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Veg Source and Crockpots


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Ok, I have been here awhile...I know about cupcakes and returning carts.  I was an actual real-time participant in the kilt thread, of which I feel very proud.


What was the Veg Source scandal?  All I know about it is that I want Joanne's comment in my signature now... "People flocked here and said "steak" because they could..."


Also what was the deal about crockpots?


Descriptive responses only please!  No actual debates invited! ;)


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Someone should really write a secret history of the WTM forums to be conferred on folks once they've been here awhile. Like, congratulations, you have reached your 1,000th post, let us now let you in on the various references you might be missing...


Veg Source was an older board that used to have a lot of homeschoolers. Before my time.


I think the Crockpot thing is just that there were some massive threads about Crockpots and lead back a few years ago when the coating on many slow cookers was revealed to leech lead into your food. Someone correct me if I'm wrong about that reference...

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I think the Crockpot thing is just that there were some massive threads about Crockpots and lead back a few years ago when the coating on many slow cookers was revealed to leech lead into your food. Someone correct me if I'm wrong about that reference...


Were people accused of poisoning their children or something?   How could that get controversial?

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Veg source was another board not associated with wtm. Since it was a vegetarian site (it had many different types of forums, not just homeschooling)... posting recipes and talking about meat eating was considered rude. I left before the "scandal", but I've gathered, from references over the years, that it had something to do with the verboten topic.


I have no idea what the crockpot kerfuffle is about.

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Veg source was another board not associated with wtm. Since it was a vegetarian site (it had many different types of forums, not just homeschooling)... posting recipes and talking about meat eating was considered rude. I left before the "scandal", but I've gathered, from references over the years, that it had something to do with the verboten topic.


I have no idea what the crockpot kerfuffle is about.


It wasn't just considered rude; it was not allowed.


I don't know about a "scandal," though. Must have happened before my time (and I was a moderator for awhile).

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It wasn't just considered rude; it was not allowed.


I don't know about a "scandal," though. Must have happened before my time (and I was a moderator for awhile).



I remember the VegSource forums, too, but that was many years ago so I don't remember any big meat-related scandal.


They had rules. But you know, if you were participating in a forum at a site called VEG SOURCE, it would be kind of disrespectful to start posting your favorite beef stew recipes. ;)


I never understand it when people join an existing forum and then start trying to change the rules. If one forum doesn't suit your needs, there are plenty of others out there from which to choose.

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Veg Source (OMG, I just googled and it still exists and looks *exactly* the same) hosted many forums. The owners were "crunchy" and alternative-ish. They were, in their time, the premier HS board and sale board.


They were quirky. Staunch ethical and health vegetarians, and out of respect for that, meat, poultry, or fish was not allowed to be discussed, even by the homeschooling forums. They have a *religious* board (it says so) which many, many Christians assumed to mean CHRISTIAN. It was quite interesting; that assumption. Threads would be bouncing along, and a religious topic would emerge and people on the religious board would be surprised that OTHER religious homeschoolers were there.


The quirkiness was with registering your email, and if you had a pop up blocker that VS "found", you'd be blocked! Their ads were precious to them.


In addition to discussion of meat, abortion and spanking were banned as topics. This was during the height of programs such as GKGW.


VS would ban ISPs, posters, and certain email addresses in ways that appeared random and unpredictable. I think it was related to this that a mass exodus happened and many former VS posters came here.


The VS exodus took over our conversations here for quite some time as people processed leaving there. I never thought I'd forget the details, but apparently time and brain damage does that.


The funny part would be threads here starting with "medium rare" or 'thick and juicy" because the silenced carnivores finally had some culinary discussion freedom.


That is, IMO, when TWTM board took hold and began to grow and mature.


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Veg Source (OMG, I just googled and it still exists and looks *exactly* the same) hosted many forums. The owners were "crunchy" and alternative-ish. They were, in their time, the premier HS board and sale board.


They were quirky. Staunch ethical and health vegetarians, and out of respect for that, meat, poultry, or fish was not allowed to be discussed, even by the homeschooling forums. They have a *religious* board (it says so) which many, many Christians assumed to mean CHRISTIAN. It was quite interesting; that assumption. Threads would be bouncing along, and a religious topic would emerge and people on the religious board would be surprised that OTHER religious homeschoolers were there.


The quirkiness was with registering your email, and if you had a pop up blocker that VS "found", you'd be blocked! Their ads were precious to them.


In addition to discussion of meat, abortion and spanking were banned as topics. This was during the height of programs such as GKGW.


