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Teens babysitting overnight?


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Would you allow a 14yo high schooler to babysit overnight a few blocks away from your home?  A single mom my DH works with is looking for someone to babysit for her child, about 7yo while on 12 hour shifts.  My husband brought up DD and the mom will be calling me to discuss later tonight.  We live in a small town so they are less than five minutes away.



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Depends on how mature the 14 year old is. I know 14 year olds I would leave a young child with and 18-30 year olds I wouldn't. 


eta: didn't think of it being multiple times - I probably wouldn't be comfortable with that. not worrying about the person being babysat, but the 14yo.

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I did regularly at that age but today I would suggest having the 7 year old spend the night at your house if that would work out.  I would hesitate to have a 14 year old doing an overnight even if it is just a few miles away.  When dh and I were looking at a house sitter we wanted someone 18 or older just for liability reasons on our end.

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No.  My BFF and I were asked to do this for two small children when we were 14.  After much discussion, our parents both allowed it.  Everything went fine, but looking back, that was more luck than skill.  And as a parent now... just, no.  That's nothing against your daughter, just that it's a big responsibility, especially if it's a regular thing.


As others mentioned, if you're okay with having DD be responsible for the child at your house, that would be a different story.


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I did it a couple of times but I wouldn't recommend it at that age.  One time only, maybe....  but on a regular basis?  No.  For many reasons. 


FWIW, one of those times I was babysitting overnight I slipped and fell and hit my head in the kitchen.  Thankfully I was only slightly bruised so I was really o.k. but it scared me since no one would have known there was anything wrong for several hours and the child I was watching was only 3 so she would not have been able to call for help.  Also, DH and I had someone try to break into our home WHILE WE WERE THERE once.  Thankfully, DH and our dog made so much noise they ran away but it scared me terribly.

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No. I would consider having the 14 yo babysit at my home if I had room for a regular overnight visitor. I'm not that sure a 14 yo is cut out for this kind of job.


I would not have anyone under 18 do an overnight babysit away from home.


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If she's mature and responsible and wants to do it, I wouldn't have a problem. She can call you in an emergency and you could be there within minutes. Seems like an easy way to earn some money and gain experience.

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No, I wouldn't.


And when I was 14 the only job my mom could get was working overnight and I was left in charge of my three younger siblings.


No way would allow my own kid to be in that position voluntarily. Nope. No way.


My mom was truly desperate and I am sure this mom is as well. I might be ok with it if my kid was maybe 16 or 17, but not 14.  14 is too young for that kind of being away from home at all hours.  I think 14 is too young to be babysitting for 12 hours straight no matter the time.



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Thank you to everyone who responded.  I didn't want to air my thoughts at first because I was worried that I was being overprotective.  DH doesn't seem to have a problem with this, but I worry to much.  I like the idea of offering to have the child stay here with DD being responsible for her.  I have no problem with DD babysitting at their house during the day while I'm home, but nighttime is just different in my mind and twelve hours is just a long time.

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When I was in my teens, I regularly babysat for a young couple until 3 or 4 a.m. during the summer.  The father's family owned a famous nightclub in the area…and they were often out that late.  They lived across the street.  My parents never said anything about it.  I would regularly walk home in the middle of the night or early morning.



By today's standards, it sounds crazy….back then, not so much.  (Early 80s).

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I agree with you, and I don't think it's necessarily an over-protective, worry-too-much issue at all. That is just too much to put onto any 14 year old. The woman needs to find another arrangement, and it's not your responsibility to find the solution for her. I think that her child needs to be in her own home and not in someone else's, especially if this a regular occurrence.

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No, but I'd consider offering to have the child stay at your house.

This is what I would do too. She can babysit the child at your home, with your help.


During the summers, I did a lot of fulltime babysitting, including late nights and some overnights from the time I was 12. I don't think it was a good idea. It was too much responsibility.

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