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Need Ideas for Chemistry Enthusiast

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My 12-year-old son has been reading every chemistry related book he can get his hands on. Chemistry was my worst subject, so it hasn't taken him long to completely surpass my knowledge of the subject; he routinely calls my dad (who taught HS chemistry) to talk science, and my dad says he has a better handle on concepts than did many of his high school students. He has memorized the periodic table, and checked out book after book from the library, even on sub-branches of chemistry.


His birthday is coming up and I was thinking about getting him something that would feed his insatiable appetite for all things chemistry. So I'm begging suggestions from the Hive. Maybe a good quality microscope and kit with slides? (He has expressed an interest in biochem.) What would I look for in a microscope? Any good, detailed book recommendations on chemistry? He reads at a pretty high level. What else can I add to the list? What is a good place to buy science supplies online?


Relatedly, Minecraft sparked his interest in metallurgy and gemology, so ideas that include those branches would be great too.


Thanks in advance for any help--I need it! :)

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Has he seen


The Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe by Theodore Gray?


It's a stunning book.  I see that the author has a new book coming out in October:


Molecules: The Elements and the Architecture of Everything


He might enjoy Bill Bryson's


A Short History of Nearly Everything.  (There is also a version for children.)


I've heard good things about:


The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic... by Sam Kean


Napoleon's Buttons: How 17 Molecules Changed History by Penny Le Couteur


Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood by Oliver Sacks







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Ah, one more idea.


Caveman Chemistry: 28 Projects, from the Creation of Fire to the Production of Plastics by Kevin Dunn


"Half a million years ago our ancestors learned to make fire from scratch. They crafted intricate tools from stone and brewed mind-altering elixirs from honey. Their descendants transformed clay into pottery, wool into clothing, and ashes into cleansers. In ceramic crucibles they won metal from rock, the metals lead to colored glazes and glass. Buildings of brick and mortar enshrined books of parchment and paper. Kings and queens demanded ever more colorful clothing and accessories in order to out-class clod-hoppers and call-girls. Kingdoms rose and fell by the power of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal. And the demands of everyday folk for glass and paper and soap stimulated the first round of chemical industrialization. From sulfuric acid to sodium carbonate. From aniline dyes to analgesic drugs. From blasting powder to fertilizers and plastics. In a phrase, From Caveman to Chemist. Your guides on this journey are the four alchemical elements; Fire, Earth, Air and Water. These archetypical characters deliver first-hand accounts of the births of their respective technologies. The spirit of Fire, for example, was born in the first creature to cultivate the flame. This spirit passed from one person to another, from one generation to another, from one millennium to another, arriving at last in the pages of this book. The spirit of Earth taught folks to make tools of stone, the spirit of Air imparted knowledge of units and the spirit of Water began with the invention of spirits. Having traveled the world from age to age, who can say where they will find their next home? Perhaps they will find one in you."



The customer reviews should give you a good idea if it would suit your son.




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