VS would ban ISPs, posters, and certain email addresses in ways that appeared random and unpredictable. I think it was related to this that a mass exodus happened and many former VS posters came here.


The VS exodus took over our conversations here for quite some time as people processed leaving there. I never thought I'd forget the details, but apparently time and brain damage does that.


The funny part would be threads here starting with "medium rare" or 'thick and juicy" because the silenced carnivores finally had some culinary discussion freedom.


That is, IMO, when TWTM board took hold and began to grow and mature.

I don't remember the details either, but I'm pretty sure I ended up here to curb my forum withdrawal. It must have been the mid 2000's?

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Veg Source (OMG, I just googled and it still exists and looks *exactly* the same) hosted many forums. The owners were "crunchy" and alternative-ish. They were, in their time, the premier HS board and sale board.


They were quirky. Staunch ethical and health vegetarians, and out of respect for that, meat, poultry, or fish was not allowed to be discussed, even by the homeschooling forums. They have a *religious* board (it says so) which many, many Christians assumed to mean CHRISTIAN. It was quite interesting; that assumption. Threads would be bouncing along, and a religious topic would emerge and people on the religious board would be surprised that OTHER religious homeschoolers were there.


The quirkiness was with registering your email, and if you had a pop up blocker that VS "found", you'd be blocked! Their ads were precious to them.


In addition to discussion of meat, abortion and spanking were banned as topics. This was during the height of programs such as GKGW.


VS would ban ISPs, posters, and certain email addresses in ways that appeared random and unpredictable. I think it was related to this that a mass exodus happened and many former VS posters came here.


The VS exodus took over our conversations here for quite some time as people processed leaving there. I never thought I'd forget the details, but apparently time and brain damage does that.


The funny part would be threads here starting with "medium rare" or 'thick and juicy" because the silenced carnivores finally had some culinary discussion freedom.


That is, IMO, when TWTM board took hold and began to grow and mature.


ISPs and whatnot were banned primarily because of spamming. VS was knocked out more than once by spammers.


A boatload of Christians left over a comment made by VS's owners regarding Bush's second election. And then it became so difficult to post in general because of the ads, and because you *must* "preview" your post before submitting it (a requirement that went into effect because spam bots cannot figure that out; VS was down once for a couple of days because of a spam bot attack).


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I use to visit the Vegsource forums all the time.  Toward the end, I was banned.  I never sold anything.  I never posted anything controversial.  I replied to posts about my opinion on curriculum when people asked, advice about schedules, advice about dealing with relatives who didn't approve, etc.  On average I posted about twice maybe three times a week.  I'd say that wouldn't be considered spamming.  I tried a few times to post after a couple of weeks, but it didn't work.  I quit going (no ad blocker at the time either).  Who knows?!  I think that they became popular and "successful", and like many, it went to their heads.  They should be happy now with considerably less people to worry about on their boards.

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Veg source was another board not associated with wtm. Since it was a vegetarian site (it had many different types of forums, not just homeschooling)... posting recipes and talking about meat eating was considered rude. I left before the "scandal", but I've gathered, from references over the years, that it had something to do with the verboten topic.


They must have had some sort of macros installed that picked up certain words. You would have a post deleted even if you called someone a ham! It was madness. LOL

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I was a Vegsource regular for quite some time ("Dharma"). It was my intro to the online forum and selling world. Their FS board used to be SOO busy. I advertised a business there for awhile (paid) and it was pretty successful. I can't remember why I left. My arrival here wasn't related to my departure there though; there was a different board in between. So I don't think I was ever aware of what broke down there.

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It wasn't just considered rude; it was not allowed.


I don't know about a "scandal," though. Must have happened before my time (and I was a moderator for awhile).

That is just bizarre! 


I mean, this is a homeschooling forum, but nobody's getting all worked up if someone starts a thread about public school or private school. 




People can be so weird.

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That is just bizarre!


I mean, this is a homeschooling forum, but nobody's getting all worked up if someone starts a thread about public school or private school.




People can be so weird.

Posting about meat on a veg board is not like posting about public school on a homeschool board. (Particularly one where lots of posters use a mix of schools for their kids over the years. )It's more like posting about how delicious beef is on a Hindu board. Or posting about how annoying school lunch restrictions are on a peanut allergy board. Or posting about the joy of Christ's message on a Jewish board.

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I used to visit VS but had stopped because I found the boards there to be difficult to wade through. I stopped visiting before all the banning but I remember discussions here about it. I don't remember specifics, though.


