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Game of Thrones and Peter Dinklage


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Whenever Peter Dinklage is on the screen of Game of Thrones, I find myself absolutely riveted. Of course the whole show is often riveting but there is something special about him. He has the ability to portray so many emotions on his face at once that it's easy to forget that you are watching a show and not something real happening before your eyes. He might be one of the best actors I've ever seen. 

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He is outstanding, I agree.  My sister and I were just discussing it yesterday.  


It's not just that he has fantastic dialogue written for him, which he does.  It's how he delivers that dialogue that puts him over the top.  The complexities of his character are deep, and he communicates them masterfully.


I don't believe there are many actors that can as skillfully portray that character, or any character, as he does.  His performances are riveting to me.  

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He's a great actor.  I first saw him in the movie The Station Agent, he was just as amazing there too. I haven't read the Game of Thrones books, so I don't know what happens to his character, but he has a huge following, and I know I won't be the only one who will be very disappointed if he gets killed off.

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It's not just that he has fantastic dialogue written for him, which he does.  It's how he delivers that dialogue that puts him over the top.  The complexities of his character are deep, and he communicates them masterfully.




I agree. He's a fantastic actor. And it is all about delivery. He's given great dialogue but he takes it and makes it even better.


He is an amazing actor. His timing is spot on. And, well, he has the best character on the show. Besides Arya.


Yes. Tyrion and Arya are two of the best characters, both played by wonderful actors. 

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You don't?  I love this season!  Last night's episode made my jaw drop.  


Mine too.  Mainly because I was about to throw up.  I haven't read the books in a while, and I completely forgot that part was coming.


Peter Dinklage is far and away the best actor on the show, though I think the actress who plays Arya should be given some kind of award strictly on the basis of that laugh last night.  That was awesome.

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Mine too.  Mainly because I was about to throw up.  I haven't read the books in a while, and I completely forgot that part was coming.


I keep asking myself why I continue to "watch" a show the most part of which I spend under the covers waiting for DH to give me to go-ahead to emerge. Last night's episode was I think 60% blanket-watching.


The dialogue. That's it ;)

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Loved last night's episode. But now I'm kicking myself because I googled spoilers to find out what happens to Tyrion (I haven't read the books). Now I'm mad because the suspense is definitely more fun than knowing. Grrr. 


Note to self... They're called spoilers for a reason.

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 I think the actress who plays Arya should be given some kind of award strictly on the basis of that laugh last night.  That was awesome.



Loved last night's episode. But now I'm kicking myself because I googled spoilers to find out what happens to Tyrion (I haven't read the books). Now I'm mad because the suspense is definitely more fun than knowing. Grrr. 


Note to self... They're called spoilers for a reason.


We'll be watching it tonight and I haven't heard any spoilers yet. I'm trying to avoid them. 


Actually, maybe I should stay away from this thread until we've watched.  :D

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I keep asking myself why I continue to "watch" a show the most part of which I spend under the covers waiting for DH to give me to go-ahead to emerge. Last night's episode was I think 60% blanket-watching.


The dialogue. That's it ;)


I keep asking myself the same thing. It's a compelling show, but why does the violence and gore have to be so over the top? Blech.

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I keep asking myself why I continue to "watch" a show the most part of which I spend under the covers waiting for DH to give me to go-ahead to emerge. Last night's episode was I think 60% blanket-watching.


The dialogue. That's it ;)



I keep asking myself the same thing. It's a compelling show, but why does the violence and gore have to be so over the top? Blech.


I do the same thing.  I can't watch by myself, I have to watch with my spouse.  That way she can tell me when it's safe to uncover my eyes.  Left to my own devices, I'd miss the whole darn show!

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He's also playing the most popular character in arguably the most popular and well respected fantasy series of our generation.  I mean, the guys who play The Hound or Hot Pie or may be brilliant too, but who could say? Tyrion has the advantage of being the wittiest and most romantic guy in the room.


I do enjoy his performance.

