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Informal poll - do I cancel my pre op appt, or let DD watch them?


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It would be about 30 minutes from the time I leave, until my husband could get home (he's taking off early from the office, but can't leave until a bit after 4). I have to leave at 4. I had asked the sitter to stay with the boys in the between time, but she's ill and just called (can't make it). 


DD is 13. Great with both boys, and has watched them for small periods of time (shower, run across the street to a neighbor's house, etc), but has never watched DS2 (anyone seen my posts about my "busy boy"? Lol) on her own for longer than 10 minutes or so, and not even that long without me within walking distance. 


I'm nervous about leaving her with both of them (okay, admittedly I'm nervous about leaving with the Marvelous Flying Marco), but I'm also very hesitant to cancel my pre-op appointment (no, I can't take Marco; I can't wrangle him and submit to blood work or whatever else they have in mind for me). If it were just my 5 year old, this would be a no-brainer; she's watched him before and is excellent at it.

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I don't think you'll be able to have surgery without the pre-op apt. Can you call to see if you can come in a little later? Can your DH come home earlier?

DH cannot come home earlier (he's in a meeting - I can't even ask; he isn't available to speak on the phone). 

I can't come in later - I'm the last appointment. I could ask for a different day, but this is one of two pre-op appointments scheduled for me, and surgery date is getting closer.

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A 13 year old should be able to babysit two kids of those ages for that timeframe with no problem.


I would leave her to watch them.

I would agree - but my 2 year old is enough of a handful that I usually hire the sitter JUST to keep up with him, while DD13 watches her 5 year old brother; toddler gets his own private sitter, lol.


I think I will (let her watch them). I'm just nervous.

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A 13 year old should be fine watching little kids, even wild ones.  My sister was baby-sitting other families - for pay - at 10 and I was at 11.  I was a nanny to a 2 1/2 year old the summer I turned 13.  My 14 year old just got home from baby-sitting 4 and 2 year olds (a pretty regular sitting job).  My 12 year old baby-sits his brothers sometimes (if his sister isn't home).  It would never even occur to me to question whether a 13 year old can baby-sit an active two year old.

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