There was also a lot of discussion here after the Sonlight boards went private and The Homeschool Library started. I visited there for a bit but found I couldn't keep up with two homeschooling boards.

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I used to read and post on Vegsoure when I first started homeschooling in 2004. It was quite active and had a great sale board.


I remember Ellie being there and Dharma too.


I mentioned on another thread that they had what they called "The Flame Room". It was set up for debating and discussion. It said something like Enter at Your Own Risk. I never participated in that section, but I thought it was interesting.

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I was a Vegsource regular for quite some time ("Dharma"). It was my intro to the online forum and selling world. Their FS board used to be SOO busy. I advertised a business there for awhile (paid) and it was pretty successful. I can't remember why I left. My arrival here wasn't related to my departure there though; there was a different board in between. So I don't think I was ever aware of what broke down there.


Me too.. I didn't leave for anything in particular... I just drifted away.  

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I used to read and post on Vegsoure when I first started homeschooling in 2004. It was quite active and had a great sale board.


I remember Ellie being there and Dharma too.


I mentioned on another thread that they had what they called "The Flame Room". It was set up for debating and discussion. It said something like Enter at Your Own Risk. I never participated in that section, but I thought it was interesting.


I remember the flame room!  I thought it was a good idea... I don't think I participated though.    I remember Ellie and Dharma too (although I didn't remember her screen name, but I remember her from another board).   I can't even remember my own screenname from there!  LOL.  Yeah, I'm aging myself.

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I was banned from there for no apparent reason. I appealed to the powers that be, but never heard anything back from them. Then with the onslaught of advertisements, I just completely gave up. Never once missed the place, other than their curriculum sale board. But I see now that it's pretty much dead, so I guess I didn't really miss much anyhow. But once upon a time, it was "the" online forum for homeschoolers.


Yup... that's what makes me concerned when things happen here to make people mad.  You're never too big to fail.


I used to visit VS but had stopped because I found the boards there to be difficult to wade through. I stopped visiting before all the banning but I remember discussions here about it. I don't remember specifics, though.


There was also a lot of discussion here after the Sonlight boards went private and The Homeschool Library started. I visited there for a bit but found I couldn't keep up with two homeschooling boards.


I was wondering when the Sonlight Poof would come up!  That one I remember, even though I was never a member there.  I happened upon the HS Library (and the forum that just proceeded it) just when the Poof happened.   A lot of very hurt people from that so it was talked about a lot.



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Veg Source (OMG, I just googled and it still exists and looks *exactly* the same) hosted many forums. The owners were "crunchy" and alternative-ish. They were, in their time, the premier HS board and sale board.


They were quirky. Staunch ethical and health vegetarians, and out of respect for that, meat, poultry, or fish was not allowed to be discussed, even by the homeschooling forums. They have a *religious* board (it says so) which many, many Christians assumed to mean CHRISTIAN. It was quite interesting; that assumption. Threads would be bouncing along, and a religious topic would emerge and people on the religious board would be surprised that OTHER religious homeschoolers were there.


The quirkiness was with registering your email, and if you had a pop up blocker that VS "found", you'd be blocked! Their ads were precious to them.


In addition to discussion of meat, abortion and spanking were banned as topics. This was during the height of programs such as GKGW.


VS would ban ISPs, posters, and certain email addresses in ways that appeared random and unpredictable. I think it was related to this that a mass exodus happened and many former VS posters came here.


The VS exodus took over our conversations here for quite some time as people processed leaving there. I never thought I'd forget the details, but apparently time and brain damage does that.


The funny part would be threads here starting with "medium rare" or 'thick and juicy" because the silenced carnivores finally had some culinary discussion freedom.


That is, IMO, when TWTM board took hold and began to grow and mature.

Ahh memories! I was at Veg Source for a long time. I had forgotten all that.

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I didn't get into Vegsource, though I remember it was THE BOARD for homeschooling. I was getting started with homeschooling and becoming a strict vegetarian at the same time, and I found that board confusing. We were too early for intense homeschooling discussion (Sagg was PreK and K) and there wasn't really any vegetarian discussion as I recall. Plus the format was so clunky. I just didn't get into it. 

I want to hear more about crock pots. Was the thread deleted? I have searched a few times and never found it. I'm not sure if it was just buried. Crock pots come up often here. 
I have never heard of lead leaching  :huh: I'm in the natural parenting community. If something is even the teeniest bit toxic, I usually hear about it. How did it get heated? Slowly, over 6 hours, I assuming  :lol:


But seriously, I've wanted to know for a long time. 

