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And now a shooting at my alma mater


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This isn't even a public school, it is a small private University.



College: when you think it is safe for you to let your children go to public school..........


can we homeschool college????


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Oops, we were posting at the same time.


I know, it really hits home.


(although I will admit that the science building didn't see me too often!~)


I'm watching local coverage now.  I  hadn't realized how much it would impact me seeing the buildings and knowing exactly what it looked like inside.  


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King 5.  There is a lot they don't know yet or can't release because CSI and/or detectives are still investigating.  The shooter "was not a student at this time".  I don't think they are saying that he necessarily was a student before but just that he is not enrolled.  A security guard pepper sprayed the shooter when he went to reload and I think other students then helped to bring him down (they were a bit hazy on the details).  

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Thanks.  That is most of what I had heard earlier.


Very sad for the family who lost a loved one today.


King 5.  There is a lot they don't know yet or can't release because CSI and/or detectives are still investigating.  The shooter "was not a student at this time".  I don't think they are saying that he necessarily was a student before but just that he is not enrolled.  A security guard pepper sprayed the shooter when he went to reload and I think other students then helped to bring him down (they were a bit hazy on the details).  


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He was stopped by a very brave student who took his own life in his hands to take advantage of the time when the shooter was reloading. That student saved untold numbers of lives.

The student building monitor got the shooter with pepper spray while the shooter was reloading. Other students then piled on to keep him down. Sounds like SPU also had a good and DRILLED lockdown procedure.


My sister's alma mater, and where I had hoped to attend (but my dad lost his job so the tuition was too much).


So sorry for the families of the slain and wounded students. It was the last day of school.

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Want to hear something really ironic?


My BFF got her son out of Otto Miller hall and last night he told her he just found out yesterday he got the job he had applied for for next school year.........a security guard for Otto Miller.  :crying:



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Oh, I agree......but it was very crazy timing!


Where Otto Miller Hall is located is on the main street, so definitely the easiest target.


I am watching the service at SPU online.





Dawn, the school really is safe in the sense that it was apparently a random choice of target.  The shooter wasn't even from there and didn't have a beef against anyone there.  


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