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Prayers for my MIL, alone abroad in ICU (CC)


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We just got the call this morning from the hospital. Dh visited her this summer and she was not doing well. She went into the hospital last week to try to figure out a problem she'd been having. Something serious developed and now she's in ICU. Dh is an only child and we are her only family left. She is very much alone in this hour of need. Please pray for her faith, healing, and comfort, and wisdom for us. Thank you.

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How hard to be so far separated during a time like this, especially as the only child :grouphug:.


Prayers for your MIL - for her physical health, comfort, and emotional strength.

Prayers for you, too - for wisdom, good counsel, and your own resiliency.



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If she wasn't in the ICU, you could look into bringing her to where you are, so you could help her. That has a lot of ramifications, such as finances, insurance, a visa, etc.  When I got the call about my mother in 1997, the wife of one of my cousins in CA called me. I went up there and arranged for her to take over supervision of my mother. Legally, I think that is called a Conservatorship or something like that. We went to an attorney and signed papers and she began the legal process.  Several months later, my mother passed away and that process converted into an Estate procedure. When the Estate was settled, I paid my cousins wife for the hours she put into taking care of my mother. I am certain that had I hired someone to do that for me, a stranger, that it would have cost far more and probably the concern they would have had for my mother would have been far less.


I considered bringing my mother down here, but she would have fought that and again the ramifications about finances and her insurance in the states not being valid here, although medical care here costs much less than it does in the states.


Does your DH have any cousins where his mother is that he might pay to look after your mother? It helps, if someone is in a hospital, if they have visitors coming in, to visit them and to check up on what's going on.


GL to your MIL and to you and your DH!

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