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Lots of littles, noise and chaos


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What do you do when there is just too much noise and chaos from the kids? I would slip into another room for some peace for a few minutes, but the younger two (both 2 yrs) need constant supervision. I couldn't wait for nap/quiet time today because the noise was just unbearable! Anyone ever feel this way? Any creative ways to cope?

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My husband swears by ear plugs. He buys them at Walmart.  They're orange and you get maybe 10 to a package.


For me, I agree with outside time.  I'll take them to a park or something.  If I can't do that, sometimes I escape to a quick shower.

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along the lines of ear plugs, I recently started listening to podcasts with just one headphone in. The difference is amazing. I'm more productive and I don't hear every teeny argument but I hear things before they escalate. I'm there but it's not so overloading to my senses. 

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Also, I would find someway to lock their bedroom from the outside, and then childproof it.  I know lots of people are horrified by this, but I believe mom needs a place to put a kid in case she HAS to, and sometimes she does.  At the very least so that she can take a bathroom break by herself without rushing.  Of course, I am not suggesting locking them away and forgetting about them.  But even 2 year olds can survive on their own (in a childproofed room) for 5 minutes while mom goes to the bathroom at human pace, or handles the raw chicken for tonight's dinner, or does whatever it is she needs to do without worrying what they are up to for 5 minutes.

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I don't know what to tell you.  I think some families are louder than others.  My own family is pretty quiet.  My home is quiet, I rarely have the tv or music playing.  I only have two boys and they've never been particularly loud.  I am not a loud and if I'm yelling, WWIII is about to break out.  


My best friend is in what I consider to be a loud family.  TVs running, radio on, kids RUNNING and chasing each other  throughout the house and up and down the stairs.  Rough-housing, wrestling.  Kids yelling at each other.  None of this phases her.  When I visit, I walk around turning off the tvs (most of the time the kids have just left them on) and trying to find a quiet area.  I WOULD GO CRAZY if I lived at her home.  


Maybe you could send your kids to her? ;-P  Or get earplugs.

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Take them outside to run off energy! Have fun, engaging things for them to do inside...blocks, water play (in a dishpan on the kitchen floor), rice box, dolls, dress up clothes, blanket tents, large cardboard boxes. My kids enjoyed all of these things and were less likely to be screaming if there were interesting things to do. Make sure they're tired so they'll take a good nap and then take some Mommy time!

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I don't know what to tell you. I think some families are louder than others. My own family is pretty quiet. My home is quiet, I rarely have the tv or music playing. I only have two boys and they've never been particularly loud. I am not a loud and if I'm yelling, WWIII is about to break out.


My best friend is in what I consider to be a loud family. TVs running, radio on, kids RUNNING and chasing each other throughout the house and up and down the stairs. Rough-housing, wrestling. Kids yelling at each other. None of this phases her. When I visit, I walk around turning off the tvs (most of the time the kids have just left them on) and trying to find a quiet area. I WOULD GO CRAZY if I lived at her home.


Maybe you could send your kids to her? ;-P Or get earplugs.

I agree with this, but sometimes the kids that are loud are born to the parents who can't handle it! My kids are so, so, SO loud. I'm not and never was, neither was my husband. My brother, however, was sent to speech in school because of an inability to use his "indoor voice". He's still loud and married a woman just as loud. They aren't planning on having kids, so I sometimes joke to him that the universe gave me the kids he was supposed to get! I send mine outside or the basement. They know they have to play with toys that make noise is a different room with the door shut. I haven't gotten myself noise canceling headphones, but the kids have some from going to see monster trucks and I have worn theirs before. It IS nice. You can still hear, but at a lower volume.

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It will get easier in a couple of years -- the littles won't be so little, and the bigs will be better able to supervise them. Having a 12yo makes things so much easier for me with so many littles.


There is nothing wrong with settling them all in front of a movie if you just need some down time, especially while pregnant -- do what you need to do, mama! Also, can your DH (or mom or friend) be in charge for a while so you can just have some quiet time to read or rest or just think a complete thought?

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I start teaching them to be quiet, to have self-control. There's a time and a place for noise - but not usually in the same room where I am. They can take it outside - but even there I don't expect anything so loud as to alarm neighbors, lol.


I agree. We are a pretty loud family. However, they really ought to know when to hush, our at least hire to shut down with a book or a pad of paper and work quietly for a bit.


I also agree with a good deal of outside time.


I am all for hollering and a good time, just not in my house. And I think it's important for kids to realize there are times for quiet out of respect for mom or dad.

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((Hugs))  I know how you feel. My three boys are 8, 10 and 12, and they are STILL loud. I think that my own hormones, sleep deprivation, and ability to handle stress play a factor in how much I can handle the noise. I'm going through menopause/premenopause and am finding the noise levels a lot tougher to deal with now. You are pregnant (if I interpret your siggy correctly), and probably generally tired with two toddlers in the house.  There are going to be times when you need a break away from the noise and activity level. Do you have a friend or family member that you can phone and either just chat with or have them come over to watch the noisy boys while you go out?

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