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Gifted? - Can I vent


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I am so glad to have found this forum. A forum where I have people to understand what I am talking about.


I recently started reading about "giftedness".  I think I might be because all the checklists and characteristics seem to fit me.  I never knew/thought about it and my ignorance about it made me take a few decisions that I shouldnt have.


I enjoy challenges but my brain CANNOT handle "nothing".  Nothing to think, plan, analyze, challenge - my brain goes crazy.  I am way too empathetic and made a decision to remain a housewife (so DH doesn't have to relocate) without realizing how this "Nothing" is gonna push me into depression.  Its been five years now and am slowing regaining my balance.  I am preparing myself for a job too. 


My biggest problem now is I hate driving. I find it too boring.  I could try driving for a few miles but my brain is frustrated with doing nothing (I know I need to concentrate while driving, but thats too simplistic - so to speak).  If I have enough to challenge my brain during rest of the day, I would consider driving as a break and would  enjoy it.  Because I dont have enough, it likes to start day dreaming (as usual) and that doesn't work while I drive (Less mental work and more physical drives me nuts).


If I had someone around me to understand what I am talking, I would feel better.  I hardly have any friends because I don't find a common ground. I seem too abstract to them or I couldn't wrap my head around their approach (Friends I choose are at-least 10years elder to me). Or, I feel guilty of making them feel insecure and I don't want to come across as boasting myself.  I struggle when we have to "just talk".


I tried to keep myself busy with reading/learning new things over these years (designing floor plans, sewing, crafts, astrology and spirituality,  make-at-home products), but that wasn't enough or never got to next level for lack of motivation/vision.


I need motivation.  I need to vent and let go of my depression, fear of nothing and fear of failure.  I need meditation. 


Thanks for letting me vent and sorry for my ramblings.

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Guest submarines

Foreign languages on tape make our numerous drives challenging, productive, and fun. Look into Michel Thomas method to avoid mindless repetition and "busy work."

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Podcasts, audiobooks, and iTunes University on my iphone, broadcast through my car speakers are my friend.  I can't stand silence either.


While you're looking into giftedness you might also want to look into ADHD, and how it presents in girls.  You might resonate with that too.

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Focus your attention on a specific goal that will require regular, sustained effort over time. Something like taking classes in a foreign language, work through a body of classic literature, work towards a college degree, take lessons in a musical instrument.


When I was reading the book "Outliers," I was struck by the story of the profoundly gifted guy who dropped out of college. I don't remember his name...Chris? Somebody? Anyway, he quit college because a couple of minor obstacles happened. His car broke down right before exams, his mother forgot to send in such-and-such paperwork for his scholarship renewal. So he just quit. He has an IQ of 182 or something like. Now...I don't have an IQ of 182, ;), but it did make me think about what we are given vs. what we do with it. I will not be like that guy, wasting the talents I was given. If driving bores you, learn Mandarin in traffic. Set some specific goals you can chip away at, so that you learn, think and challenge yourself. One thing that is so great about the web is you cannot possibly run out of things to learn. Best of luck!

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When I was reading the book "Outliers," I was struck by the story of the profoundly gifted guy who dropped out of college. I don't remember his name...Chris? Somebody? Anyway, he quit college because a couple of minor obstacles happened. His car broke down right before exams, his mother forgot to send in such-and-such paperwork for his scholarship renewal. So he just quit. He has an IQ of 182 or something like. Now...I don't have an IQ of 182, ;), but it did make me think about what we are given vs. what we do with it. I will not be like that guy, wasting the talents I was given. If driving bores you, learn Mandarin in traffic. Set some specific goals you can chip away at, so that you learn, think and challenge yourself. One thing that is so great about the web is you cannot possibly run out of things to learn. Best of luck!


Not to take away from your overall great advice, but just wanted to comment on the quote.


Malcom Gladwell meant that no one who is a great success, makes it alone i.e. either he/she has the support of at least one caring person, cultural inheritance of values & ethics and most importantly  'Luck '. The example of Chris Langan was to illustrate these points.

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Not to take away from your overall great advice, but just wanted to comment on the quote.


Malcom Gladwell meant that no one who is a great success, makes it alone i.e. either he/she has the support of at least one caring person, cultural inheritance of values & ethics and most importantly 'Luck '. The example of Chris Langan was to illustrate these points.

