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Good gravy! Medical forms VENT


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My baby is going to the allergist today.  


They asked us to please download the intake forms and print them out and fill them in before coming today.


I just looked.....18 pages!!!!!!!!!  


Good thing I remembered.......

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this will take a portion of my morning to get filled in!  Good thing I don't have too much going on this am.  I have a guy coming out to measure and give us a quote on our countertops and kitchen flooring, but other than that, I don't have anything.

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I would rather fill in actual paperwork than come up with a user name and yet another password to log into their online system, though.  Seriously--when my optometrist required a user name and password to make an appointment because the employees can not be bothered to answer their phones and consult the appointment calendar, it nearly sent me over the edge.   

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What is the pits is when your SN child sees lots of different healthcare practitioners (physicians, psychologists/counselors, SLP's, OT's, PT's, etc.) and every single one asks the same dang questions. Weren't electronic healthcare records supposed to allow the practitioner to automatically pull up the information????

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Wow, that is a lot of pages!  I can see that if it's an allergist who wants to know every little thing that might be affecting his allergies and his environment, it might be a longer list than usual, but it's probably a lot of the same old stuff.  The frustrating thing for me is that most of the time the 6-page form that we fill out ahead of time isn't even looked at during the appt.  Instead, the nurse asks us the exact same questions out loud once we are there.  Don't quite get that...

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When we moved and had to find a new doctor they gave us forms to fill out for each child. Then when I took each child in for their first visit, they had magically lost all the other forms. So I filled out literally ten sets of forms. And transferring medical records, don't even get me started. I hope we never move again, at least while we have kids in the house!

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