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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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pool - swim team practice
home for lunch   stayed at the pool longer and ate there
RA   skipped this today, will catch up at bedtime
kids watch a movie while I work -not sure on what yet  Raiders of the Lost Ark. Kids' first time to see it!  
dinner - soup
AHG leaders meeting
stop at the grocery on the way home
prep some snacks for Tuesday- swim meet
read and go to bed

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Good morning everyone

Thank God for coffee


morning chores are mostly done, still need to make dh lunch pretty soon before he has to go

7am and 8am meds done, even remembered to take my own next up bring them food so they can take 9am meds



late breakfast with Mom

go get cash for cello lesson



fold towels I laundered yesterday



At breakfast with Mom when youngest called to tell me she threw up medication round 2.  She just couldn't eat so early today so she took it without food.  Finished up with Mom quickly, went and bought her gingerale, ice and a frozen pizza because she has to eat something fatty with her new meds.  So far, so good on taking them again.....


Ran out to get groceries, bought stuff to make her milkshake/protein shake to take with her pills is she doesn't feel like eating.  She has lost 4 lbs this week too, I think it is also the meds she is on.


Ran out to pick up a friend for a sleepover


Got home to my bil's live in girlfriend messaging me on FB, she was just (at my suggestion) diagnosed with Lyme they think she's had since she was a kid.  She had been diagnosed with ADD and MS prior til now.  So got her all calmed down.


I am so done for the day right now.  Thawed hamburger to make a meatloaf for supper.






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I'm back :D


China was fascinating, challenging, exhausting, overwhelming, and engaging. I am so grateful we had the opportunity to visit and to take dd with us :) I'll be posting impressions on a separate thread later today.


We arrived home at 3pm yesterday (had a 3 hour drive home from JFK). I immediately did the laundry (I swear, I almost kissed my washing machine after two weeks of washing clothes in sinks!) and helped dh unpack everything. Dd unpacked her suitcase and backpack. Dh and I managed to stay awake until 8:30 and woke up at 5:30----I don't think we'll have bad jet lag problems (we didn't going the other direction). I told dd to be in bed by 10pm...


So today:

--grocery list

--grocery shopping w dh later (reg store and Costco)

--weeding?? (we have rain in the forecast for this whole week)

--some AP Human Geography planning

--check to see if dd did all of the reading for her discussion group tomorrow

--would love to walk 4-5 miles to return to a regular exercise routine

--plan meals for week

--catch up on book blog reading :D


I don't want to schedule too much today :)

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Good morning!

We have am practice, then home to:


pick up downstairs


get ds1 to show me everything that need to be done before August

school/sports administration

get dd2 on schedule ("encourage")

wipe down bathrooms

bills and banking

pm practice, track for ds3

costco and errands later


Have a great day!






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Argh Monday---blaaahhhh...


OK. Kitchen is mostly clean but should wipe counters down.DONE

Pick up bits on kitchen floor (really should vacuum but

maybe I'll do that later).DONE

4 loads of laundry 1 DOWN, 3 TO GO

bring folded laundry upstairs ALL BUT ONE LOAD

declutter upstairs closets BROUGHT TWO LOADS DOWN, 7 TO GO

declutter shelves in bedroom

vacuum whole house eventually before picking up ds

go to the library and pay fines!!!! :( :(

pay for summer camp

shower DONE

clean entrance

dust schoolroom shelves

declutter ds' bookshelf (may pay for this later!!!) ;)

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Good Morning!


Welcome back, Lucky! Looking forward to that thread about your trip:)



Make blueberry muffins to use up blueberries in fridge

Clean 2 more downstairs windows, start upstairs tomorrow

Clean boys bathroom

Mop kitchen floor

work on school stuff (i feel stalled here, need some divine inspiration)


Start filling out calendar for July ( tomorrow is July 1st, can you believe it!?!)


We have an annual 4th of July party that 30-40 people attend so I'll be doing stuff everyday this week to get ready for that. 


Dinner: Baked Sweet and Sour Chicken (new recipe) rice, limas

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Morning all and welcome back luckymama. My youngest woke us up at 3am with what sounds like croup. I almost rushed him to the er because of his terrible labored breathing but screwed my head on enough to calm him down first which made breathing much easier for him. Now he's just cuddling me with a sad little whimper and high fever. Aside from sleeping in bed with him I have a few things to do.


