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People you thought were dead, but who are, in fact, alive:

Angie in VA

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For years I thought Bill Nye was dead. When his PBS show went off the air here, someone somewhere said he had died of cancer. I was very surprised a few years later to see him very much alive. DS #1 got to meet him at his college.

Same here! I could have sworn I heard he died of cancer about a decade ago or so.  Nope. I was shocked to see him on CNN and other news recently.


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My French teacher from high school, in the 80's. She had white hair back then. I added her to my FB page. She works out and even had a rotator cuff injury recently. LOL...I thought she was dead and it seems she is alive and well and kicking better than me!

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This just happened to DD and I!   She had to write a report on Beverly Cleary, and she was an "old lady" when I read her books 25 years ago, so I naturally assumed she was dead.   We had a heck of time finding a year of death....because she's 98 and still going!!!!!





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I thought Bb Newhart was dead until I saw him on the BBT.  


I've been sucked in by the site!  Nooooooo!!!!


Holy cow!  Tina Louise (Ginger from Gilligan's Island) is 80?  Wow.


Leonard Nemoy and William Shatner are the same age????  They're both 83.  WS has aged far better than LN!


Christopher Plummer is still alive????


Don Rickles? I thought he died ages ago!


Shut up.  Omar Sharif is not dead?


Carole Channing?  Dorris Day?  Gina Lollobrigida? Zsa Zsa Gabor is 97?  


I must get off that site!  My mind is blown.  Also, my house is a mess, and I should probably do something about it.  Stupid dirty house.

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Yes, that's another one that I was surprised was still alive. Dd was on a kick of reading her books, and we looked up her biography. We found a fan mail address through her publisher, and Dd sent her a letter back in December, but have not heard back. That's kind of expected though, given her age. I just hope she received it and realizes that her books are very well loved even today. 






We are Beverly Cleary fans at our house, too!  Read this a couple months ago and thought it was interesting - 12 charming tidbits about Beverly Cleary


eta - I meant to quote Zebra, too!! Still trying to figure out the multi quote thingy.

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Omar Shariff, Angie Dickinson, not too young to be on that list IMHO.

Did Zsa Zsa's sister Eva die? I think so.

Raquel Welch actually still looks NICE. What do they eat? What do they not eat? How do they do it?


While this doesn't speak to health or longevity, I hear Ms. Welch has had a lot of work done. She was and is gorgeous. Most Hollywood stars who get surgery don't look very good. Jane Fonda had work, speaks openly about it, and looks good too. 

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I mean no disrespect by such a silly thread, but when I saw Erin Brockovich years ago, I was both surprised and delighted to see Albert Finney in it! I thought he was long dead! He's 78 and still alive. Not sure why I thought he was so much older?



A few years ago a friend saw Fiddler on the Roof starring, wait for it...Topol! In Texas at some on-the-road production. What? "Tevye" is still around? Wonderful! They made him look older for the movie, so I guess I thought he was older. He's 78 now.


Did you see the Russell Crowe movie "A Good Year"? It was made six years after "Erin" & has Albert Finney! Still alive and kicking. :-)


I know what you mean about Topol! I had looked him up to see where he was from & found out he was reprising his role (!).


On a related note ... what did we do before the Internet? Seriously! I guess we just wondered about these things?

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Every time I look up someone to find that they are still alive, they end up dying shortly thereafter. (I'm looking at you, Syd Caesar and Mickey Rooney.)


So, with that being said, I'm going to play this game...but it probably won't end well as I tend to make the Grim Reaper aware of people.


Beverly Cleary, of the Ramona books fame. She is 98!

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Did you see the Russell Crowe movie "A Good Year"? It was made six years after "Erin" & has Albert Finney! Still alive and kicking. :-)


I know what you mean about Topol! I had looked him up to see where he was from & found out he was reprising his role (!).


On a related note ... what did we do before the Internet? Seriously! I guess we just wondered about these things?


No, I didn't see that movie, but it wouldn't have been as shocking to me to see him since I saw him in Erin B. Love that movie! Glad he's still around and working at that. 


When Mickey Rooney died recently I was surprised that he had still been around.


I thought he was dead until we watched Night at the Museum!


Well...seems like a lot of you had the same idea as me.


Also, speaking of the dead, if you haven't checked out www.findadeath.com, you're really missing out on wasting lots and lots of time on the Internet.



Oh, great! Another way NOT to clean house! But, hey, thanks for this. Lol. Linked it above, in your quote, you know, to suck others in more easily. 

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I thought Bb Newhart was dead until I saw him on the BBT.  



Totally still alive and awesome.  I dearly want to see his stand up routine in person sometime and keep telling DH this.  I also keep telling DH that we should plan it soon ... I doubt we've got ten years to do this, right?  DH is not as big of fan of Bob Newhart as I am.  

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I remember being pleasantly surprised that Deanna Durbin was still alive a few years ago.  She saved Universal studios…had a good career… and then basically married a French man and lived her life out of the spotlight until she was 91.   She died last year.  I love her movies.





Very happy that Doris Day is still alive, but I find it so sad that her son did not outlive her and died of skin cancer.  He actually had an interesting career.



Joan Fontaine just died last December.  Sigh.  Love her from Hitchcock films.   Her sister Olivia de Havilland is still alive!


