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Favorite brand of coffee


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I have a friend who reacts badly to coffee unless it's organic.  Coffee is one of the crops more heavily sprayed with pesticides.  We buy our organic coffee from Costco, but it's probably too much to buy without testing it out first!  Also, if you try decaf try to get Swiss water process coffee.  Otherwise the coffee will be decaffeinated with chemicals that again some people react to.  I haven't tried this brand but Trader Joes has a Swiss water process decaf:  http://m.traderjoes.com/fearless-flyer/article.asp?article_id=1063

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One of my projects for the summer is learning to roast my own beans. Apparently, it isn't too hard in one of those stovetop popcorn whirlers. I'll be using this thread to make a list of beans I should look into.


For now, I'm partial to beans from Lighthouse Roasters.

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Do you all buy whole beans and have grinders at home? Or is the ground just as good?


Mr. Ellie buys his coffee already ground. We have bought him, over the years, fancy-schmancy whole beans and coffee grinders, and he's so thankful, but he just goes back to his Folger's, the coffee which brings gushing praises from his guests, so there you go. :-)

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Do you all buy whole beans and have grinders at home? Or is the ground just as good?


It's a matter of taste preference.  Figure out what you like best.  


Coffee snob here so my take is filtered through that lens.  We buy fresh roasted beans, it makes a big difference.  Ground coffee is often pre-staled, to make it keep better in the bag/can.  DH and I can taste a difference, so we grind.  (Our machine has a hopper/grinder attached, it's not even an extra step for us, no biggie.)  When you buy a bag, always check the roasting date printed on the bag, and get the most recent.  We have our coffee shipped the day after roasting - it's the same price as buying something like starbucks in the grocery store, and so much better.  


Also - shade grown, organic, fair trade beans.  Shade grown coffee is better for the birds, for the environment, and tastes better, too.  


ETA:  Here's the place we use: http://www.camanoislandcoffee.com/free-organic-coffee/  ...This is the link to the free pound of coffee.  You have to pay shipping ($8.95) - still a good deal.  Yum.

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We have a couple places locally who roast beans in house. I love the fresh roasted.

We have a local roastery/cafe and the coffee is amazing. I'm not sure if Kicking Horse brand is available in the US since its roasted in Ontario but that's my grocery store pick if I can't get to the local place.

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Do you all buy whole beans and have grinders at home? Or is the ground just as good?


I do both, depending on my mood.  I can't tell any difference.  But the store where I buy coffee seems to have a really fast turnover of "my" kind of coffee.  And I go through it quickly once purchased.  If you buy from a place that doesn't have a fast turnover, or if you don't fix much of it, then whole beans might be better.

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