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I just received R & S English - Now do I buy a

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You only buy a writing program if you want to. R&S writing instruction is excellent. The key is to implement it into your other subjects after dc learn something in R&S.


We aim for 5 lessons a week/1 a day. That way, if we run into something that throws us off schedule here and there, we are fine. I've never found the lessons to be short. We start with the oral review, read through the explanation in the student text, and go over the oral questions for the lesson together. Dc then do the written and review sections on their own.


No need to supplement. It is plenty.

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You only buy a writing program if you want to. R&S writing instruction is excellent. The key is to implement it into your other subjects after dc learn something in R&S.


We aim for 5 lessons a week/1 a day. That way, if we run into something that throws us off schedule here and there, we are fine. I've never found the lessons to be short. We start with the oral review, read through the explanation in the student text, and go over the oral questions for the lesson together. Dc then do the written and review sections on their own.


No need to supplement. It is plenty.



:iagree: I have not found R&S to be short or brief. We've used levels 3 - 7 and will be using 5 & 8 this year. R&S is very thorough.

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I agree with this also. We have been using it for 2 years now, and it is definitely thorough in grammar. It actually can take a fair bit of time to complete a lesson if you have your children do all the written exercises. We do 4 lessons a week of but did add in a seperate writing program that we work on, on the the 5th day.


:iagree: I have not found R&S to be short or brief. We've used levels 3 - 7 and will be using 5 & 8 this year. R&S is very thorough.
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How did you set the schedule- just 4 days a week, 1 lesson. They seem short - (5th and 8th) Did you supplement, was it enough?


I have schedules for these on my blog. MS Word, free for the taking.


R&S writing instruction is excellent. The key is to implement it into your other subjects after dc learn something in R&S.




I have to stress this!


I was told (and took quite literally), that I didn't need any other writing.


What I wasn't told (the other person probably assumed), was that you would have to take the writing and implement it in other subjects.


Otherwise, it is NOT enough!


But, to stress, if you take the writing you are learning, and apply it to your other subjects, it should be fine.

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We generally do 5-7 lessons a week, but we do a lot orally and my kiddos are freakishly fond of diagramming. :tongue_smilie: Our basic schedule is one lesson per day, but we sometimes end up doing two or three lessons in one day.


The writing instruction is excellent, but as other posters have mentioned, the child must apply what he's learned by writing for other subjects or projects; otherwise, he won't get enough practice. :)

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We do 4 lessons a week and we have never had a problem finishing the book. We spend about 30 minutes on the lessons. We do the review, learn the lesson, review the oral, than do the written part. As for writing, you add what you have learned to other subjects, like History. My dd is doing a creative writing program this year but its more for fun than anything else.



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