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Star Wars Clone Wars movie...who's seen it?

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My boys are die-hard Star Wars fans....of the "regular movies", if that makes sense.


They're very unsure about seeing the new movie, because it's animated.


What's your opinion about the new animated movie? Did your kids like it, especially if they adore the 'usual ones'?


Thanks in advance!!

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. . . we opted not to bother seeing this one, because the reviews were so awful: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1809991325/critic


Also, a friend of my husband's saw it and told my son not to waste the time or money on it, that it was basically a commercial for the new TV series, and not that well done.


We'll probably Netflix it when it's available, just so my son can say he's seen it.

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The reviews we read for it were awful, but I ended up taking my ds4 to see it anyway because we were scheduled for a date day and Space Chimps wasn't showing at our theater anymore so Clone Wars was our only rated G option. I was pleasantly surprised.


My son thought it was great (he's seen and enjoyed the others). I thought that it was geared toward it's target audience (the Saturday morning cartoon crowd) very well with only a few exceptions. My exceptions:


1. The first 30 minutes could have been condensed and the info peppered throughout the rest of the movie. There was a lot of exposition and a lot of "look at the cool effects" action that didn't seem to have much of a point after about 5 minutes.


2. The female characters are rather unnecessarily scantily clad. My ds's comment when the padme first appeared on the screen (and every female character after her) was, "Eww. She's dressed yucky. She forgot the bottom of her shirt." LOL


3. The animation was great on 95% of the movie. The backgrounds, droids, robots, soldiers, and non-human characters were great. However, I felt that the animation of the humans was inconsistent with the animation of the other characters. It needed to be a little more fluid, I think.


Otherwise, the movie was very good. It actually filled in some gaps for me in the stories of the three more recent Star Wars movies (Episodes 1-3). The plot was easy for my 4yo to follow without boring me. I'd recommend it.


On a side note, we went on the Saturday it opened, and the crowd there to see it was fascinating to see. We got to the theater 20 minutes early, and the only people there were single men in their 30s and 40s, no snacks, lined up the center of the theater seats. Then two birthday parties came in... one for a 6yo and one for a 14yo. Then all the teenage matinee dates came in with their parents sitting in another part of the theater. Then the theater finally filled out with lots of dads and their kids of all ages. I was one of only a handful of moms in the theater, and two of them were running birthday parties. LOL I just found the crows interesting.

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