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Oh, the olden days... like when dd 24 was dd8...


VegSource really helped me get connected in the homeschooling world.


Eventually it morphed into an ultra-opinionated forum with TONS of bickering (extreme PC) ... sad. 


I eventually migrated over here to the WTM board and never regretted it.

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. How did it get heated? Slowly, over 6 hours, I assuming  :lol:




:D  :D  :D



So, did it get heated, or did it just go on and on until everyone was sick to death of crockpots??  (oh, I'll go read those links!)


The Veg Source deal is crazy, thanks for explaining! 


What happened at SonLight that caused people to leave?  Was it a religious dispute?  Young earth, or something like that?


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Wow.  I was on Vegsource back in the day.  I had no idea there was any connection to this board.  I was not a parent at that point nor would I have ever guessed I might homeschool.  I was just there because I was a vegetarian looking for recipes.  I remember Dharma!  Ha ha!

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I think I was "Joanne in AZ" at that point. Or some variation of milk4three.


I also (briefly) posted on FIAR boards. The arguments against TWTM were what got me here. ;)  I also posted on different manifestations of Sonlight boards but the moderation was too heavy handed for my preference. I was a long time member of TeachingMom. I think, ultimately, I was not Christian enough for those boards.

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I was banned from there for no apparent reason. I appealed to the powers that be, but never heard anything back from them. Then with the onslaught of advertisements, I just completely gave up. Never once missed the place, other than their curriculum sale board. But I see now that it's pretty much dead, so I guess I didn't really miss much anyhow. But once upon a time, it was "the" online forum for homeschoolers.

This is what I most remember - folks getting banned left and right for no discernible reason. It was like one became part of a club when she came on the WTM board and announced "another one bites the dust" or something to that effect.


I never participated in the homeschool forum, but they were definitely the sale n swap place. WTM forums were still fairly new, the first edition of TWTM had not been out all that long so the sale forum here was either not around yet or pretty slim on resources. I don't think Peace Hill Press actually had a site/store back then, did it? Hard to remember the details.


But the banning, I remember. Comments here about it went from confusing, to maddening, to just comical.

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Veg Source (OMG, I just googled and it still exists and looks *exactly* the same) hosted many forums. The owners were "crunchy" and alternative-ish. They were, in their time, the premier HS board and sale board.




I had to go and look. I can't believe they haven't updated the look after all these years.


I never got involved in the discussions mainly because I didn't like the format. That's also why I didn't post in the original WTM boards either though I lurked. 


The only time I went to vegsource was to buy or sell  homeschool books. I didn't go to the discussion threads. I liked the FIAR (Five in a Row) boards because of the forum style. I still have some recipes from the FIAR "What's for dinner" threads.

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I remember VegSource. And Ellie.  And, I think Dharma, but I'm not sure.  I was some other user name there, but I can't remember who I was!  I did buy quite a bit of my start up curriculum used from there, though.

I remember CrockPots.  Cupcakes, Kilts, election threads going bad, board changes and the excitement of SWB's "new" books.


And I think that means I've been around here way longer than my post count indicates, LOL!

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I had to go and look. I can't believe they haven't updated the look after all these years.


I never got involved in the discussions mainly because I didn't like the format. That's also why I didn't post in the original WTM boards either though I lurked.


The only time I went to vegsource was to buy or sell homeschool books. I didn't go to the discussion threads. I liked the FIAR (Five in a Row) boards because of the forum style. I still have some recipes from the FIAR "What's for dinner" threads.

I can't even remember what my username was on the original WTM boards, but I didn't post much back then because I wasn't even "officially" homeschooling when I first joined, and the format was difficult to follow. The FIAR boards were fun for a while, but when FIAR didn't work at all for my ds, I drifted away from there. I was on the Sonlight forums until it went to the paid format. I never really posted at VegSource, but I did buy quite a bit of our early curriculum there. I also used to post at the HomeschoolReviews forums for a while. Are they still around?

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I remember VS. I was able to get on there one time and never again. I remember a lot of people here being banned for no reason whatsoever. While we're on the subject of old times...does anyone know what happened to the woman who was banned from pretty much every site, maybe even this one, who had goats and lived somewhere in the northwest? Maybe her board name WAS goat lady or something? She was cool and then she was very contentious. I remember she had a blog and I read once that she was battling cancer. As argumentative as she was, she had a pretty interesting perspective.

