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Shaky interview


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I had an interview a couple days ago and felt the interview went just okay.  I went feeling good, but as soon as the questions came, half my brain could not think straight!!  Ha ha, it's been probably over a decade since I've had an interview, I prepared myself and everything, but in reflection I feel like I did not make myself clear enough, etc.  So my hunch says they offered it to someone else, which I can understand, but I also know they call to let you know they offered it to someone else.  So I am wondering would you say anything to them or simple thank you enough?  I guess I ask because the person who decides I will see from time to time.  Thanks ladies!


*Just want to add I Guess I am feeling guilty for taking up their time*

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Aww.....I hate it when that happens. Interviews are tough!  


For what it's worth, you don't know if they're going to offer it to you or to someone else.  Also, remember that we are our own worst critics, and it's likely it was better than you think it was.


To answer your question, though, I'd just thank them for their time and consideration and for letting you know the outcome (assuming you don't get an offer).  Most companies are prohibited from giving any meaningful feedback, and you'll likely get a "while your qualifications were impressive, we've decided to move forward with a candidate who better suits our current business needs..." sort of response.  


You can be upbeat,though, and sincere.  Leave a positive last impression.


Have you followed up with them?  If not, you should.  Email is fine. 

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I agree that sending a note is nice for the future and for just being classy.


But...  I would say, stop feeling guilty!  You wanted a job.  They wanted a worker.  You didn't waste their time!  I'm sure you're a worthy person with great qualities.  Project that to them.

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