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May we gawk at a wedding in Las Vegas?


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I'm going to Las Vegas in two weeks.  I would love to watch a wedding while I'm there.  Is that allowed?  Can tourists wander into the chapels and watch people get married?  How often are people really getting married?  Are the chapels crammed full all day?  Or are they empty much of the time?  


I guess it's silly of me, but I just love the idea of being able to see people get married, even if they're strangers.  Am I weird? Surely other people want to watch the weddings, too?  I can't be the only one...right...right?!


ETA:  I can't find anything online.  Surely someone from the hive will know.  :)

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I would think it would be ok, esp at tacky wedding chapels.


My sis & her dh love to vacation in Vegas. Every time they go, they have a 'wedding' there, usually involving an Elvis impersonator. They've done the drive-through wedding, had an Elvis pick them up in a Caddy wedding, out by the 'Welcome to Las Vegas' sign, and in a helicopter hovering over the Strip.


I know my sis & her dh wouldn't mind people watching, often that's the allure, I think. Lol. Have fun!

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I would never think to barge in on someone's wedding. I guess if a couple decides to get married in a "public" place and someone blunders into it, there's no way to stop them.  But I don't guess a wedding chapel is a public place.  I'm thinking more like a park or something.  On the rare occasions I've seen a wedding in a public place, I stay away. 


Maybe I am taking it too seriously though.  I guess I take even a wedding in a Las Vegas chapel seriously.  Is it not meant to be?  :huh:



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