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I wouldn't be offended but I would see it as very rude.


I have dyseidetic dyslexia.  I come here to unwind and get away from everyday stress. I don't come her to be nitpicked about if I missed a letter in a word.There are people here who speak many languages, have various forms of disabilities, have different education levels and who may just be typing on a smart phone with no spell check.(I often come back and spell check my old posts on my laptop if I post when I am out and using my phone to post).   If you don't understand what someone has written due to spelling or grammar, then ask them what they meant.  Don't judge or criticize others based on your pet peeves. 







If a child has problems in reading and/or spelling because of an inability to remember eidetic words, the condition is known as Dyseidetic Dyslexia. This disorder can also be hereditary.

  • Dyseidetic Dyslexia

    If a child has difficulty in reading and/or spelling because he or she is unable to remember whole irregular sight words(also known as eidetic words) this condition is known as dyseidetic dyslexia. Someone with this disorder does not face any problem in understanding phonics but s/he cannot recapitulate the nature of the word.

    Affected persons can easily spell the words that are phonetic but will be at a loss reading or writing words that are non-phonetic such as: thewhat or does. It is said that a straight phonics approach does not work well for children with dyseidetic dyslexia. In other words, a phonics-based reading approach is not for these affected individuals. Dyseidetic dyslexia is also called ‘visual dyslexia’ or ‘surface dyslexia’ because it’s all about viewing symbols and processing them effectively into written words.

    There is strong evidence that dyseidetic dyslexia is genetic, and that it is passed down to each generation in varying degrees regardless of the gender of the child.

    While there are many theories about how to treat dyslexia, there is in fact no actual cure for it. The school has to develop a plan with the parent to cope up with the child's deficiency.


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I tend to have issues with poor grammar  - especially on an educational forum - rather than spelling.  I assume spelling errors are just typos or lack of proof reading. Grammar mistakes seem more egregious. But, I just try to read 'reallysuperfast' through such posts and then pretend I didn't see the mistake. :coolgleamA:


Nothing to see here folks. Just move along.


ETA: 'Cause I have gone back and re-read some of my old posts and I've made a blooper or two in my time as well. :huh:

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I wouldn't judge or criticize, and I

specifically said I wouldn't be rude. I don't

appreciate the tone of your post when

I was perfectly polite.


Anyway, never mind. I erased the post.

No nitpicking or judgment coming up.


Geez, no need to get mean!




<p>I wouldn't be offended but I would see it as very rude.


If you don't understand what someone has written due to spelling or grammar, then ask them what they meant. Don't judge or criticize others based on your pet peeves. ....



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She wasn't rude at all.

I didn't read your post before you deleted, but I might gently suggest you certainly shouldn't throw stones about the grammar, general composition/formatting, and/or spelling errors that others make...

I wouldn't judge or criticize, and I
specifically said I wouldn't be rude. I don't
appreciate the tone of your post when
I was perfectly polite.

Anyway, never mind. I erased the post.
No nitpicking or judgment coming up.

Geez, no need to get mean!



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I wouldn't judge or criticize, and I

specifically said I wouldn't be rude. I don't

appreciate the tone of your post when

I was perfectly polite.


Anyway, never mind. I erased the post.

No nitpicking or judgment coming up.


Geez, no need to get mean!




You could use words that are sweet as pie, it doesn't change the fact that I would see it as rude to have a simple spelling error pointed out in the first place.  



Wow! You asked how people would perceive your advice, and you get offended by an honest answer! But you want to offer unsolicited corrections to others, and have them Not get offended???????   LOL, hmmmm. Nope. Don't see it going well. 

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I didn't throw any stones.

I didn't criticize anyone.

I didn't judge anyone.

None of these things crossed my mind.

I was thinking more of like a PSA thing

(akin to the kitten siggie someone has).


I didn't even point out anyone's mistakes.


Thank you for using the word "gently" though.

(And I assure you I didn't do anything!)


Quick way to get one's head chopped off...

(not you Aimee!)

Most of you were very kind and some of you

were funny. (Sisifus was funny.)

Thank you Arctic Mama and TammyK!







She wasn't rude at all.

I didn't read your post before you deleted, but I might gently suggest you certainly shouldn't throw stones about the grammar, general composition/formatting, and/or spelling errors that others make...

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Honest answers are fine. Most were

honest and polite.

I didn't like being told I would criticize

or judge. I wouldn't do that.

I'm not

offended, just a little chagrined at what

I perceived to be a slightly unkind tone.

Look, no big deal. It's not important.

It was going to be something to help, not

to make people feel bad. I completely didn't

expect snappy answers. My bad.



You could use words that are sweet as pie, it doesn't change the fact that I would see it as rude to have a simple spelling error pointed out in the first place.



Wow! You asked how people would perceive your advice, and you get offended by an honest answer! But you want to offer unsolicited corrections to others, and have them Not get offended??????? LOL, hmmmm. Nope. Don't see it going well.

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