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Holy Shmokes On The Cost Of Saffron!


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yep! its expensives stuff. Our Trader Joes has it pretty reasonable and I sometimes see it at stores like TJ Maxx for under $10 for a few threads of it.  


But it is so expensive, unless I find it for pretty cheap, I just skip it in recipes. 

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Do you have Trader Joe's? They have it for the best price I've seen.





Brown rice made with saffron, chicken stock, butter, and salt is so good.  My kids love it.  



Hope I'm not hijacking, but OP what are you needing the saffron for?  I'm curious (and love a new meal idea)! 

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I had no idea. 

if you look up how saffron is grown and harvested you will see why it is so expensive. Anything that requires people to go around with tweezers and pick a speck out of a flower that weighs practically nothing is bound to cost a lot.


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I found a recipe for Chicken biryani and it looked delicious, so it's what's for dinner tomorrow night.




Brown rice made with saffron, chicken stock, butter, and salt is so good.  My kids love it.  



Hope I'm not hijacking, but OP what are you needing the saffron for?  I'm curious (and love a new meal idea)! 


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We do have a Trader Joe's, but I don't get there often because it's about a 45 minute drive and I'm too cheap to lay out the gas money for the trip; so I only get there when I am down that way.  But apparently, gas is cheaper than saffron, LOL!

yep! its expensives stuff. Our Trader Joes has it pretty reasonable and I sometimes see it at stores like TJ Maxx for under $10 for a few threads of it.  


But it is so expensive, unless I find it for pretty cheap, I just skip it in recipes. 


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I found a recipe for Chicken biryani and it looked delicious, so it's what's for dinner tomorrow night.


I just Googled and found this, and it looks incredibly yummy.  We love Indian and other Middle Eastern foods here, and I'm so trying this soon.  Thanks!

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It is pricey, yes, but you only use a very little bit.  I can find Spanish saffron for about $8 per half gram, but I have to be in the City for that.  I go about once a month for work, so I will make a point to stop.  FWIW, a half gram is 4-5 dishes worth. 

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Look for Sazon Goya con Azafran if you have a Goya or ethnic section in your grocery store. It's a smallish yellow and orange box with envelopes inside. The one I have is only labeled in Spanish, so it might be hard to come by in some areas. I'm sure it doesn't have much saffron, but it is listed as an ingredient. It works well for arroz con pollo (and paella, which my kids won't eat so I've never made).

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Yup.  When we were in Dubai last year we went to the spice market - oh my goodness, like stepping back in time!  Even there it was still expensive.


To get one pound of saffron, they have to harvest 50,000-75,000 flowers!!!


We do use it a bit in our Indian cooking and even some sweet dishes.  Always seems to me it is more for the look and color than for the taste.



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I keep wanting to pick it up for things like paella and saffron chicken but I just can't bring myself to spend the money. One day when I'm filling a Penzey's or Mountain Rose Herb order I WILL bite the bulletin and toss some in my cart. But until then I'll just keep thinking about it and cringing ;)

We added it to our last Penzey's order :D

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I saw some fairly inexpensively at a little Mexican grocery store once.  There were maybe ten threads of saffron mixed in with other random dried yellow petals, and I think the whole package was less than $10. It made my saffron rice smell and taste exactly the same as the expensive kind did, if it was fake.  You might look for that if you have an imported foods grocer near you.

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I would have loved to have seen that.  What an experience, I bet!

Yup.  When we were in Dubai last year we went to the spice market - oh my goodness, like stepping back in time!  Even there it was still expensive.


To get one pound of saffron, they have to harvest 50,000-75,000 flowers!!!


We do use it a bit in our Indian cooking and even some sweet dishes.  Always seems to me it is more for the look and color than for the taste.


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I tend to be a turmeric user too. That said, I would look at buying online, checking websites like saffron.com, googling 'buy saffron online.'


I bought vanilla beans online and found the prices were significantly less than in stores, so online is tempting for me.

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My friends have relatives in Iran who bring back packets for $1! I never thought I could taste the stuff, so had given up even trying to use it, but while I can't taste it in rice (turmeric all the way, baby) I can taste it in sugar syrup. 



I can't seem to taste bay leaves either. 

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