I felt that he was illustrating how Chris did not optimize his resources and so, has not realized his potential. For example, Bill Gates used resources, even in the face of obstacles. In order to use the university computers, he had to come at strange night hours to circumvent the one-hour-use limits. If he had said, "oh, we only get one hour per day, so...oh well," he would not have gotten the hours of practice he got.

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Thanks all.  Its feels good to share and listen :)

ADHD - no, I can effortlessly do any task that require extreme precision and patience.  As an hobby, I have been into jewellery making too.

Its the years of pain and stress that led me here.  Its been hard for me to accept that I could be gifted but that seems to answer to all my questions.  Why couldn't I easily fit in social circles and why I have been so self-critical about it. I am not self-motivated but very emotionally intense with abundant energy - root cause of my problems.  If I had realized this before, I would have made decisions accordingly based what I could handle and regulate my energy/emotions.  I am a very quick learner willing to learn any subject, but a natural in psychology, spirituality and philosophy.  No wonder all my friends were 40+.  I can read minds and I have a very good intuition.  I could be a good counselor, but I need to accept that I can never be someone who is all fun and simple in thoughts - at-least not immediately.

Last few years have been a roller-coaster ride with MIL loss and having to help my FIL with his insecurities, multiple relocations, pre-term delivery (high BP), C-section and post pregnancy issues that left me in constant pain for years. I moved away from my family and my husband was traveling/working crazy hours that left me lonely. I am not good at making friends too (I shouldn't expect all relationships to be meaningful).  With the constant pain and loneliness for years, my self-confidence got shattered.  From being someone good at public speaking and tutoring, I have gone to be someone who couldn't be heard by restaurant waiters when I place my order.  I haven't driven in years because of my pain (in knees).  I tried driving for a few miles but it was too overwhelming. I don't have a valid license right now and no motivation/confidence to appear for a test.

Uhh, I should stop identifying myself with what I could/cant do.  I cannot be good at partying or socializing, but I am good at other things that I could use to help others.  Being good at math/science or language  seems easy than having an interest in psychology, spirituality or intuition.  Its easy to help but hard to be understood.  This awareness makes me feel better and I could remind me to use some self-motivation and not be emotionally dependent needing assurances.


Thanks all for listening to me.

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Thanks all. Its feels good to share and listen :)


ADHD - no, I can effortlessly do any task that require extreme precision and patience. As an hobby, I have been into jewellery making too.


Its the years of pain and stress that led me here. Its been hard for me to accept that I could be gifted but that seems to answer to all my questions. Why couldn't I easily fit in social circles and why I have been so self-critical about it. I am not self-motivated but very emotionally intense with abundant energy - root cause of my problems. If I had realized this before, I would have made decisions accordingly based what I could handle and regulate my energy/emotions. I am a very quick learner willing to learn any subject, but a natural in psychology, spirituality and philosophy. No wonder all my friends were 40+. I can read minds and I have a very good intuition. I could be a good counselor, but I need to accept that I can never be someone who is all fun and simple in thoughts - at-least not immediately.


Last few years have been a roller-coaster ride with MIL loss and having to help my FIL with his insecurities, multiple relocations, pre-term delivery (high BP), C-section and post pregnancy issues that left me in constant pain for years. I moved away from my family and my husband was traveling/working crazy hours that left me lonely. I am not good at making friends too (I shouldn't expect all relationships to be meaningful). With the constant pain and loneliness for years, my self-confidence got shattered. From being someone good at public speaking and tutoring, I have gone to be someone who couldn't be heard by restaurant waiters when I place my order. I haven't driven in years because of my pain (in knees). I tried driving for a few miles but it was too overwhelming. I don't have a valid license right now and no motivation/confidence to appear for a test.


Uhh, I should stop identifying myself with what I could/cant do. I cannot be good at partying or socializing, but I am good at other things that I could use to help others. Being good at math/science or language seems easy than having an interest in psychology, spirituality or intuition. Its easy to help but hard to be understood. This awareness makes me feel better and I could remind me to use some self-motivation and not be emotionally dependent needing assurances.


Thanks all for listening to me.

You can read minds? :confused:


I'm not sure what you mean by that.

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Welcome to the forum! WTM is primarily a homeschooling forum, but by no means do we care if someone homeschools or not; we even have members who don't have kids. :)


I don't currently make jewelry, but have studied gemology, metalsmithing, and designed my own engagement ring and several other pieces. What type of jewelry do you make?

