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Just have to share some exciting news and a prayer request!!

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My whole family is leaving next Saturday to help with at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota with a benefit concert by Casting Crowns.


Wings as Eagles Ministries This link will take you to the ministry page.


This ministry has the most "only God could do this" story. The missionaries there are friends of ours and asked us to come help with evangelism and set-up for the concert as well as the children's event. At first it was an impossible dream that we would be able to go because of time and finances. Well, everything has fallen into place and money was given to our family to send us out to help.


Please pray for both my family but, more importantly, the benefit to help make the Dream Center a reality. If you research the area, it is in the Badlands and there is little hope at all from the people. The Dream Center will be a shining light there.

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Just have to say, I am really glad to be homeschooling as my dc's get to experience this. If you look at the website linked, you will see it is sad the condition in the area. The suicide rate is 300% the national average. I am looking forward to the ministry opportunity but kinda nervous about how things will be in the area and having to leave and come home leaving the social ills behind.

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I read through this website with interest because that's the reservation where my partner's mother was born. I am now shaking with anger. This ministry is going to waste money on an outdoor gospel amphitheatre when people in Pine Ridge have life-and-death needs that are much more immediate than a cool worship space. How about putting toilets in their homes? Or telephones? Or updating their school with science and geography books that were published within the past thirty years? Why are they building a house for an immortal god who can't get cold, while people around them are freezing, hungry, and watching their kids kills themselves at four times the national average rate?


ETA - I don't mean to rain on your parade or criticize you personally, FrontierMom. I realize your family just wants to help and I recognize that intention as a good thing.

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I read through this website with interest because that's the reservation where my partner's mother was born. I am now shaking with anger. This ministry is going to waste money on an outdoor gospel amphitheatre when people in Pine Ridge have life-and-death needs that are much more immediate than a cool worship space. How about putting toilets in their homes? Or telephones? Or updating their school with science and geography books that were published within the past thirty years? Why are they building a house for an immortal god who can't get cold, while people around them are freezing, hungry, and watching their kids kills themselves at four times the national average rate?


ETA - I don't mean to rain on your parade or criticize you personally, FrontierMom. I realize your family just wants to help and I recognize that intention as a good thing.



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I read through the website as well and I get the impression that the concert is a one time thing yet the "Dream Center" will not only be a place of worship but a homeless shelter, job training center, food distribution, etc. for this community. The subgroup of this ministry "Wings of Hope" sounds like it is the meeting the physical needs of the community part of the ministry and reaches out to not only this reservation but four or five others as well. It also sounds like on the website that Wings of Eagles is well aware of the distress these people are in and are trying to meet physical and spiritual needs. They are trying to share the Gospel holistically meeting the temporal physical needs of a person while also addressing the spiritual eternal needs of that same person for the glory of God.

I think the heretical prosperity gospel has done so much damage to Christian ministries in general that when a valid ministry reaches out in such a way as this it is automatically viewed as wasteful in some way. Christians believe that we are eternal beings and so both states of a person, temporal and eternal are emphasized in ministry.

Where are the secular groups helping this reservation?

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I read through the website as well and I get the impression that the concert is a one time thing yet the "Dream Center" will not only be a place of worship but a homeless shelter, job training center, food distribution, etc. for this community. The subgroup of this ministry "Wings of Hope" sounds like it is the meeting the physical needs of the community part of the ministry and reaches out to not only this reservation but four or five others as well. It also sounds like on the website that Wings of Eagles is well aware of the distress these people are in and are trying to meet physical and spiritual needs. They are trying to share the Gospel holistically meeting the temporal physical needs of a person while also addressing the spiritual eternal needs of that same person for the glory of God.

I think the heretical prosperity gospel has done so much damage to Christian ministries in general that when a valid ministry reaches out in such a way as this it is automatically viewed as wasteful in some way. Christians believe that we are eternal beings and so both states of a person, temporal and eternal are emphasized in ministry.

Where are the secular groups helping this reservation?


:iagree: Well put, Sophie. FrontierMom, you have my prayers for your ministry! I'm so glad you are taking your kids along for this experience...it will change them.

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It's a benefit concert, so the group is working to raise money to benefit the community. Also, don't discount the positive effect an event like this can have on a people who have no hope. It can be so uplifting and positive.


Casting Crowns is an amazing group. They do a lot of really good things. Don't knock them for using their talent to draw people in to raise money to help meet the desperate needs there.

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