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AP economics help

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Are you willing to self-study? I did it with my daughter using about $10 in used texts, a syllabus I found online and a review book. She made 5s on both. My undergraduate degree was in economics, but that was only marginally helpful. I will be happy to fill you in on the exact texts we used if you are willing to go it alone.

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Self-study would be our style, and we may go that route, so thanks for the encouragement and offers of help. 


However, I think my kid is suffering from an insufficient number of teachers able to write strong

academic recommendations, so we are considering other options.  We have a few days to decide between Potter's School AP Macroeconomics and Harvard Extension Principles of Economics.  


The Harvard Extension class seems to be an overview of macro- and micro- in one semester with no math prerequisite, which seems odd to me.  The instructor is highly regarded at Harvard. My kid could prepare for the exams during the spring.


Any comments on these options?  



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Are you willing to self-study? I did it with my daughter using about $10 in used texts, a syllabus I found online and a review book. She made 5s on both. My undergraduate degree was in economics, but that was only marginally helpful. I will be happy to fill you in on the exact texts we used if you are willing to go it alone.


Would you mind sharing what texts you used?  We will be doing this next year and will most likely self-study. 


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We used this textbook and this study guide, and I had copies of each for both of us (they were $1 each--I splurged!).   I covered the chapters I found on some helpful real AP teacher's website.  He had them divided into macro and micro, and we did the chapters listed, which were most of those in the book.  Then she worked through some sample exams in an AP review book--Barron's, probably.  I have to say that the study guide was invaluable, if for nothing else other than the primer on graphing.  Economics is really an ideal test for self-study because you, the teacher, can easily compare her answers on sample exams to the correct answers and tell whether she is right or not.  With world history, on the other hand, I did not learn the curriculum with her and was utterly lost when she did sample exams.  

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