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My biggest problem now is I hate driving. I find it too boring.  I could try driving for a few miles but my brain is frustrated with doing nothing (I know I need to concentrate while driving, but thats too simplistic - so to speak).  If I have enough to challenge my brain during rest of the day, I would consider driving as a break and would  enjoy it.  Because I dont have enough, it likes to start day dreaming (as usual) and that doesn't work while I drive (Less mental work and more physical drives me nuts.).



I haven't driven in years because of my pain (in knees).  I tried driving for a few miles but it was too overwhelming. I don't have a valid license right now and no motivation/confidence to appear for a test.

And again I am confused.


You seemed to be looking for ways to occupy your mind while you're driving, yet now you say you haven't driven in years and don't even have a license.


Sorry to keep asking for clarification.

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I assume she means she is highly sensitive to other people's body language, emotions, words?




I don't possess this gift. I never know what the hell anyone means with anything.

I was thinking that might be it, too, but "I can read minds" sounds more specific than that.


I'm hoping she will clarify. I'm also confused about the driving thing. I don't mean to put her on the spot because she seems nice, but it's hard to respond to someone whose posts seem to conflict with each other.

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Guest submarines




And again I am confused.


You seemed to be looking for ways to occupy your mind while you're driving, yet now you say you haven't driven in years and don't even have a license.


Sorry to keep asking for clarification.


I think the OP mentioned driving as one example of why she thinks she's gifted, not because she wanted ideas on how to make driving easier.

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I think the OP mentioned driving as one example of why she thinks she's gifted, not because she wanted ideas on how to make driving easier.

Yeah, but she said that her biggest problem is that she hates driving, so people started giving her ideas on how to keep her mind busy while she was driving... and now she's saying that not only does she not drive, it's too painful for her, and she doesn't even have a license.


That's why I'm confused.

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:) The state I lived in before my relocation (a couple of months back) doesn't require a license if you are 18 or older. You need a adult sitting beside you to guide/help.

What state doesn't require that adult drivers have a license or permit?


I have never heard of that.

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Speak for yourself.  I CARE!




Whoa..you designed your own ring?  That's cool.

Here's a pic. I drew the design, and a brilliant but unknown metalsmith made the ring. It's not particularly valuable, less than $500, so I don't mind people knowing what it is. Most people will probably go :ack2: but I like it.




Sorry to hijack the thread. Back to mind reading. :)

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Here's a pic. I drew the design, and a brilliant but unknown metalsmith made the ring. It's not prticularly valuable, less than $500, so I don't mind people knowing what it is. Most people will probably go :ack2: but I like it.




Sorry to hijack the thread. Back to mind reading. :)

I think it's BEAUTIFUL!!! :hurray:

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I assume she means she is highly sensitive to other people's body language, emotions, words?




I don't possess this gift.  I never know what the hell anyone means with anything.


Yep.  My natural instinct is to read what is said beyond words and understand them.  It makes it difficult to write and I think I am making it more complex.   Why in the world I couldn't write or say something that is easy to understand? and that seems normal.   Simply put, I could have been a good counselor whose job is to understand look into their minds, take clues from body language and understand beyond what is said. 

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I'm totally not familiar with those things here because I haven't lived here long. And I've been away from CT for awhile so I don't know what/if anything has changed. But anyhow, when I was learning to drive I didn't even have a permit (I was over 18). So long as I was in a car with a licensed driver that was apparently enough. I say apparently because I never did have a permit and wasn't told I needed one (speaking about taking lessons at driving schools).

CT requires a permit now, both for teens and adults.

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Here's a pic. I drew the design, and a brilliant but unknown metalsmith made the ring. It's not particularly valuable, less than $500, so I don't mind people knowing what it is. Most people will probably go :ack2: but I like it.




Sorry to hijack the thread. Back to mind reading. :)

i like that very much. i met a lady before who did metalsmithing and had designed her own wedding ring. i think that is out-the-door awesome. i love it when people make things meaningful through their own craftsmanship.

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Yep. My natural instinct is to read what is said beyond words and understand them. It makes it difficult to write and I think I am making it more complex. Why in the world I couldn't write or say something that is easy to understand? and that seems normal. Simply put, I could have been a good counselor whose job is to understand look into their minds, take clues from body language and understand beyond what is said.

So are you saying you're kind of psychic or something?


You seem like an incredibly confident person who is more than able to recognize and acknowledge your own gifts, talents, and abilities, so I find it hard to believe that you are just now starting to "think" that you may be gifted. If you have always been such a deep thinker, I'm sure people have been telling you all your life that you're gifted.


