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Socks! Boy socks! How often do you replace them?


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My boys routinely get huge holes in their socks.  They're like the 12 Dancing Princesses of socks.  Every time I have to toss more holey socks, I'm perplexed because I have worn the same socks for years upon years upon years.


But I'm finally coming to the realization (after 12 years) that boys just go through socks quickly. Every time I have to buy a new pack I feel that twinge of anxiety that I'm wasting money since I have to buy boy socks a few of times a year. 


Clearly I need to rethink my sock budget.


How often do you buy boy socks?  What's normal?  


Also, how many pair do you have for each kid at a time?  Right now we have five million socks all stuffed in their drawers, all threadbare and embarrassing if Mom-mom were to see them.

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Mine have a terrible habit of flinging their socks off and sticking them wherever they happen to land - under the couch, in the couch cushions, etc.  It isn't long before more than half the socks have disappeared.  Once my older son did his laundry and had 10 pairs of underwear and 3 socks.  Not 3 pairs, just 3 individual socks.


Mine wear those Nike black athletic socks that are mid calf or higher.  They don't seem to get holes in them as fast as some other types.

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My boys are terrible on socks (although to be fair, my girls aren't much better!). I have to buy a new package almost every month...it's ridiculous. But even the "good" Hanes socks have started to feel really cheap in the past couple of years, so I don't think it's entirely the fault of the wearers. I usually have about five to six pairs in decent shape for each child at any given time. Any more, and their drawers won't close, any less, and they're just wearing them out even faster. It really annoys me.

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Mine are hard on socks, too. At one point, I made them wear slippers whenever they were not wearing shoes. This did help extend the wear. Our kitchen floor is a rough stone tile and I did think that accelerated wear.


I still replace boys socks about three xs a year. I only buy black, always black only and forevermore. Dh, too. I try to get Nike, Hanes or Champions, but they still wear fast.

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Way. Too. Often.


My boys, especially my 13 yo, think nothing of walking out on the deck in their sock feet leading to holes within a very short time of buying them. I finally told my 13 yo that I wasn't going to buy any more white socks because of this. I simply can't afford it.

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I don't (very often).


Mine is another one that tosses his socks off anywhere, then goes through his cousins' drawers to snag theirs. I used to buy them all one brand socks because it was easier. Now that we have a sock thief, I have to buy everyone different socks. Giant PITB. So my boy gets a new bag of socks for every holiday and the occasional pseudo-holiday.  He no longer gets the good ones because he's just gonna lose them anyway. He gets the Target or Costco special, whatever is cheap when I happen to be at the store and remember. It ends up being every 2-3 months that he gets a new bag. In the interim he tries to steal socks or he goes without. And his feet stink something nasty, but what'cha gonna do ...


My nephews aren't that hard on their socks. They only need replacing once a year, if that. I buy them new ones each year whether they need them or not, usually around their (fall) birthdays. My daughter likes to do indoor "snowball" fights so she takes their old socks for that. I'm not sure where my son's genetics went bad.

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I just wish there was a magic sock fairy that would tell me which ones ds11 would feel comfortable in.  They are all too tall or too short, too tight or too loose.


His twin brother has very wide feet and now only fits into the "man"-sized socks (thinking on it now, shouldn't I be weirded out that he's old enough for that?).  I buy him socks at Costco.  It's tricky just to get his socks into the laundry before he dons the same dirty pair again.


Ds8 has been wearing the Hanes.  Those things get holes the minute I bring them through the door.  And, of course, any sock with a hole is not one he wants to put on his feet.

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My three boys all wear the same size in socks. I buy huge packs of socks every month and they still never seem to have any without holes or the socks have completely disappeared. I have even issued a mandate that church socks must be relinquished at the door upon returning home from church.


I have tried wool socks, but those didn't do any better. Even Ram Man's socks are needing to be replaced with greater frequency.


Socks are becoming as disposable as pantyhose.

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I used to buy Gold Toe when they were younger and it seemed the thicker sock lasted longer. I always bought the same style and same colors for each boy so no headaches trying to get them matched up. Most of them lasted through two brothers or cousins.

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It's not something I really like to talk about. The heels.... oh, the heels. Where do they disappear to? How can matter just disappear into thin air? I just always keep a package of socks on hand and hand them out with a lecture. "Be careful with these. Do not ever go outside with just socks on. Blah, blah blah blah blah!"

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We have found that the Joe Boxer socks from K-Mart (of all places) outlast any other brand of socks we have tried.  They are thicker and seem to wear very well.  Once or twice a year we make a special trip to a K-mart (closest one is 50 minutes away) to get socks.

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I only replace when he's outgrown them, so once a year or so. For a long time, socks from the Gap were the only kind he could tolerate (sensory stuff), but he's recently switched to Nike--the calf length or higher kind. I'm not sure he's ever lost a sock to holes. Now ME on the other hand...I'm super hard on socks, no idea why. Even Smartwool socks get worn right through (but only by me).

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Hmmm, I am the only female in the house and I don't see the boys going through socks at any particular pace. I run into trouble because I forget to buy new socks and then they don't fit, lol.  They don't seem to get holes in them.


But, my kids don't walk around the house in only socks. We have all wood floors and stairs and walking in socks will often cause a slip or a slide, especially on the stairs, so they are mostly barefoot or in slippers with no socks at home. They tend to only put on socks when we are leaving the house. When they were toddlers and pre-schoolers I actually kept the socks near the door with the shoes.


And we don't wear socks in the warm weather. I generally pack up socks with the long pants and sweaters and bring them out in Sepember (soon!).


So maybe we don't go through them because we don't wear them as much?

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