I'm sure you will find a publisher for it, but if you don't want to wait that long, can you self-publish it as an e-book on Amazon Kindle and Nook? (I don't know how that works.)

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OK, I'm back.


HOLY COW!!! I had no idea you could write like that! :hurray: I would never have believed an unpublished writer wrote that chapter. It is absolutely professional in every way.


I posted a comment, too. :)


I would love to read the rest of the book, but I'll be more than willing to wait for a chance to buy it. I'm sure you will find a publisher for it, but if you don't want to wait that long, can you self-publish it as an e-book on Amazon Kindle and Nook? (I don't know how that works.)


damnit Catwoman, you made me cry. Seriously, ugly cry. 


And if I don't manage to publish it, I will epublish. But I'm hoping I can find a home for it. I have a trilogy in mind, so Cassie and Mollie can get their stories too. I'll keep y'all updated :)


And feel free to follow me on twitter if any of y'all do that kind of thing. (I'm new, and waiting to make a huge fool of myself, lol....there are bets in my home as to how long before I say twat instead of tweet). I'm @ktgrok

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Lol, I think I've heard 'nice flow" about a half dozen times. Which makes me think I should probably try to figure out what that means. I'm glad I have it, just gotta figure out what it is so I keep it!!!


Hahaha!  It means it's not choppy, and you move from scene to scene easily without breaking the story for the reader.  You've done it well, so just keep doing what you're doing!

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Lol, I think I've heard 'nice flow" about a half dozen times. Which makes me think I should probably try to figure out what that means. I'm glad I have it, just gotta figure out what it is so I keep it!!!

I agree with Mom in High Heels above, but also, there's nothing jarring that stops you from reading. Some authors have details that don't quite fit in with the story and it makes your attention leave the story. Like if you named the dog Chewbacca, I'd start wondering about Star Wars. Your plot, setting, and characters all mesh nicely together so it is easy (and enjoyable!) to slip into the world of the story and stay there.

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Shamelessly bumping this for the afternoon crowd, so everyone will get a chance to read Katie's story.


Oh -- and because I know some of our members are very conservative about the things they read, I wanted to let you know that there is absolutely nothing trashy in the chapter. It's definitely safe reading! :)

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Shamelessly bumping this for the afternoon crowd, so everyone will get a chance to read Katie's story.


Oh -- and because I know some of our members are very conservative about the things they read, I wanted to let you know that there is absolutely nothing trashy in the chapter. It's definitely safe reading! :)



oops, good point! I should have clarified it is considered "sweet" on the scale of romance heat - and in this chapter there isn't any kissing even, heck, they don't even hold hands :)

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Does he hook up with the vet or the tech? Or do we have to wait? :)



With the tech. The rule for category romance is whomever gets a "point of view", is the main character. So since Jillian is the one we see the world through, she's the main character. You are not the first to ask, so I may need to find a way to be more clear about that. 


Don't worry though, Cassie get's her own man, in the next book :)

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With the tech. The rule for category romance is whomever gets a "point of view", is the main character. So since Jillian is the one we see the world through, she's the main character. You are not the first to ask, so I may need to find a way to be more clear about that.


Don't worry though, Cassie get's her own man, in the next book :)

She seemed to be more of the main character and seemed attracted to him, but the details about the vet's life threw me. Some books change voice by chapters, so I wasn't certain. I'm sure it was from reading only a selection! :)

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She seemed to be more of the main character and seemed attracted to him, but the details about the vet's life threw me. Some books change voice by chapters, so I wasn't certain. I'm sure it was from reading only a selection! :)



Yeah, I may need to cut some of her backstory and move it later in the book, since a few other people have asked the same question. 

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