You seem to be struggling with something here, but I can't figure out what it is. It's certainly not a lack of self-awareness or an inability to give yourself credit for your abilities.

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Yep.  My natural instinct is to read what is said beyond words and understand them.  It makes it difficult to write and I think I am making it more complex.   Why in the world I couldn't write or say something that is easy to understand? and that seems normal.   Simply put, I could have been a good counselor whose job is to understand look into their minds, take clues from body language and understand beyond what is said. 


If you want to study counseling, go for it. A long time poster here went back to school, got her masters and her license and is now working as a counselor. It was a long, hard road for her but she did it. If you want tips on going back to school as a parent with young kids, start a new thread and I'm sure you'll get some useful tips. If you keep you posts short and to the point, you'll get more focused responses.


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I assume she means she is highly sensitive to other people's body language, emotions, words?




I don't possess this gift.  I never know what the hell anyone means with anything.


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Oh, yes...I have so many days like this!!!!


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Here's a pic. I drew the design, and a brilliant but unknown metalsmith made the ring. It's not particularly valuable, less than $500, so I don't mind people knowing what it is. Most people will probably go :ack2: but I like it.https://m.flickr.com/#/photos/pmgart/4620717522/Sorry to hijack the thread. Back to mind reading. :)

My wedding bands have corners too! I got to choose the general style/concept and my husband's aunt worked magic creating them.


Love the design!

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So are you saying you're kind of psychic or something?


You seem like an incredibly confident person who is more than able to recognize and acknowledge your own gifts, talents, and abilities, so I find it hard to believe that you are just now starting to "think" that you may be gifted. If you have always been such a deep thinker, I'm sure people have been telling you all your life that you're gifted.


You seem to be struggling with something here, but I can't figure out what it is. It's certainly not a lack of self-awareness or an inability to give yourself credit for your abilities.


Thank you everyone.  Yep, I did know I had talents to perform well.  But my self-analysis coupled with perfectionism was all about "okay, I am good at this, keep it aside and let me look at what do I need to improve".  I missed the line between acknowledging my abilities and being humble.  If I had paid enough attention to my abilities and not feel the pressure to constantly work on improving myself, I wouldn't have been in this low-confidence trap. 


Even as a teen/young adult when I interacted with people, I was looking at how good they are and how much I could learn.   And, all of these self-analysis was internalized that I never spoke about it. Since people saw me as a quiet person and that coupled with good grades and behavior, no one ever noticed I guess.


For the first time, I am getting used to and giving importance to what I am good at instead of how could I be better?


Thanks everyone for all your replies.

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My wedding bands have corners too! I got to choose the general style/concept and my husband's aunt worked magic creating them.


Love the design!

It's called a "euro shank" and keeps the ring from turning on the finger.


Your husband's aunt is a metalsmith? Wow, that's really neat! :)

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I know it does seem like a pointless thread to many but I was just trying to vent.


I wouldn't have even thought about "being gifted" if I hadn't noticed similar pattern/skills in my DD and I do want to encourage and support her. That made me realize the transformation I need to present myself as a confident person and help her find a balance between perfectionism and acknowledging abilities.


Sorry for another post, but this thread tremendously helped me in understanding different perspectives and my own difficulties in getting my message across.


I appreciate everyones time and thank you for your replies.


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I'm sensing you are confused and skeptical Catwoman.


See...it's easy to read minds!



Wow, I've been watching WAY TOO MUCH Psych, because you sounded like Sean Spencer there...   :lol: 



ADHD - no, I can effortlessly do any task that require extreme precision and patience.  As an hobby, I have been into jewellery making too.


A person with adhd can focus (and hyper focus) JUST FINE, they just can't do it on what they're supposed to when they're supposed to.   ;)  Read about adhd and stop assuming you know what it is.


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I know it does seem like a pointless thread to many but I was just trying to vent.


I wouldn't have even thought about "being gifted" if I hadn't noticed similar pattern/skills in my DD and I do want to encourage and support her. That made me realize the transformation I need to present myself as a confident person and help her find a balance between perfectionism and acknowledging abilities.


Sorry for another post, but this thread tremendously helped me in understanding different perspectives and my own difficulties in getting my message across.


I appreciate everyones time and thank you for your replies.

If you have noticed similar patterns with your dd, may I suggest going to get a neuro-psych evaluation for both of you?  I think you would benefit from getting some real data to support your feelings.  

