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Prayers please.


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We have had a horrible year to say the least.


My mother had a massive heart attack in January. 

She had a triple bypass in February.

My daughter and I went to Fl to help my father and be there for her.

In March my daughter had a severe UTI. She only has one kidney,

and she has ended up in the hospital when they have resulted in a kidney infection.

April, we found out her tethered spinal cord is back. She will need surgery at one point.

May I had an ischemic brain stem stroke.

June and July had incidents too.

Then August, we received termination from our landlord. Her husband died and she is downsizing.

She sold her house and wants to move back into this home. We have lived here over ten years.


We at this point have twelve days to be completely out and in a new place.

The problem is my husband has bad credit.

When the recession hit, his pay took a 20,000 hit. They also took away bonuses, payment of cell phones and other extras. We have medical bills from our daughter and now from me. We have paid things late but we do pay. We have an excellent rental history. 10 years at our current place, 10 years at our last place. My husband also has an excellent work history and has been with a corporation for 11 years, working one of their local stores for five years before that. But it seems all that matters is that almighty credit check. We have tried to get into some seedy apartments and all that matters is our credit check. :(


We are to look at two houses today and if we like one...heck we have to like one, we are desperate. We did let the property manager know about my husband's credit. He said he would have to pull it (and each pull brings his credit rating down more) and work from there, talk to the landlord. We are offering to have the payments taken directly out of our checking. 


The other options are that my daughter and I move down to Florida with my parents which would be incredibly hard. She would have to give up her AHG, her voice and piano, her pets and I could not get to therapy. I am suppose to be in OT, PT and ST to get my skills back but finding a home is top priority right now. Plus my parents are elderly and set in their ways, they are very strict to put it lightly. My husband would have to get his work to keep him on the road that way he would stay in a hotel.


The other option is to rent a long-term hotel. They don't allow pets though and a kennel for months at a time is expensive. 


I am just really hoping this landlord will work with us. I have prayed until I am blue in the face about this situation and for a peaceful rest of the year.


Would you please pray for my family?


We are not doing well at all. :(

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Prayers sent, have you tried looking in local papers for individuals who don't use a management company? They seem to be more lenient towards the credit report stuff (if they check at all, all of our previous land lords went more with references then credit scores)


I think this is good advice - at least worth checking into. Talk to an individual owner. Offer to have him/her speak to your current landlady who can verify your excellent rental history. Explain what happened during the recession. Many people suffered during that time.

Will pray!

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So so sorry!  I agree with others, check the newspaper, maybe network through your church if you have one, to find someone less interested in the credit check.  Would your parents be willing to be co-signers on a lease?  Someone might be more willing if they agreed to back you all up.  Huge hugs.   :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry about all your struggles!! We're landlords and I do most of the showing and sifting through applications. We do background checks for criminal records etc and I also verify employment and talk to current and/or previous landlords. It makes a big difference to me WHY someone might have bad credit. If it is because of reduction in income and medical bills that would not necessarily be a big red flag to me. If you had good references from landlords and sufficient income, no criminal history, etc I would consider renting to you.


I rented a place to someone who had a bankruptcy a few years ago due to a divorce. The housing market tanked and she was unable to sell the house. BUT she has a really good job, great landlord references, and no criminal record.


I hope you will find a place soon!!

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Thank you for your prayers and support.


We liked one of the houses we saw yesterday and put in our application.


It is an individual owner and two of his places are not rented, I am sure he wants to get them filled and collect rent.


We also had a lady contact us and we expect to hear back from her this coming Tuesday.


My husband did talk to the pastors at our church and several people have contacted us. Either the rent was too high or the house was not right or not going to be ready in time for us to move.


This house is not perfect but it is a good fit for our family.


Sitting on pins and needles, packing and getting ready for a moving sale.

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Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. :)


We have a place! We sign papers tomorrow.


He did not care about the credit score. He saw that we had excellent rent history and excellent job history and is giving us till the end of September to give him the deposits. 


We will spend this weekend moving and should be settled the beginning of next week.


Again, thank you all so very much for your thoughts and prayers, it is appreciated.



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