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I'm looking for flights for a funeral, so it's last minute.  I know that everything is a bit pricier at this point, but it is what it is.  


Right now, the cheapest things I'm seeing are US Airways flights (on Kayak and similar).  How are they?  Anyone know?


I flew Delta when I flew to LA in January.  I was pleased with them.  I flew Alaskan Air (or is it just Alaska Air?) on the way back and it was okay but didn't have the perks of the Delta flight.  Which was fine since at that point I had been awake so long I didn't even know what time my body thought it was lol... I slept the whole 4 hour flight.   :p


I don't really know anything about other airlines.  Southwest doesn't appear to be any cheaper than anyone else.  JetBlue doesn't fly into Atlanta, which is where I'm heading.  This will be a much shorter flight (I would drive, actually, and I still might, but everything is sort of up in the air right now: no idea when the actual funeral will be so I'm looking at going down to help with planning and such, and DH may drive down for the actual funeral.  So the ticket would only need to be one-way.  We only have 1 car and I hate to leave him without, too...)


Anyway, if anyone has any input let me know!  Thanks!




another Question:

I'd much rather fly, just for the sake of convenience.  But would it be cheaper/easier (other than the 7ish hour drive by myself) to just rent a car and go down?  That would give me the option of taking the kids, too.


Or should I not even think about taking the kids, and just leave them home?  They'd probably spend the time at my ILs so DH could still go to work.  They could come down with him for the actual funeral.  Is planning a funeral completely insane/impossible with a 10yo, 8yo, and 5yo?

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I'm pretty sure that I flew US Airways either into or out of Atlanta (or both). They were unmemorable which, in my opinion, isn't a bad thing.  I am surprised about your Alaska Air experience, only because I know they are consistently one of the top rated airlines.


Here, I found this.  JDPower is well known for auto and airline ratings (at least those are the ones I know). Looks like your flight should be good (enough--I think)!



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I fly a lot, and the major carriers are largely similar, in my opinion.


I usually fly Delta because I live in Atlanta, and for most routes it's just cheapest for me.


That's said, I've flown pretty much everything else, too. The only big differences, I'd say, are Southwest, with no assigned seating (and I'm in the minority in that I don't care for it) and Spirit, which I would only consider if there were absolutely no other way to get where I was going. U.S. Air is fine. It has been looking more and more like American over the last several months anyway.

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I'm pretty sure that I flew US Airways either into or out of Atlanta (or both). They were unmemorable which, in my opinion, isn't a bad thing.  I am surprised about your Alaska Air experience, only because I know they are consistently one of the top rated airlines.


Here, I found this.  JDPower is well known for auto and airline ratings (at least those are the ones I know). Looks like your flight should be good (enough--I think)!




Well it's probably worth mentioning that I had just gotten off of a Korean Air flight... and KA is phenomenal.  Like, MAJOR phenomenal lol.  

I liked the Delta one better than Alaska because of the individual TVs in the back of the seat in front of you :lol: .  I probably wouldn't have wanted it anyway when I was on the AA flight - I was too tired.  :D


And Thanks for the link!!  :)

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Another Question:

I'd much rather fly, just for the sake of convenience.  But would it be cheaper/easier (other than the 7ish hour drive by myself) to just rent a car and go down?  That would give me the option of taking the kids, too.


Or should I not even think about taking the kids, and just leave them home?  They'd probably spend the time at my ILs so DH could still go to work.  They could come down with him for the actual funeral.  Is planning a funeral completely insane/impossible with a 10yo, 8yo, and 5yo?



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Or should I not even think about taking the kids, and just leave them home?  They'd probably spend the time at my ILs so DH could still go to work.  They could come down with him for the actual funeral.  Is planning a funeral completely insane/impossible with a 10yo, 8yo, and 5yo?


I think it really depends on you, your kids, and the people you're planning the funeral with. If having the kids around will increase the stress levels and prevent you from doing what you'd need to do, I'd make other arrangements for them during the planning stage. 


Personally I would try and get kids to the funeral and/or the gathering afterwards if it's a chance for them to be with extended family/friends they don't get to see often. But I'm saying that because our family is spread out and the chances to be with cousins doesn't come often.

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another Question:

I'd much rather fly, just for the sake of convenience.  But would it be cheaper/easier (other than the 7ish hour drive by myself) to just rent a car and go down?  That would give me the option of taking the kids, too.




It would never occur to me to fly to a destination that was 7 hours away. We travel quite a bit. I'd much rather leave early and be there for a late lunch than deal with an airport, any day.

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Another Question:

I'd much rather fly, just for the sake of convenience.  But would it be cheaper/easier (other than the 7ish hour drive by myself) to just rent a car and go down?  That would give me the option of taking the kids, too.


Or should I not even think about taking the kids, and just leave them home?  They'd probably spend the time at my ILs so DH could still go to work.  They could come down with him for the actual funeral.  Is planning a funeral completely insane/impossible with a 10yo, 8yo, and 5yo?


I'd choose the seven hour drive over flying every single time.  By the time I dealt with reservations, packed for the airlines and decided on what to / not to carry on, count the time it took to get to the airport, and then wait at least an hour, and then fly, and then get my bags and get my rental car, I'd be almost at my destination, time-wise, if I were driving.  If I drove, I'd be able to leave when WE wanted, stop when we wanted, and just be in control.


But I drive a lot, and although seven hours is longer than what I'm used to, I'd still do it.


I don't know about bringing the kids, it really would depend on too many variables for me to have an opinion.


(((Peaceful))), so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:



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I have flown US Airways several times over the last year. I've had no issues. Nothing fancy, but no delays, polite attendants, etc. I flew Southwest once, but didn't care for the unassigned seating. Otherwise, the flights were fine. Flying into Atlanta should give you many options.



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First, I'm sorry for your loss.


If you do select flying over driving ask the airline for their bereavement airfare since it is usually much, much cheaper than what you can purchase online. The bereavement airfare can also allow you to change your flight plans without penalty- depends on the airline and their policy.

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I am sorry for your loss.


I flew US Airways internationally last summer and I saw why they have the lowest customer satisfaction rating.  Nothing horrible--just lots of small things.  However, I will be flying them again this summer because they were the cheapest.  So, nothing was bad enough to keep me from flying them and most things won't be an issue on a domestic flight (like horrible food).


Does Southwest fly where you are going?  If you are only flying one way, they may be cheaper.  Usually, I have not found bereavement fares to be cheaper than booking a regular ticket and some airlines have discontinued offering them.


I would probably vote for driving--by the time I got to the local airport, checked in,,,, waited for bags at the other end, etc. I could have made quite a dent in the 7 hour drive.

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DD recently flew US Airlines (looked it up to be sure, and it was operated by Republic Airlines dba US Airways Express). She had a purse and her violin w/ her as carry ons and she checked luggage.


Both flights (round trip) were fine, departed and arrived on time if not a bit early, and she had no problems w/ her violin, which we were really sweating



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