- make grocery list so dh can go shopping after work

- make laundry detergent

- do 2 loads of laundry, fold and put away

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Back to the tackle thread in hopes it'll help me get moving.  I am not looking forward to facing Dd and her ADD sidetracking today.


Kelly, I have blueberry muffins on the list too!


Things I absolutely need to do:


  • make sure Dc put together items for the 4H trophy case
  • make a cake to bring to Ds's class tonight
  • scan and email paperwork
  • dog grooming w/ Dd
  • various academic planning 
  • laundry - started, will be working on today and tomorrow, several loads done, putting another in
  • forgot to list exercise!

Already done, but not on the list:


Dog walking/training

house straightening

phone calls/emails


called 4H office

went to the store to get a couple of cake ingredients


I am moving really slowly today....

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Grr dd1 is bawling because she couldn't get McDonalds because she didn't clean her room

I'm assuming this is not the type of storm you posted about earlier?


Dd is currently cleaning one small square of her room and I have a 10 minute timer running.  She's not the bawling type, though, more the angry, you-are-evil-for-telling-me-I-am-not-perfect type.  Too many people have given her the idea she's a special snowflake.  

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I'm assuming this is not the type of storm you posted about earlier?


Dd is currently cleaning one small square of her room and I have a 10 minute timer running. She's not the bawling type, though, more the angry, you-are-evil-for-telling-me-I-am-not-perfect type. Too many people have given her the idea she's a special snowflake.

No, not the storm I was expecting anyway. Dd1 has the same special snowflake issue, everyone else tends to spoil her rotten so she thinks I'm mean. Oh well. Though since she whined so much about it she does have to take a nap then clean afterwards.
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I'm back :D


China was fascinating, challenging, exhausting, overwhelming, and engaging. I am so grateful we had the opportunity to visit and to take dd with us :) I'll be posting impressions on a separate thread later today.


We arrived home at 3pm yesterday (had a 3 hour drive home from JFK). I immediately did the laundry (I swear, I almost kissed my washing machine after two weeks of washing clothes in sinks!) and helped dh unpack everything. Dd unpacked her suitcase and backpack. Dh and I managed to stay awake until 8:30 and woke up at 5:30----I don't think we'll have bad jet lag problems (we didn't going the other direction). I told dd to be in bed by 10pm...


So today:

--grocery list

--grocery shopping w dh later (reg store and Costco)

--weeding?? (we have rain in the forecast for this whole week)

--some AP Human Geography planning

--check to see if dd did all of the reading for her discussion group tomorrow

--would love to walk 4-5 miles to return to a regular exercise routine


I don't want to schedule too much today :)


Welcome home!


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Morning all and welcome back luckymama. My youngest woke us up at 3am with what sounds like croup. I almost rushed him to the er because of his terrible labored breathing but screwed my head on enough to calm him down first which made breathing much easier for him. Now he's just cuddling me with a sad little whimper and high fever. Aside from sleeping in bed with him I have a few things to do.


- make grocery list so dh can go shopping after work

- make laundry detergent

- do 2 loads of laundry, fold and put away


Poor little one, hope he feels better soon!


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Well, today got off to a burning roar!


Picked up some coffee on the way home...the cup literally collapsed and the coffee pooled in my lap.  I hit the curb, jumped out of the car...came home, got in a cool shower and called the doctor.  Still waiting for his call back.  I'm pretty sure it's minor because there's no blistering, but nobody should ever get hot coffee in the places I did.  :cursing:


I have now made out my to do list:

Read, Rest, Stay Cool.

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An early evening update :)


--grocery list

--grocery shopping w dh later (reg store and Costco)

--weeding?? (we have rain in the forecast for this whole week)

--some AP Human Geography planning

--check to see if dd did all of the reading for her discussion group tomorrow

--would love to walk 4-5 miles to return to a regular exercise routine

--plan meals for week

--catch up on book blog reading :D

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Coffee burns are awful! Hope it heals quickly.


I did absolutely nothing on my list! Ds would not allow me to leave him and since crying made his breathing dangerously labored we happily stayed in bed or on th couch all day. I did research some stocks and added 2 to my portfolio so there was a little productivity.

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See if I can reschedule baby's 2m visit for earlier in the day

Take kids bowling and to lunch with friends

Pick up library books

Pick up prescription

Clean kitchen

Clean bathrooms

Make dinner

Cleaning didn't happen. I was going to do it after dinner, but DH is working late and this is baby's fussy time. I used all my "let her cry" time to make dinner. I can't do it to her anymore.

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