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Help with estimating how much to buy for s'mores

Mama Geek

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I am going to a friends house for the 4th for a big party about 35 people, mostly adults but a few kids and some college age folks.  There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, and brisket and several sides along with a bonfire.  I told the hostess I would bring s'mores.  How much chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers should I get?

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Well do you want one or two per person? Usually when we make s'mores at camp it's half a rectangle of graham crackers, 1 marshmallow, chocolate I don't know because I don't like chocolate :(. I'd do however many graham crackers are in the box times two to get how many people it'll serve, and for marshmallows there should be an idea of how many are in there when you look at the servings. You might want to overestimate with the marshmallows because it won't be exact and they're only around $1, here at least.

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I always do one full graham cracker, one marshmallow and one hershey's mini for a s'more.  I would expect 2 per person depending on how many kids there will be (in my experience kids eat more than that, adults less).  I would also plan to have extra marshmallows since a few always get sacrificed to the fire.

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Cera, don't graham crackers usually come in rectangles? That's pretty big.


Mama Geek, I'd personally figure around 2 per person. You could go a bit under and I don't think you'd have much left over because some people won't eat any but some people would be willing to eat more.


I don't know about the price of that though :(

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We went to a campfire night (scouting related) one time where they had s'more kits all packed up ready to hand out. So each s'more eater grabbed a zippy with a couple of graham crackers, one chocolate bar and maybe 4 marshmallows. I liked that this way there were not hoardes of people trying to access one table and that no kids were tempted to grab and grab and grab.

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We do half a rectangle of graham cracker, 3 rectangles of a Hershey's bar (so 1/4 of regular sized bar), and 1 marshmallow per s'more. We don't like the miniature chocolates for s'mores because they are much thicker and don't melt nearly as much. 


I would count on 2 s'mores per person, plus a few extra. 


Definitely a couple of extra bags of marshmallows, b/c people will roast and eat them on their own. 


Extra marshmallows freeze well, extra graham crackers keep well, and of course you should just eat any extra chocolate! 

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I usually limit my children to two s'mores, sometimes three, and sometimes they get an extra marshmallow or two - -kind of depends on how much other sugar they've had recently.  We only have s'mores once or twice a year, so I don't mind indulging them a bit.  We tend to run out of graham crackers before we run out of chocolate or marshmallows, but part of that is because my parents like to find fun flavors of marshmallows, and of course, everyone wants to try them all. ;)  So I'd say about 2 marshmallows, 2 squares of chocolate, and 2 full graham crackers (with each cracker having 4 sections) per person at a minimum.  (And really, it would be okay to say, "we'll start with two s'mores per person, and then we'll see if there is more.")

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Well do you want one or two per person? Usually when we make s'mores at camp it's half a rectangle of graham crackers, 1 marshmallow, chocolate I don't know because I don't like chocolate :(. I'd do however many graham crackers are in the box times two to get how many people it'll serve, and for marshmallows there should be an idea of how many are in there when you look at the servings. You might want to overestimate with the marshmallows because it won't be exact and they're only around $1, here at least.


Watch out on the graham crackers. The last time I bought them they were smaller than normal! (not square if I remember right)

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Watch out on the graham crackers. The last time I bought them they were smaller than normal! (not square if I remember right)

Hmm, I've always seen them as rectangles that can be broken in half to be s'more sized squares. We almost always get honey maid though, I guess it might differ by brand.

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When I bought for our scout troops, I always got 1 regular Hershey bar per person, but that is mostly kids and not so much other food. Don't try to save money by getting store brand or generic graham crackers. Too many of the crackers come out of the box broken.

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I want there to be as many as people will want without having tons left over.  I guess my question is how many  should I figure on people eating?


I'd think most will want to make 2-3........

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When I make smores at daycare for 40 school aged kids I buy 1 4 pack of chocolate or 4 individual bars if they don't have a 4 pack.  1 box of graham crackers and 1 bag marshmallows.  It is enough for most to have 2 and for some to have more (some kids stop at 1 some have 3 etc).  

ETA get 2 bags of marshmallows.  I just remembered 1 bag works for us because I rip them in half for the daycare smores (I make a huge pan in the commercial oven so different than roasting them).  

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some people won't eat any - some people (especially boys) may eat half a dozen.  we use two squares of hershey bar per s'more.  (dh also puts the chocolate on the cracker bottom near the fire so it is soft if not melted when the marshmallow is placed on top.) 


what I would do ('cause leftovers get used on camping trips. I'd rather have too much than not enough.), I would get two boxes (each box contains three individual pkgs) of graham crackers (or one "big" on from costco), three bags of marshmallows (some people will only want a marshmallow.)  and two packages of hershey bars (costco sells boxes of 10 -12 bars)


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My experience is that there is absolutely no way to get the ratio right.  I have had too much, too little, too much of some things and not enough of others...  For some reason, it's just really tricky.


Be sure to account for kids who want to roast a marshmallow on it's own and to account for some of marshmallows ruined by being dropped in the fire or brushed against ashes or the like.

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For each s'more we use:

  • one full rectangle of graham cracker (split in half, so one square for top and one for the bottom)
  • 1/4 of a Hershey bar
  • 1 large marshmallow


I get exactly 2 dozen s'mores out of 1 box of grahams, 1 six-pack of Hershey bars, and one bag of marshmallows (you'll probably have a couple dozen extra marshmallows).


So I would probably buy 3 boxes of grahams, 3 six-packs of Hersheys, 2-3 bags of marshmallows, figuring 2 s'mores per person.  I would check the ingredients on the marshmallows---most brands have blue food coloring in them and many kids are sensitive to colors.

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I'd mix it up a bit with the chocolate…so not just Hershey bars, but maybe Reese's, Cookies n Cream, etc.


Could buy one box of the chocolate grahams too.


There are no bad s'mores in the world.


Check your local store for sales. I was somewhere this week that had s'more fixins on sale. :)

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I am going to a friends house for the 4th for a big party about 35 people, mostly adults but a few kids and some college age folks.  There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, and brisket and several sides along with a bonfire.  I told the hostess I would bring s'mores.  How much chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers should I get?

I would bring 2 boxes of graham crackers, 40 Hershey bars and a few bags of big marshmallows.

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We went to a campfire night (scouting related) one time where they had s'more kits all packed up ready to hand out. So each s'more eater grabbed a zippy with a couple of graham crackers, one chocolate bar and maybe 4 marshmallows. I liked that this way there were not hoardes of people trying to access one table and that no kids were tempted to grab and grab and grab.

Great idea!

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I'd mix it up a bit with the chocolate…so not just Hershey bars, but maybe Reese's, Cookies n Cream, etc.


Could buy one box of the chocolate grahams too.


There are no bad s'mores in the world.


Check your local store for sales. I was somewhere this week that had s'more fixins on sale. :)


Everywhere I went this week had them on sale.  I had the wants. ;)

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