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Growing With Grammar question

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I've been using GWG successfully with my younger son (finishing 5th), and so I decided to try it with my older son, too. He is going into 9th grade and has had little formal grammar training, although he "gets" much of grammar instinctively. Still, if you'd ask him what exactly an adverb is, I'm not sure he could give the correct definition. So, I decided that had to end this year, and he's really got to get some of that basic terminology down. He is going into 9th grade, but I'm starting him with Book 6. My younger son did Book 3 in 4th and 5th grade, and I thought it was a good level for him. He is dyslexic, but mildly so, and I thought the methodical presentation was good for his engineering-type of brain. I didn't think it was too young or babyish for him, either. Anyhow, I don't feel badly about my 9th grader using GWG 6, either. It is just a tool, KWIM? He is also using Writing with Skill, and may use some of Sonlight's Core 100 LA as well.


I like this program because my younger son, anyhow, was largely able to do it on his own, and I expect the same from my older son, too.

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