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Any Other Self-Taught Hookers Here?

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Couple of things here


1. I had no idea one could enter yarn crafts into the state fair. I am working on a blanket that I will have to enter into the State Fair. Hmmm


2. How do you get your socks to match? Granted, life is too short for matching socks, but I never even get close.


I won $3 for getting a Blue RIbbon too! WOOHOO!


Matching sock size? or stripes? As far as stripe patterns, I don't give a rip about them matching up. 


Now- matching size? Once I figured out how to do them on double point needles and got the techniques down, I got a book by Antje Gillingham and I have made many a pair Two-at-a-Time-on-Two-Circulars. A bit fiddly but they come out identically sized and finished at the same time. Helps you avoid the Single Sock Syndrome...


ps- if you are on Ravelry I am LHJ there you can check out what I have done. My Blue Ribbon socks are bright green. I have been on a knitting hiatus for a while as I got heavy into quilting....

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