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He's also playing the most popular character in arguably the most popular and well respected fantasy series of our generation.  I mean, the guys who play The Hound or Hot Pie or may be brilliant too, but who could say? Tyrion has the advantage of being the wittiest and most romantic guy in the room.


I do enjoy his performance.


I do think it's more than that though. For example the trial, where the hurt and anger were written all over his face. I wasn't sure people who hadn't read the books would understand what was completely behind his outburst but his face said it all and couldn't be missed. It was very powerful. Yes the dialogue was excellent but his performance was masterful.


As for romantic, I never thought of him that way in the books. Robb Stark and Jon Snow, yes, but not Tyrion. I love that Peter Dinklage gave Tyrion that extra facet to his personality.

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As for romantic, I never thought of him that way in the books. Robb Stark and Jon Snow, yes, but not Tyrion. I love that Peter Dinklage gave Tyrion that extra facet to his personality.


Maybe, but the bromance with Bronn was always there!

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He is flipping amazing.  Even without talking, I *know* what he's feeling, even if the other characters have no clue.  He's just so expressive, and wow.  Just wow.


We watched last night's episode today, and the last scene!  Holy crapballs!  I knew what was going to happen, but when it did I was  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:   Why don't we have a jaw dropping smiley?  I need one of those.


Arya!  Oh, how I adore Arya.  I like the dynamic between her and the Hound.  I know it's weird to say that, but they act well off each other.  Her laugh just about killed me.  It was so insane!  She's only, what, 15 or so?  She's damn good for being so young.  She's also tiny!  The look on the Hound's face was priceless too.  I wonder though why they didn't ask to see Robin, as he is her cousin.


What was with Sansa's Maleficent outfit near the end?  That was...weird.  Where did it come from?  Does Maleficent just randomly donate her clothing to the Eirie?  I didn't like her character at all in most of the first season, but I like how she's evolving (weird clothing aside).


Aww, and Ser Joran!  That guy just can't catch a break!  He's my favorite non main character.  He looked so sad and broken.  I was yelling at the screen "But Dany, he's the only one you can really trust now!!!! He's proven his loyalty over and over!  Don't be stupid!"  James Bond told me to shush BTW.


OMG, pillar and stones nearly did me in.  That may be my favorite euphemism ever.  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:


I cannot WAIT for next week.  Why does this show have to have so few eps per season????  Bah.

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Tyrion/Peter Dinklage is amazing but I found myself in awe of both (the actors who play) Sansa and Theon/Reek last night. Incredible. I'm with the PPs . . . I have to watch with my eyes shut and with my household watching with me but I just can't stop for some crazy reason.


I have some (ok, more than some) anxiety regarding how they are going to continue the show with the final two books still unwritten, but I have to say that most of the departures they've made from the books I've actually enjoyed thus far. With the HUGE exception of how they handled the Cercei/Jamie scene in the crypt this season. I have chosen to forget that scene ever existed.

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I just commented to my dh last night that this has got to be the best, absolute best, role ever written for a dwarf.  They are always portrayed as magical people (think Wizard of Oz or Harry Potter) or just jesters. It must be so frustrating for an actor of his caliber.  We were wondering if when Game of Thrones is done if someone might just write a great new show to feature *him*. He is awesome!


Ruth in NZ

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I just commented to my dh last night that this has got to be the best, absolute best, role ever written for a dwarf.  They are always portrayed as magical people (think Wizard of Oz or Harry Potter) or just jesters. It must be so frustrating for an actor of his caliber.  We were wondering if when Game of Thrones is done if someone might just write a great new show to feature *him*. He is awesome!


Ruth in NZ


Did you know the role was written for Peter Dinklage?  Which is kind of crazy since I'm absolutely certain the books were never written with a filmed adaptation in mind. I read the 1st book seven years ago and thought it was wonderful, but completely unfilmable. And I was a little horrified that HBO had bought the rights (and that was not a rare opinion among fans).   But George RR Martin was a Dinklage fan --maybe from The Station Agent-- and used him as a model for Tyrion from the start.  So it's kind of crazy that he now plays the role and has become really famous for it, too.

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