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Have you started a preschool playgroup/co-op?


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Has anyone started their own preschool playgroup or co-op? My four year old very much wants friends and does need some socialization, but I work evenings and overnights and everyone we know is in preschool or day care during the day, so play dates don't work well for us. We were planning on preschool in the fall, but his occupational therapist(he has some sensory issues) has nicely told us that he will probably not be potty trained, which is required for every preschool in the area. We do not attend church, and his same age cousins are moving away.

The only thing I can think of is to advertise and start my own group. Any thoughts from anyone?

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We fell into one.


We started attending the preschool story hour at the local library and met several families there. We started going weekly to a local park for lunch and playtime. This lasted for years.


Look for activities that are meant for preschoolers and use those as an opportunity to connect with other families.

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There are several in my area that you can find on meetup.com. Maybe you could find or start one. What about summer library programs. We have a weekly story time that the same people usually go to. Then everyone heads to the park across the street. Both of the local gymnastic places have preschool days. Gymnastics class followed by a snack or lunch. Then they do a craft, read a story, and then have free play.

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Didn't start it, but I ran one for awhile.


Our group was just a playgroup, meet up group.  The key was just to stay on top of it and make people change off being the hosts.  As long as the gathering was very, very clearly on the schedule, it drew people.  So when no one filled a slot, I always had to fill it.  Which was usually fine.


I'm so, so grateful for that group.  It put us in touch with friends that we still have today.

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