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If we like RS math but I need to free up my time...


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I have been using RightStart from the beginning with my kids, but this year I'll have a kindergartner (RS A), 2nd grader (RS C), and 4th grader (currently 1/2 way through RS D). I just don't think I can manage 3 lessons! We already take almost the whole day for school. I love RS, but I need to cut back somewhere. My 4th grader could easily be through RS D if only we could find the time or an easy way to speed through it. I feel like he's being held back in math just because it's time consuming. I've considered TT but I have heard mixed reviews about it and I'm worried it's not thorough/rigorous enough. (And he read BA 3a this summer mostly just for fun but I figured I would have him work through that series as well as he enjoys it. Would TT work for us? Is there another option that might fit?


Thank you!

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I'm in your position, without the 2 Nd grader in the middle, and am seriously considering Math Mammoth for both my students at some point. I will probably/possibly do RS B with my Ker then go to MM. We have about 40 more lessons in D with 9yo so will probably finish that the move to MM.


I will borrow all the wonderful strategies from RS that I've loved and teach at appropriate times in MM. I'm moving 9yo to MM for reasons other than just time. While it's been a great program for us, I know she could be further along at this point. Some of that is scope/sequence of RS and some of that is me (get 'ER done).

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I'm listening in because I've always loved RS so much that I just prioritize it. However, I should never have more than two students in it (excepting maybe one in the geometry book, plus 2 more in lower levels) at a time.


I feel the same way about it so we have just stuck with it and it has certainly given them a very solid foundation, just wish there were more hours in a day! :) I'm sure there isn't a similar independent program but I'm hoping to find something that is a bit more hands off for me, but still providing my son with a strong math background.

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Also, we're finding Dreambox to be a great companion to RS B, and it would also work well with A. Not sure about matching up with higher levels since I haven't done them. Maybe do RS daily with the older but have the younger two switch off days of doing RS with you or using Dreambox for reinforcement?

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I have my older kids all do MUS.  I started my 8yo in BA as well, because MUS was not enough for her.  I like RS for younger when they still primarily need me, but I do move to independent curriculum when they are ready, because like you I couldn't fit 3 RS lessons in a day!   MUS has been a good independent option for us, though I am supplementing with all of them this year (for one reason or another.)

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