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Our cat just died....


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DH was out in the living room with him while he went through his final convulsions for over two hours. I was in the bedroom trying to sleep but I never did get to sleep, and now I can't either.


The cat was 15 years old and had a good, happy life. I actually never even liked him that much in practice. He was DH's cat before we got married, and he had the loyalty of a dog. He would meow for attention when DH was at work and completely ignore me when I tried to pet him. Even tonight, when he was obviously in pain every time he moved, he met DH at the door when he got home.


We're now down to one cat, from four two years ago. The two cats that came into the marriage with me died two months apart just under two years ago. Now the sister of the cat who just died is still with us and seems healthy for a 15 year old cat. I hope she hangs around for awhile.


I hope the kids aren't too upset tomorrow morning. I didn't think I'd be upset when this cat died, but it turns out I am.

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If he was going through convulsions and suffering for hours, wasn't there any way to get him to an emergency clinic so he could be euthanized?


I'm so sorry about your cat, and I have to say that I also feel terrible for your dh, having to stay alone with his cat while it suffered and died. :(

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I'm sorry.  I can feel the sadness in your words and know you did what you felt was best for your feline.  Our cat is nine and the time has flown.  It will be a sad day here, too, when she passes.  Hopefully we have a few more years, but she's indoor/outdoor, too, so it could be sooner rather than later. 

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My cat is 15, too. I know it's hard.

I have become more aware of my words around her, and she has taught me to be sweeter--because I don't want to constantly be annoyed at her for being a 15yo cat (accidents, hairballs, etc...) and then have her die and leave me feeling guilty.


My status on FB the other day was:


Why do I get up at 5am with my cat?

Because I, too, am small and in need of Mercy.


I'm sorry for the loss and hope your kids get through it without too much pain.

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Thanks, everyone. As for euthanizing him, we talked about that weeks ago after DH took him to the vet and learned that his death would come sooner rather than later, but DH just couldn't bring himself to end an animal's life before it ended naturally. Perhaps convulsions was too strong a word to use. He never moved from the cushion he lay down on around dinnertime.


Kittygirl's first question when I told her this morning was, "But, our other cat didn't die?" I assured her that the other cat is alive and well and took her in to pet said cat. She'll probably talk about the dead cat for a few weeks but she's only three and I don't think she'll be greatly affected. Squirrelboy cried for a few minutes and I'm sure he'll be sad on and off for weeks or months as he was when the other cats died. He got his very own pet, a hamster, for Christmas, so that will help.

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If he was going through convulsions and suffering for hours, wasn't there any way to get him to an emergency clinic so he could be euthanized?


I'm so sorry about your cat, and I have to say that I also feel terrible for your dh, having to stay alone with his cat while it suffered and died. :(


I thought maybe after I slept on it, this post wouldn't seem so unnecessary.  Nope, still does even after a night's sleep. Two digs when it's too late to change either situation and after someone has expressed sorrow.  I don't get it. 

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Why did DH stay alone with the cat? He wanted to. The cat was his special pet and he wanted to say goodbye alone, so please don't pity him sharing his cat's last moments by himself. I did the same when one of my cats died two years ago.  I've been married to the man for 11 years now and known him for 16, it's not like I abandoned him when he told me to go to bed. I didn't even manage to fall asleep.


Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts and words. I'm sure we'll be looking for Razook in his favorite places for quite awhile yet. Tonight or tomorrow we'll plant a tree in his honor and bury him under it. There's already a pear tree in our yard that memorializes two other cats.

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I thought maybe after I slept on it, this post wouldn't seem so unnecessary.  Nope, still does even after a night's sleep. Two digs when it's too late to change either situation and after someone has expressed sorrow.  I don't get it. 




I don't get it either.  It's unkind and judgmental.  Sometimes it's best to follow the wisdom Thumper's Dad taught him:  "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all", no matter how right you might think you are.


OP, I'm very sorry about your cat.

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There's a children's book by Cynthia Rylant called "Cat Heaven" which my friend who worked in a vet office for years used to recommend for adults and kids.  


I'm sorry for your family's loss.   It was a wonderful thing for your DH to stay with your kitty during his last moments.  I'm sure that the cat knew how much he was loved.





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Trulycrabby: I'm sorry for the loss of your cat. 


Thanks again to those who have offered hugs and condolences. The silver lining is that today I've really been appreciating our remaining cat. She can get on my nerves because of some bad habits she has, but I'm remembering that she's really a sweet cat overall.

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Why did DH stay alone with the cat? He wanted to. The cat was his special pet and he wanted to say goodbye alone, so please don't pity him sharing his cat's last moments by himself. I did the same when one of my cats died two years ago.  I've been married to the man for 11 years now and known him for 16, it's not like I abandoned him when he told me to go to bed. I didn't even manage to fall asleep.



Wise of you and kind to understand the needs of those around you. If it were my cat, this is how I hope it would be. At home and not stressed out at the vets, and with me alone, who loves him best.

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