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Independent educational/learning websites for 1st grader


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My 6 year old loves her computer time. I usually give her computer time after we finish up our core work and I am working on snack/lunch/whatever. I signed her up for Starfall, and she does enjoy it, but I know she would love to have some other websites she could go to and use independently. Preferably free, but I would consider some low cost options as well.


She loves anything having to do with math, science, and cooking/recipes. I definitely want something where I can just put it on the website and let her go at it, but not too cheesy (I have found some that are just ridiculous..)



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PBS Kids has a lot of games, my kids don't spend much time on the computer yet so I haven't explored them much.  My 6 year old does really like Fidget Factory right now though.


Math Blaster is online too, but it works better on my phone. 

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Easy peasy homeschool has lessons plans with links to free online learning. You can use as little or as much of the curriculum suggestions as you like.



Good idea. I have looked around on there before, but need to check to see if there might be resources on there that we could use as well.

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My 6 year old loves sumdog which she can use independently - and it sets itself to your child's level though you can as parent change what facts she reviews. Easy Peasy has a whole hosts of games she has enjoyed though you do need to search through the site to find many of them. BBC kids also had science experiments with questions that were simple enough for my child to do alone (she is reading independently though and I can't remember how much reading was required and how much was audio).

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You have to pay for it, but my kids LOVE putzing around on brainpop and brainpop jr. Warning, they do learn stuff! It was a bit hilarious when my then-6yo had a rash that she described to the doc as "sort of shaped like the Peloponnesian peninsula" and then even funnier when she asked how many calories were in the oral medication she had to take.

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