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I was on VegSource for a while.  I think I went there in phases.  The pop-ups were annoying, but there wasn't anyplace else I knew of as active.  I was away for a bit and went back, and it was dead.  Never knew what happened...


I remember Ellie and Jann in TX from there...


I found the Denim Jumper first, and then that had a software problem and I found this place...

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The FIAR boards were fun for a while, but when FIAR didn't work at all for my ds, I drifted away from there. I was on the Sonlight forums until it went to the paid format. 


FIAR had a board called The Living Room or something like that, which was similar to The Chat Room here. I stuck around a little while after FIAR was no longer working for us, but then drifted away. 


I wasn't a very active poster on the Sonlight forums, but I was there. Like you I left when it went to paid format. I was also on the Secular Sonlight yahoogroup for a while, back when John used to post there and before many of us knew about some of his, um, odd beliefs. I got tired of trying to secularize the curriculum, so once I quit using Sonlight even as a general book list, I left there too.


Anyone remember The Denim Jumper? It was an attempt at a secular hs board, but didn't last long. 

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I remember VS. I was able to get on there one time and never again. I remember a lot of people here being banned for no reason whatsoever. While we're on the subject of old times...does anyone know what happened to the woman who was banned from pretty much every site, maybe even this one, who had goats and lived somewhere in the northwest? Maybe her board name WAS goat lady or something? She was cool and then she was very contentious. I remember she had a blog and I read once that she was battling cancer. As argumentative as she was, she had a pretty interesting perspective.





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Anyone remember The Denim Jumper? It was an attempt at a secular hs board, but didn't last long. 


I think it was started by Sara who lives in Canada with her two kids (a boy and a girl) as a spin-off because of the gang-ups and bashing done by religious members here.  I followed her blog for a while, but I can't remember what it was called.

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I remember VS. I traded a lot of elementary curricula for high school curricula there and I even bought a box of clothes for a teen once.


I switched dial-up ISPs a lot and was using some pretty minimalist off-the-beaten-path software on my 166 Mhz Pentium II with 32 megs of RAM back in 2004-2006, so I figured that was why they stopped letting me post and from what the rest of you have said, it looks like I was probably right.


I remember people saying "her ISP got banned" rather than "she got banned", people disappearing in the middle of heated discussions and/or personal crises, and then posting from the library or other people saying, "I got an email from butterfllyzRfree and she's fine, her ISP just got banned".


Good times, good times.



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I can't even remember what my username was on the original WTM boards, but I didn't post much back then because I wasn't even "officially" homeschooling when I first joined, and the format was difficult to follow. The FIAR boards were fun for a while, but when FIAR didn't work at all for my ds, I drifted away from there. I was on the Sonlight forums until it went to the paid format. I never really posted at VegSource, but I did buy quite a bit of our early curriculum there. I also used to post at the HomeschoolReviews forums for a while. Are they still around?

Home school reviews is still around. I used to read there and post sometimes. I really liked that board a lot. Then it switched owners/moderators a couple of times and it seemed to go downhill. The 2008 election season was not pretty and several people left.

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I remember VS. I was able to get on there one time and never again. I remember a lot of people here being banned for no reason whatsoever. While we're on the subject of old times...does anyone know what happened to the woman who was banned from pretty much every site, maybe even this one, who had goats and lived somewhere in the northwest? Maybe her board name WAS goat lady or something? She was cool and then she was very contentious. I remember she had a blog and I read once that she was battling cancer. As argumentative as she was, she had a pretty interesting perspective.


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I never was on VS.  Their setup is just awful.  It makes my eyes hurt.  I know there was quite a freakout on MDC with their format changes and discontinuing their magazine (and IMHO kind of ripping people off) and a bunch of us on the homeschool boards there came over here instead.


Yes, I used to frequent (lurk, mainly) the MDC hs board a lot.  But their format changes were awful and I left.  I think that's when I started coming here a lot more often.


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Yes, I used to frequent (lurk, mainly) the MDC hs board a lot.  But their format changes were awful and I left.  I think that's when I started coming here a lot more often.



That was where I started out. I got tired of being berated by unschoolers though. That's how I ended up here :lol: I was on VegSource way back when too but was mostly only lurking. By the time I was ready to post, no one was left to answer, so I stopped bothering. I did use the For Sale board there though! 


My experiences at the VegSource board, the MDC board, and the HomeschoolLibrary made me SO grateful for this community--even when it was that weird old linear format :lol:

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