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Writing curriculum for dd, 9th and dd, 8th?

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I am looking for the best writing curriculum for next year for my dds for fall. Older dd is creative and has a good style, but the mechanics of writing are very difficult for her (she's dyslexic). She's done Wordsmith this yer, but there wasn't enough practice. Next dd has learned a lot this year with WWS1. She could do WWS2, but she would like a change. I would like a good program that they could do together. I can help them with writing, but my time is limited with five other children to teach. What do you think? Thanks!

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I'll toss out a couple of ideas ~


My daughter worked through Lucile Vaughan Payne's The Lively Art of Writing (in eighth grade).  She was well prepared for high school level writing and subsequently took an outside the home writing course and some community college composition classes. Though she tired of the drag racing examples, we'd both agree it was a valuable yet surprisingly inexpensive help.  The price of the book, $6.99, is also hard to beat!



The second suggestion is for something that I never used but which looked like a great course for more than one student.  (I do have a copy for sale for $10.00ppd; let me know if you're interested.)


Writing for 100 Days by Gabriel Arquilevich

There's a nice review at Rainbow Resource and some informative comments at Amazon.





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