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My mind doesn't turn off either (does anyone's?  I dunno); when driving, I listen to baseball on the radio.  It's not exactly self-improving but it does occupy the brain.


Re: giftedness and feeling depressed because you are only a housewife;


I think you may have more of an extroversion thing than a gifted thing (although I'm sure you're very smart too, etc.)  But the brain isn't (imho) what is keeping you from being satisfied with the life of a homemaker; I have a fair amount of brain and pure homemaking/childcare/wifery is more than enough to occupy it.  (Is wifery even a word?)  


I am, however, quite introverted.  If I were extroverted, as you seem to be, I might be unsatisfied with a life just at home, I dunno. 



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If you have noticed similar patterns with your dd, may I suggest going to get a neuro-psych evaluation for both of you? I think you would benefit from getting some real data to support your feelings.



It might also make you more confident that your self-diagnosis is correct.


It's so difficult to view ourselves objectively, so it can be very helpful to get some validation from a qualified outside source.


If you weren't thinking of this in terms of better understanding how to work with your dd, I would probably tell you to just go with your gut feelings about being gifted (etc,) but because your dd is your main focus, I agree with Jean's suggestion.

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Wow, I've been watching WAY TOO MUCH Psych, because you sounded like Sean Spencer there...   :lol: 




A person with adhd can focus (and hyper focus) JUST FINE, they just can't do it on what they're supposed to when they're supposed to.   ;)  Read about adhd and stop assuming you know what it is.

I had the same thoughts!  Both of them (psych & ADD)!  Just reading about hyper focusing this morning as I am suspecting Dd and Dh have some issues in common.  It's a new thought for me.  

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I'd agree with people saying you should read up on ADHD. A person can focus when they have ADHD. I think you are assuming way too much about it without actually knowing about it. Anyway, I guess I classify as gifted. Although I have rarely felt that way. In fact I thought I was mentally handicapped my entire growing up life and that everyone was just being nice and not saying anything. My psychologist has informed me that my assumption on that is exceptionally off base though.


I listen to a lot of podcasts and talks when I drive. I have sorted all my music out by mood so that if I already have things I'm thinking through I have music that matches my mood.


My dd is mildly gifted, my oldest is 2e and my youngest ds is exceptionally gifted. I don't talk about it much as most people hear it as bragging when that's not what I am intending.


I find giftedness just makes me feel like a freak. Like there's something wrong with me that I don't fit with the majority of people around me. I have been told more times then I can count that I think too much or that I read too much into things. I pick up on things from people quickly and I find crowds tiring and overwhelming. I have lost count of how many times I have been chewed out for 'assuming' something about someone after talking to them, only to find out later that I was correct in my assumptions. I tend to read  facial expressions and body language a lot. It's made counseling interesting. I also have PTSD which probably exacerbates some of my sensitivities with being gifted (I really hate using that word on myself).


Really, I'm a wimp and a freak and those are the labels that they gave me for that.


If having that realization has been relieving for you though, I am happy for you.

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I know I figured out that I might have some of these tendencies in reading a book about giftedness with my son in mind.

It's the fact that I tend to be restless, too, if I don't have any intellectual stimulation. The worst time for me was when

my children were babies and toddlers. The only way I coped was by reading a lot. I also got into writing at the same time.

That's my main hobby creative writing, and it is my saving grace. If I can write even for an hour or so a day, I'm much happier as

a mom. I also think homeschooling, especially now that my oldest is in middle school, is also intellectually stimulating.

I don't think I'm gifted, mainly because I didn't "get in" when I was tested in school. But even just knowing you need

stimulation is a good place to start.


I like everyone's ideas about listening to audiobooks. But I also think pursuing your interests--doing research about them, reading about them,

participating in groups with others who are interested in those same topics. I know all those things drive me and "fill me up" so that

I can tackle the less interesting things in my life.



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Yep.  My natural instinct is to read what is said beyond words and understand them.  It makes it difficult to write and I think I am making it more complex.   Why in the world I couldn't write or say something that is easy to understand? and that seems normal.   Simply put, I could have been a good counselor whose job is to understand look into their minds, take clues from body language and understand beyond what is said. 

A good counselor needs to be able to communicate clearly, even if it means making things more simple than you would normally put it.  

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And again I am confused.


You seemed to be looking for ways to occupy your mind while you're driving, yet now you say you haven't driven in years and don't even have a license.


Sorry to keep asking for clarification.


Cat, I think we can read each other's mind. :lol:


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