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If you had $100k extra for supplements....

Student Mommie

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Tell her that ours is made of solid concrete *poured* around a steel cage. This includes the interior walls, floors, and ceilings. We never feel the earthquakes!  Solid as a rock over here. But don't ask me to hang a piece of art - this requires a concrete drill and if you want a larger hole, a structural engineer. :001_huh:


Sorry OPer for the small detour....


Ruth in NZ

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  • hire a behavioral therapist to structure our days


try various furniture configurations by experimenting with new furniture ideas


hire specialists for learning disabilities


hire mentors for kids' special interests


get ME a coach so i can be a better mom


expand ambition of projects -- more resources for kids to create/experiment


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I'd sign my kids up for WTM Academy writing and get better computers & faster internet to support it.  I'd get all the technology issues at my home (the printer, etc.) fixed.


Field trips all over the world!


A couch on which to do "together" lessons so we don't have to sit on the floor.


Other furniture, home repairs, and an addition while we're at it.


...I think I may have just burned through more than $100K in my imagination.

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ummm....put a down payment on a house?

you know come to think of it, $100 K would pay off my house entirely and leave enough to do some needed renos.  That would mean I could cut back how much I work and stay home more to homeschool better.  Anyone wanna gift me $100K? lol

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Surprised to see so many people chose travel! I've been to more than 20 different countries and yes, traveling is nice up to a certain point but I kinda got tired of it. Now that we are a military family moving from state to state every 1-2 years, I so wish to settle down in one nice area and raise my kids there. Then I wouldn't need to worry about homeschooling, and the $100K would go towards mortgage and the private school tuition for kids while I pursue my career. Sounds so dreamy... 

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pay a maid and cook.....so I am free to homeschool/plan

build an extra house/building on our land for projects/messy part of homeschooling , actually it would be like a "Schoolhouse" and I might consider moving the whole homeschool out there

pay for some outside classes

pay for some expensive hobby items DS10 would like


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So here is my budget:


50k: I would try to hire our gifted Summer baby sitter who is at a elite LAC as a school year tutor/nanny/etc


30k: I would rent out a nice airbnb 2bedroom place in MSP and then pay Mathwonk or another Epsilon or Mathpath person or persons to come for a month in our delightful summer to tutor DS. Another alternative would be finding a grad local student from UMTYMP to come in 4hrs a week @ 50wks*$50/hr*3hrs/wk= 7.5k


5k x 4: Travel. We would go to NYC and go to AMNH and the Museum of Math and the art museums. We would go to SF and Maker Faire and the Exploratorium and Muir Woods. We would go to DC and the Smithsonians. And, we would go to another location to be named later.




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I would be tempted to buy a plot of land for my boys to build a house but $100k won't be enough for even empty land. My older has architect as one of his career choice. It won't be enough for 20% down payment on a house either.


Private school is costly here though so $100k would be gone hyper fast. A governess would be nice but a teacher can earn $48k entry level here so $100k would be gone in less than 2 years.

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I would be tempted to buy a plot of land for my boys to build a house but $100k won't be enough for even empty land. My older has architect as one of his career choice. It won't be enough for 20% down payment on a house either.



For a 100k you could go to that school John Holt was enamored of in Maine, buy the land and materials locally and build a homestead in inland Maine. Likewise you could go to some timberframing classes at the North House Folk School in MN on Lake Superior[1] and then build a homestead in the north woods. In Northern Cal you could look at what Lloyd Khan has done and buy land and materials up in Humboldt County.


If you want to homestead, 100k is a very generous bootstrap that can make that happen, even if you are starting from scratch. You could do the same thing easily with half that. People have certainly done it with much, much less... the struggle is much greater with lower resources...


[1] http://www.northhouse.org/

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Dyslexic Boarding School for a year.


Although when researching them, the big draw was daily, private OG tutoring, which is pretty much what I'm giving them by homeschooling anyway. It would be nice to have a break from the stress for a year though and I'd be curious to see how much they would progress under someone else.

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