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Favorite Audio Books for 11 yr old girl


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I have an 11 year old girl who is making a 18 hour car trip with her grandparents. What are some favorite audio books that we can get for them to listen to. So far she has been a reluctant reader due to dyslexia issues, so she hasn't read a lot of books herself. I'm hoping to get something that will be interesting for her and that grandparents (who are retired educators and fully support our homeschooling as the best thing for our kids) won't mind. We are Chrisitans who do not support evalution (no debates please) and are fairly conservative, so we'd prefer books that will not be contraversial since we don't want the grandparents to be uncomfortable. Things we've listened to and enjoyed: Adventures in Odyssey, A Cricket in Times Square, The Narnia books, 21 Balloons.

Thanks for your help!

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If she enjoys Adventures in Odyssey, I would suggest Focus on the Family's Radio Theatre selections. They are dramatizations of favorite books, usually several hours long. We have collected most of them, and they are well loved, listened to many times.

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Is Harry Potter controversial?  I know some people object to the magical aspect of it.  If not, the Jim Dale audio books are enjoyable.  


Other suggestions:

Anne of Green Gables

Little Women


I picked these three because they are all series that could potentially fill a good chunk of your time in the car.

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Anne of Green Gables was my girls' favorite audio book! It's long too, so it passes a lot of time.


Other fairly gentle ones they like are Young Fredle, The Great Cake Mystery (kids' version of #1 Ladies Detective Agency), Mouse and the Motorcycle, Trumpet of the Swan, Bunnicula, and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. 

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My dd also has dyslexia and we have enjoyed many audio books as well as DVDs. We usually listened to the audio book and then watched various versions of the movie. That would give us ample material to discuss -- the contents of the book vs. what was done with that in the movies we watched.


I would ditto the Adventures in Odyssey, Anne of Green Gables and Little House on the Prairie Series.  We just finished listening to The Secret Garden and am thinking of having us listen to The Little Princess as well. I have found that although reading was a big struggle a few years ago (not so much now), she could listen to and understand harder literature levels than she could read.  That helped me a lot knowing that we could get through many books that she couldn't have read but could listen to and comprehend.


By the way,

  there are quite a few FREE audio books sites. I'd check those out (as well as the library) in your area as well.


Here are some sites I just found when doing a search for free audio books. I haven't used them but thought maybe they'd help you.








I mean why buy it when you can borrow it or download it for FREE?  :-)

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We are on the 4th book of the Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place.  I'm not sure that anything in it would be controversial.  They are hysterically funny, and we all adore them.  Really great books. 


Peter and the Starcatchers- the whole series-Read by Jim Dale. 


I hear the Birchbark House is good, but we haven't listened to or read that yet.


Trumpet of the Swan read by the author is really nice and gentle. 


The Anne of Green Gables are good and nice and long, as are the Little House books.



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