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Very happy that Doris Day is still alive, but I find it so sad that her son did not outlive her and died of skin cancer.  He actually had an interesting career.



Joan Fontaine just died last December.  Sigh.  Love her from Hitchcock films.   Her sister Olivia de Havilland is still alive!



ITA about Doris Day's son. So sad!


And shut up! Joan Fontaine and Olivia de Havilland are sisters


I kind of thought you were. :) I never watched Dallas but I enjoyed watching him in I Dream of Jeannie.


I loved that show! (But that program and Bewitched caused me to have deep-seated resentment towards blondes, that I only realized in adulthood.The brunette sister or cousin was evil. The blondes were good. Grrr.) 


Didn't Barbara Eden's son die too? So sad! I don't want to outlive my dc!!!

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  • 4 months later...

How funny that a zombie thread would have this title.


Threads you thought were dead but are, in fact, alive.   :lol:  :lol:


Okay, sorry. I need more coffee.





I guess I look at this thread like the Forum Game thread. We resurrect this when we hear about someone we thought was dead and then come add that name here. 

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I was surprised when Shirley Temple died this year. I didn't know she was still alive. 


Slightly OT


When my oldest went into labor, we turned the tv to the Turner Classic Movie channel to try and get her mind off the pain.  They were running back-to-back, obscure Shirley Temple movies.  After the third one came on I said, "Either Shirley Temple has died or it's her birthday."  Pookers said, "Isn't she already dead?  It must be some kind of birthday memorial or something."


It *was* Shirley Temple's birthday.......and she was STILL alive and kicking at that point. 


DGD was born on Shirley Temple's birthday and we suspect she is emulating her a little bit.  Chubby, cuteness, golden curls and a sassy attitude already at 18 months.  My daughter has all the early Temple movies on DVD but is now scared to show them to her daughter in case this sassy attitude gets even worse.  :lol:

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Just about a week ago, I had a heated discussion with my sister about Willie Nelson. She was convinced he died; I said he hadn't.


I should know. If he were to die, the entire state of Texas would be in official mourning. (LOL)


Oh, and by the way, GO SPURS GO!


Yeah. Willie Nelson is in the restaurant business now.

Oh and going to his summer beach house in Florida

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Mickey Rooney. I know he is officially dead now.. but I thought he died long ago. I was surprised when I saw the announcement.


Wow..seriously...Jerry Lewis is still alive? maybe it was because I watched him in black and white when I was a kid which made him seem older..I thought he was long gone.


I was surprised when my son came home and told me when Rosa Parks died (just a couple of years before he was born) that she had lived THAT LONG. I had learned about her growing up and I just figured she was dead and buried long ago! (of course, my picture of her in my head is NOT the one on the Wikipedia page. It was of an elderly lady with a cane!)


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It's because the Kennedys were a well known and powerful family before JFK became president. It was more about the fact that she was the matriarch of a famous/powerful family than that she was the mother of a president. And it was about Camelot. Even though Camelot (the American version) wasn't actually real. It's hard to explain to those who didn't live through the American Camelot years.


My stepson, who is probably the same as as many of you, and maybe older than some of you, didn't understand why it was a big deal when JFK, Jr. (known to people of my generation always as John-John) died. Not that he didn't think it was sad, but he didn't get why it warranted the coverage it received.


Sorry for the derailment. I'll go back now to wearing frumpy clothes and yelling at kids to get off my lawn. ;)




Old thread, but Rose Kennedy is a special case. Powerful family, but she also lost four children in service to country. Her oldest, Joseph Jr was a pilot who was killed in WWII, daughter Kathleen worked for the Red Cross and was also killed during the war. --*This is wrong-,  JFK, assassinated, RFK, former Attorney General, also assassinated. There was a great deal of interest in her life, and that extends to her death.


*ETA: I remembered that wrong. Kathleen died in plane crash in France in 1948. She angered her mother by marrying a Protestant. She died Lady Hartington (widow, British airman killed during the war), and is buried in England - in a Protestant cemetery. That must have bugged Rose.

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Funny this thread should come back up. Just recently saw the trailer for that movie with Robert Downey Jr and Robert Duvall. I thought Duvall was . . . y'know. Guess not. :D

This thread is not supposed to die!!!


Cinder, Mr. Duvall is alive and well and living in Virginia! :) I hear he will talk to anyone about anything as long as it's not Hollywood.

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Not a famous person..but..I found my old French teacher on FB. She had white hair when she was my older sister's teacher.  She was my teacher 30 yrs ago. I figured she must be 90 now, if still alive. Nope. Turns out, she is in her 70's, travels extensively, works out at a gym, has a rotator cup injury. Made me feel like I better get to exercising! She looks the same today as I remember her 30 yrs ago!

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Funny this thread should come back up. Just recently saw the trailer for that movie with Robert Downey Jr and Robert Duvall. I thought Duvall was . . . y'know. Guess not. :D

Dennis Hopper died a few years ago. I always have to stop and think for a second if it was Dennis Hopper or Robert Duval.
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My husband is constantly (for years now) convinced Lou Holtz is dead. I've taken to making fun of him by yelling, "I thought he was DEAD!" every time he comes on the TV. DH swears one of these days he'll be right.

Yeah, unfortunately he's on ESPN every Saturday ruining my day of college football. Ugh.
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