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All about spelling after phonics pathways....


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We are currently breezing our way through phonics pathways and my 6yr old dd loves it. We have just started a spelling notebook which helps her remember the spelling of the words according to the phonetic rules (she loves rules). Her reading level is very high but her spelling could use a lot of work. My question is should we continue to work through PP using our spelling notebook and start all about spelling or sequential spelling when we have completed phonics review? I'm afraid if we start AAS now with PP she will get confused by all the rules. I'm not really sure how to use them together.

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I waited until the end of PP to start AAS with my first two kids. I started AAS once we reached page 100 in PP with kid #3, and I will do the same with kid #4 who just started PP. I thought the combination worked well when we did it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My DD flew through PP and was reading Little House books in K. I waited to start AAS until 1st, just to let the reading have priority for a while. She is a a natural speller and is cruising through AAS easily.


DS is 7 and just now reading Magic Tree House comfortably. I started him on AAS this year and he is on p.137 of PP. It has been great reinforcement for him. He loves having his own box and he loves the tiles.  :hurray:



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