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Does Anyone School 6-7 Days Per Week?

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We've recently realized that every Monday is especially terrible with our 8 year old. He often gives me a hard time about school and chores, but Mondays and the first day after a week off are downright miserable. Has anyone else tried switching to doing school 6-7 days per week to deal with this? I'm thinking of trying it and keeping the same amount of weekly work, just spreading it out over more days.

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We've recently realized that every Monday is especially terrible with our 8 year old. He often gives me a hard time about school and chores, but Mondays and the first day after a week off are downright miserable. Has anyone else tried switching to doing school 6-7 days per week to deal with this? I'm thinking of trying it and keeping the same amount of weekly work, just spreading it out over more days.


Mondays are horrid around here, but I need the break the weekend provides & so do the kids. It is hard to get back into the groove, but Saturdays is when we clean (both our house & our volunteer duties at our church), spend time with friends, watch movies, and relax without having assigned school work. Sundays are church, mandatory rest time (for us parents), more games, and my "get ready for the next week of school" (filing, grading, checking to make sure the next week of assignments is ready to go).


More power to you if you don't need the break.

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More power to you if you don't need the break.


I like the break, but Tigger can't seem to handle it. Having the weekend off seems to give him the idea that the entire day is free time and that asking him to do anything like school or cleaning up after himself is me cutting into "his" time. I'm beginning to think he may need the structure of doing school nearly every day. It can't possibly make him more difficult than he already is.

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We school 6 days/week, 50 weeks/year because of this sort of issue.


If we did not have such a constistant and packed Sunday we'd go 7 days/week. (when you've got a family member on staff at a church Sunday is not the family down day!)


Back in the day when I was still trying to homeschool my imaginary children instead of the ones I have been gifted with, we took off a week every few months and the entire months of April and September were spent enjoying the good weather. What I learned was that when I break, even a week, it can take 2-3 to re-establish routine. Punk NEEDS routine to function well.


I miss those breaks. But it is kind to my child and, in the long run, easier on me to keep the momentum flowing.


Since this child also has frequent meltdowns that can necessitate shorter lessons/sessions anyway, for us it is a case of slow and steady wins the race. *she says as a prayerful hope*

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We school 6 days/week, 50 weeks/year because of this sort of issue.


What I learned was that when I break, even a week, it can take 2-3 to re-establish a routine.

Yes, going on vacation, going to day camp, or having Grandma visit also means 2-3 weeks of readjustment. I already do school 1/3 - 1/2 the days on vacation to stay in a bit of routine and it's still tough.


How long were you on the new schedule before you knew you had made the right decision? Also, if you need to count days, do you count each day or are some more like half days?

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BLA5, does Punk also have problems if he has more than a little free time? I'm starting to realize that Tigger is happier on the rare occasions I tell him to sit and do X fun thing than when he is in charge of himself. He can have lots of fun, but eventually it seems to lead to a bad attitude and being a bad brother.

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Yes, going on vacation, going to day camp, or having Grandma visit also means 2-3 weeks of readjustment. I already do school 1/3 - 1/2 the days on vacation to stay in a bit of routine and it's still tough.

How long were you on the new schedule before you knew you had made the right decision? Also, if you need to count days, do you count each day or are some more like half days?



It took several months before I knew it was going to be better. We are required to complete 180 days of instruction. I just count them all. (We don't have anyone formally checking up on the days.) I figure if we had a situation where someone was looking more closely at our homeschool plans I could show them the total number of days, the documentation of the issues we are addressing, and show them the amount of material we are covering each week.


BLA5, does Punk also have problems if he has more than a little free time? I'm starting to realize that Tigger is happier on the rare occasions I tell him to sit and do X fun thing than when he is in charge of himself. He can have lots of fun, but eventually it seems to lead to a bad attitude and being a bad brother.

Yes and no. He cannot stand for me to tell him what to play. But......if he is playing in an unstructured way I can count down the minutes until he has a negative interaction with a sibling.


He does best with a strong, reliable routine.


Ex: So if we don't leave the house one Mon, Tue, Fri I would post schedule A for those days and then for Wed, Thur, Sat I would post schedule B. Sunday would get a schedule as well. (I do not label the home and away schedules with days because if a week is odd I can throw up the schedule we need and not have him upset that we have a schedule labeled Tuesday on a Thursday!)


I have lists every.where.


Lists of what snacks are acceptable during the afternoon.

Lists of what foods are allowed for breakfast.

Lists of what must be done for school before video games may be played.

Lists of personal hygiene items that MUST BE DONE daily.


Lists of acceptable free time activities would actually be good one to add..........


Posted schedules and lists allow me to lower the drama level. You want cookies for breakfast? Sorry dear, that does sound yummy, but it is not on the list.


The trick for us has been to be super consistent and to allow some input from everyone on the options offered.


All that being said, I do try to challenge him to develop flexibility. But I do it in a way that stretches him without overwhelming him. I figure life throws us enough true curveballs that force him to majorly adjust. I just need to keep lobbing him balls that he just has to strech a little for.

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I guess is depends on what is defined as "school." If it's the subjects that I teach the dc, then it's only Monday - Friday. The dc used to have Spanish classes Saturday morning through a program, which I considered part of our school courses. I VERY happily took Saturday mornings to do what I wanted, as the dc were pretty young and it was my only daytime break. During the spring/summer/ fall, the dc have had soccer Saturday mornings, which I also consider part of our school courses. I was not the soccer coach. Sundays the whole family has church and religious studies/ministries. Again, this I consider part of our school courses. 


The only problems I've had with Monday school, is being too tired from the Sunday activities. We usually keep Mondays for a light-load day, then get back up to speed for Tuesday.

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We do. Every other Sunday is a half day, with mom-time squished in over the lunch hours between church in the morning and student leadership program/youth group in the late afternoon/evening. Monday is a half day because DS has choir practice and is gone from 11-6. He does school Tue-Fri whenever he wants as long as due dates are met. Tue/Thu/Sat nights are the only times I really have to sit down for more than a few minutes to discuss readings or give writing help. We don't normally school on Saturday b/c it's the Sabbath.


ETA that every 7th week is a formal break b/c we both need a rest.  If DS has outstanding assignments then they have to be finished during break week.

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We do. Every day is assumed to be a school day, though generally Monday is just piano practice and a page of math and last year Tuesday was usually a day off from school, but if our Tuesday activities were canceled, we would do school usually. We do take off at random and we often do "light" days where school is just a few things instead of a lot. Of course, the reason there's so little school on Mondays is that's co-op all day and then ballet all evening... so those are educational things too.


It's weird to explain to people as it makes us sound so very rigid and unfun. But the reality is that we assume every day as a school day so that whenever something else comes up - like a fun field trip, a day with beautiful weather we just want to take advantage of, a day we're really beat - whatever - we can just take the day off and not worry about getting behind. Or if the day is going badly, it's easier to bag it and say, well, let's stop and pick up tomorrow when we're all in a different head space.

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We are starting to work on the weekends this year because we're trying out a couple of enrichment programs that meet during the week, plus an archery class that meets during the week as well. It all adds up to almost two full days outside the house during the week, so we need to work on the weekends to make sure the work I assign gets done. I'm also going to minimize the field trips we take during the academic year and save our museum trips and such for summer time.


We'll see how it goes. :)

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I'm tweaking our schedule a bit. We do full school days Tuesday through Saturday. But due to his voice lessons, drum lessons, and choir rehearsals, plus the fact that he is insistent on studying three languages at a time (which makes my head hurt), we are going to try to do a Spanish lesson on Sundays and a Latin lesson on Mondays to ease the schedule during the rest of the week.

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