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Cat help, please! In the next half hour if possible.


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So I was all set to take my cat to the sitter, which does intake only for the next hour and a half. Cat, not wanting to go, wedged herself through a fireplace vent and is now deep inside the fireplace (not accessible except through tiny, though evidently not too tiny for a determined cat, vents).


I really need to get her out. I've tried ignoring. She's onto me.


I've tried snacks, I've tried annoying her with noise and a spray bottle of water. I'm not even sure where, exactly, she is in the catacombs of my fireplace.


I'm kind of desperate. Does anybody have any cat retrieval ideas I haven't thought of?

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You'll laugh about it some day.


And I say this as someone whose cat once got stuck inside a wall. We'd had a water leak and the plumbers cut out part of the ceiling so they could fix it. The cat decided to check out this mysterious new place and somehow ended up stuck way down inside one of the walls.


Let's just say we ended up having holes in the ceiling and in the wall by the time we were finally able to pinpoint her location and get her out of there.


I was worried sick, but when we finally got her out, she was perfectly fine and did that too-cool-for-school cat thing where they pretend they meant to do it all along. :glare:

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We've always gotten obstinate or escaped cats by pretending we are feeding them the plain old normal way we feed them.  They are suspicious of treats or anything outside of normal, but getting a kibbles bag down and feeding them where they are used to being fed seems to work all the time - as long as "we" don't act abnormally doing it.  We feed and walk away - they come to see what we put in the bowl.

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My first kitty crawled into a tiny hole in the baseboard beside the dishwasher in my apartment right after I let her out of the Humane Society cardboard box. I had to pull out the dishwasher to get her. I named after dishwasher detergent. She liked to hide in obscure places sometimes. She was the best kitty!


I hope yours is out and you got her to the sitter's. Yes, you'll laugh about this someday! :)

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So she's still in there. I've completely scuttled tomorrow's plans so that IF she comes out I can get her to the sitter tomorrow. 


And if she still hasn't come out by then? No clue. I've got nothing past Plan C.




Thanks for the advice and good vibes, everybody. 

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So she's still in there. I've completely scuttled tomorrow's plans so that IF she comes out I can get her to the sitter tomorrow.


And if she still hasn't come out by then? No clue. I've got nothing past Plan C.




Thanks for the advice and good vibes, everybody.

As long as she's not stuck in there, she will probably come out during the night. Make sure you hide her carrier so she doesn't think you're planning to take her anywhere!

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So my dh, who is a vet's son and grew up with all kinds of animals and has the best crazy animal stories has the perfect solution but it isn't for the faint of heart:



I read your post to him and he said "Well, my dad would light a fire in the fireplace."



and FTR, I really think his dad would do that.

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As long as she's not stuck in there, she will probably come out during the night. Make sure you hide her carrier so she doesn't think you're planning to take her anywhere!


That's what we're hoping. We're all walking around nonchalantly, practically singing, "Doo de doo...nothing unusual here..perfectly ordinary evening...". Unfortunately, while she's not the brightest animal, she does have a powerful sense of About to Be Picked Up. 


The other cat is loving this, having been sprung from her carrier (as the sitter was a no-go today) and getting extra snacks, as we were hoping the sound of her eating them would incite jealousy in Fireplace Cat. 

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So my dh, who is a vet's son and grew up with all kinds of animals and has the best crazy animal stories has the perfect solution but it isn't for the faint of heart:



I read your post to him and he said "Well, my dad would light a fire in the fireplace."



and FTR, I really think his dad would do that.


Don't think we haven't considered it! :)

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Happy update!


Fireplace Kitty emerged sometime last night (you guys were absolutely right about just leaving her alone). At 5:30 this morning she was sitting on the couch, looking sheepish. The fireplace is now blocked with pillows and math books.


Thanks, all. Your advice and hidden cat stories helped enormously. :)



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Happy update!


Fireplace Kitty emerged sometime last night (you guys were absolutely right about just leaving her alone). At 5:30 this morning she was sitting on the couch, looking sheepish. The fireplace is now blocked with pillows and math books.


Thanks, all. Your advice and hidden cat stories helped enormously. :)


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