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VBS Teachers-help me!

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I have always participated in VBS, but am usually in charge of the crafts.  I liked the craft area because everything was laid out for me step by step.  This year, I'm a lead teacher for 3rd/4th grade and while we are given a "bible manual" that covers each days theme & readings, we are left to creatively make it our own & format it our own way.  I am not a creative person and am starting to panic. :scared:


How have some of you had your kids memorize & write the daily bible verses or added simple activities to reinforce them?  I know one year one of the teachers bought blank books that she had them decorate & write them in, along with a daily prayer.  I like that idea, but am not sure if I have to buy them myself or if the church will reimburse me.  I'll probably have at least 15-20 kids.


We are doing GoFish Shine this year.  Any ideas are very much appreciated!

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My church usually had a bible passage for the entire week. Last year was Psalm 23 & this year Psalm 100, the kids help come up with motions and the passages are practiced frequently. Plus it's announced ahead of time if parents want to help at home.


Music may help, Seeds has a lot of verses and you can find them at the website. You could also try YouTube.


If you want something less expensive than books for the kids to write in, you could use cardstock. If you have several verses you could punch a couple holes along an edge and feed a ribbon through to make a booklet.

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My church usually had a bible passage for the entire week. Last year was Psalm 23 & this year Psalm 100, the kids help come up with motions and the passages are practiced frequently. Plus it's announced ahead of time if parents want to help at home.


Music may help, Seeds has a lot of verses and you can find them at the website. You could also try YouTube.


If you want something less expensive than books for the kids to write in, you could use cardstock. If you have several verses you could punch a couple holes along an edge and feed a ribbon through to make a booklet.

Yes, the cardstock idea is good; I think I will for sure use that.  I also like the Seeds idea.  I've also been Googling more things.  I want filler ideas for when we have extra time, also.

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